Setting Up the Purchasing Tables


Working with Buyers (WBUY) explains how to create, change, delete, and display buyer information.

Working with Purchase Order Ship Via (WPSV) explains how to create, change, delete, and display ship via codes for purchase orders.

Working with Vendors (WVEN) includes how to create, change, delete, and display vendor information.

Working With PO Additional Charges (WPAC) explains how to create, change, delete, and display additional charges for purchase orders.

Working with Unit of Measure Conversions (WUMC) explains how to create, change, delete, and display unit of measure conversions between your selling unit of measure and the vendor's unit of measure.

Working with Vendor Items (WVNI) describes how to create, change, delete, and display vendor item information. Vendor items are a reference between the vendor's item information and the item information used by your company.

Working with Vendor Upload (LVUP) explains how to upload vendor information into Oracle Retail Order Management System.

ME02_00 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN