Item Sales Analysis Report

How to print: Complete the Item Sales Analysis Save Options Screen (Additional Report Selections).

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Note: This report is also available as a .csv (comma-separated value) file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. Note: Only the sort by Category $ Sold Ascending and by Item $ Sold Ascending are available in .csv format, but you can use your spreadsheet application to sort to the data according to your business requirements. See Reports Available in CSV (Spreadsheet) Format for more information.


• Sort selection

• Report code and description

• Date and time of report generation

• Starting and ending accounting periods included on the report

• Additional selection criteria, including the department, category, class, status, warehouse, vendor, or buyer (the remaining selection options are not currently implemented)

• For each sort option (vendor number in the sample report)

- Item/SKU and description

- Item status; this is the item status from the SKU table if it is defined; otherwise, this is the item status from the Item table.

- Primary warehouse assigned to the item

- Number of units on-hand in the warehouse

- Cost of the item, derived from the Average, Standard, or FIFO cost in the SKU table, depending on your Costing Method (A25)

- Cost extension: total quantity on-hand * cost

- Percentage that this item represents in the overall cost of the items on the report: extended cost of item / total extended cost of all items on the report

- Number of units sold during the selection time period

- Total dollar value of the units sold during the selection period, based on the price to the customer

- Percentage that this item represents in the overall dollars sold on the report: total dollars sold / total dollars sold for all items on the report

- On-order quantity on unreceived purchase orders

- Total units returned by customers

- Total dollar value of customer returns

• Total cost of all items on the report

• Total percentage cost of all items on the report (100.00%)

• Total dollar value sold of all items on the report

• Total percentage sold of all items on the report (100.00%)

ME12_02r OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN