Inventory Status Inquiry (ISIQ)

Purpose: Use Inventory Status Inquiry to view order activity for any item or SKU broken out by offer. The information includes total and net orders and sales; returns, cancellations, and exchanges; and purchase order figures. You can break out the information in three basic ways:

• summarizing all SKUs for a SKU’d item

• selecting a specific SKU for a SKU’d item

• summarizing activity for a non-SKU’d item

Other options: You can use the following additional menu options for inventory inquiry:

Using Inventory Inquiry (DINI): to review inventory information for items within warehouses and locations in warehouses

Inventory Inquiry by Item (IIQI): to review item information organized by the base item and the first SKU element

Inventory Inquiry by SKU (DSQI): to review inventory information for all SKUs of an item

In this chapter:

Inventory Status Inquiry Screen

Inventory Status - Non SKU Screen (1 of 2)

Inventory Status - Non SKU Screen (2 of 2)

Inventory Status - SKU Screen (1 of 2)

Inventory Status - SKU Screen (2 of 2)

Inventory Status - All SKUs Screen (1 of 2)

Inventory Status - All SKUs Screen (2 of 2)

Additional inventory inquiries:

Using Inventory Inquiry (DINI) for detailed information on the availability and demand for an item or SKU in a particular warehouse or locations within a warehouse.

Inventory Inquiry by Item (IIQI) for detailed information on availability, demand and life-to-date history of an item and each of its individual SKUs.

Inventory Status Inquiry Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select the item/SKU you want to view.

How to display this screen: Enter ISIQ in the Fast Path field at the top of any menu or select Inventory Status Inquiry from a menu.




The code of the item you want to review. The item code is validated against the Item table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

Clr/Size/Wdth (SKUs)

The item's unique characteristics, such as its color and size.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.

Completing this screen: Enter an item code in the Item field. If you are inquiring about a SKU’d item, enter SKU information if you want to review information about that specific SKU only; leave the SKU fields blank if you want to review combined information for all SKUs. You advance to the Inventory Status - Non SKU Screen (1 of 2), Inventory Status - SKU Screen (1 of 2), or Inventory Status - All SKUs Screen (1 of 2) depending on your entries.

Inventory Status - Non SKU Screen (1 of 2)

Purpose: Use this screen to review order, return, exchange and cancellation totals for each offer where the item is sold.

How to display this screen: Enter a non-SKU’d item at the Inventory Status Inquiry Screen.

Fields: Each field on this screen, the Inventory Status - SKU Screen (1 of 2), and the Inventory Status - All SKUs Screen (1 of 2) is described below.




A code representing a unit of inventory.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

Item description (Unlabeled field to the right of the item code)

The description associated with the item.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions.

SKU (Unlabeled field below the item description)

The SKUs you entered on the selection screen, if any.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields.


The price defined for the item in the most current offer. If this is the All SKUs screen, and you define prices at the SKU level rather than the item level, the price will display as zero.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.


The average cost of the item. The cost is defined in the SKU table. If you are using the average inventory costing method, the system calculates this field each time you receive a purchase order for the item using the following calculation:

(current on-hand x current average cost) + (quantity received x new purchase cost) / (quantity on-hand + quantity received) = new average cost

The new purchase cost represents the actual cost at which the item was purchased plus any overhead charges and additional item charges. See Purchase Order Receiving Overview.


current on-hand quantity = 185

current average cost = 25.00

quantity received = 25

new purchase cost = 28.75 (25.00 + 15% for commission)

(185 x 25.00) + (25 x 28.75) / (185 + 25) = 25.45 (new average cost)

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.

The following fields represent column headings for inventory information calculated for:

Total: This row of figures represents the total for all offers for the item or SKU you entered at the selection screen.

Ofr (offer): This row of figures represents the total for this offer only. An offer is a catalog or advertisement you use to present items to your customers. The offer code is defined in and validated against the Offer table. See Working with Offers (WOFR).

Ord (Ordered)

The total quantity ordered. If the Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) system control value is selected, the system also updates this field to reflect:

• lines added in Order Maintenance

• exchanges

• changes of item quantity made in Order Maintenance

Numeric, 7 positions.

Can (Canceled)

The total quantity canceled.

Numeric, 7 positions.

S/O (Soldout)

The total quantity sold out.

Numeric, 7 positions.


The total quantity shipped.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Rtn (Returned)

The total quantity returned.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Exch (Exchanged)

The total quantity exchanged.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Net ord (Net orders)

The net order quantity, calculated as:

Total orders - (total returned + total exchanged)

If a customer exchanges an item for the exact same item and SKU, there is no effect on net orders for that particular item/SKU.

Cancels and soldouts do not affect net orders.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Exp % (Expected return percent)

The percentage of returns you expect customers to make, as defined for the Item/Offer or SKU/Offer.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Act % (Actual return percent)

The actual return percentage for the item or SKU, calculated as:

(( units returned + units exchanged) / units shipped) x 100

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Screen Option


Advance to the second Inventory Status Inquiry screen

Select Right to advance to the Inventory Status - Non SKU Screen (2 of 2), Inventory Status - SKU Screen (2 of 2), or Inventory Status - All SKUs Screen (2 of 2).

Inventory Status - Non SKU Screen (2 of 2)

How to display this screen: Select Right at the Inventory Status - Non SKU Screen (1 of 2).



Net sales

The net amount of the item or SKU sold, calculated as

Total shipped - (Total returns + Total exchanges)

Numeric, 7 positions.

On PO (On purchase order)

The total quantity of the item or SKU on open purchase orders.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Screen Option


Return to the first Inventory Status Inquiry screen

Select Left to advance to the Inventory Status - Non SKU Screen (1 of 2).

Inventory Status - SKU Screen (1 of 2)

How to display this screen: Enter a SKU’d item at the Inventory Status Inquiry Screen.

For more information: See Inventory Status - Non SKU Screen (1 of 2) for field descriptions.

Inventory Status - SKU Screen (2 of 2)

How to display this screen: Select Right at the Inventory Status - SKU Screen (2 of 2).

For more information: See Inventory Status - Non SKU Screen (2 of 2).

Inventory Status - All SKUs Screen (1 of 2)

How to display this screen: Select OK at the Inventory Status Inquiry Screen without entering an item or SKU.

For more information: See Inventory Status - Non SKU Screen (1 of 2) for field descriptions.

Inventory Status - All SKUs Screen (2 of 2)

How to display this screen: Select Right at the Inventory Status - All SKUs Screen (1 of 2).

For more information: See Inventory Status - Non SKU Screen (2 of 2)

ISIQ OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN