Open PO’s by Vendor Report

How to print: Complete the Print Open PO's By Vendor Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Due dates selected due dates selected from (date range you selected)

Vendor #: the code and name of the vendor

PO No: purchase order number

Line: PO line number

Entry date

Item: Item number. For PO lines created using the PO Detail Non Inventory Screen (PO Entry), the Item field remains blank.

SKU: SKU code for the item. For PO lines created using the PO Detail Non Inventory Screen (PO Entry), the SKU field remains blank.

Vendor item: For PO lines created using the PO Detail Non Inventory Screen (PO Entry), the Vendor item field contains the value entered in the Vendor item field on the PO Detail Non Inventory screen.

Item description: For PO lines created using the PO Detail Non Inventory Screen (PO Entry), the Item description field contains the value entered in the Item field on the PO Detail Non Inventory screen.

SKU description: For SKUed items, the SKU description displays; for non-SKUed items, the item description displays.

Promise/due date: if the promise date is blank, the system uses the due date

Net quantity: quantity that remains open on the purchase order

Net cost: the cost after discounts or surcharge have been applied

SKU open orders: number of open customer orders

Quantity on order: amount that covers all open purchase orders for the item

Quantity available: quantity available plus quantity on order

Days required: the number of days between the entry date and the due date, not including weekend days

Days from entry: the number of days since the purchase was entered; the number of units is represented in each column

- 0-7 days

- 8-14 days

- 15-22 days

- 22 or more days

Total cost for vendor

• Total cost

ME11_01r OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN