Creating Item Warehouse/Locations (MIWL)

Purpose: Use Create Item Warehouse/Locations to create or change an item’s primary primary location in the item’s primary warehouse. Item warehouse records identify the items that are stored in the warehouse. Item location records identify the items that are stored in each location.

This menu option provides a quick method of assigning an item to a primary primary location in the item’s primary warehouse, or changing information about an existing primary primary location in the warehouse.

You can use this menu option to do the following:

• Create a new primary primary location for an item/SKU. See Creating a New Primary Primary Location.

• Update the location minimum quantity and location maximum quantity for the existing primary primary location for an item/SKU. See Updating the Primary Primary Min/Max Quantities.

• Remove the primary primary location for an item/SKU. See Removing the Primary Primary Location.

• Define the following information for the item:

- shipping weight

- selling weight

- item cube value

- pieces per case (case quantity)

- UPC code

See Updating Item Information.

First Create Item Warehouse/Locations Screen

How to display this screen: Enter MIWL in the Fast path at the top of any menu, or select Create Item Warehouse/Locations from a menu.




The warehouse code where the item location information is being changed. This must be the Primary warehouse for an item or SKU, in order to display location information for the item through this menu option.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table; see Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; required.


The item number for which you are changing primary primary item location information.

Item numbers are defined in and validated against the Item table; see Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

The warehouse entered must be the item’s primary warehouse. If it is not, the following message appears: No data to display.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

Completing this screen:

1. Enter a valid warehouse code that represents the primary warehouse assigned to an item.

2. Optionally, enter an item code to position your results to a specific item.

3. Select OK.

4. The system displays the Second Create Item/Warehouse Locations Screen. This screen displays items/SKUs whose primary warehouse matches your entry. Primary primary location information, if available, is indicated for each item/SKU. The location information is blank if a primary primary location is not defined for the item/SKU.

Second Create Item/Warehouse Locations Screen

How to display this screen: Complete the First Create Item Warehouse/Locations Screen and select OK.




A code for the item that is located in a primary location in the specified primary warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


A code for the SKU of the item that is located in a primary location in the specified primary warehouse.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.

The following fields are enterable:


The actual shipping weight of the item. The system can use this value to calculate carton weights and determine shipping charges.

The system defaults the shipping weight defined for the SKU; if a shipping weight is not defined for the SKU, the system defaults the shipping weight defined for the item. However, you can override it.

If the item contains SKUs, updates Weight override in the SKU table; if the item does not contain SKUs, updates Ship weight in the Item table.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal, optional.


The cubing value of the item. Used by Suggest Location Placement (MSLO) and Replenish Primary Locations to determine how many units of the item can fit in the location. This field is also used in Pick Slip Generation to determine the number of units that can fit in a carton. To change the cubic value of the item, type over the existing value.

The system defaults the cubing value defined for the SKU; if a cubing value is not defined for the SKU, the system defaults the cubing value defined for the item. However, you can override it.

If the item contains SKUs, updates SKU Cubing value override in the SKU table; if the item does not contain SKUs, updates ITM Cubing value in the Item table.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 1-place decimal; optional.


The item's primary primary location. The system defaults the Primary location in the SKU table; however you can override it to create a new primary location.

Remove the location defined in this field if you wish to remove the primary primary location defined for the item/SKU; see Removing the Primary Primary Location.

Updates Location in the SKU table.

Locations are defined in and validated against the Location table. See Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required if a Min Qty or Max Qty is defined.

Min Qty

The minimum quantity of the item that should be on hand in the location. Replenish Primary Locations will attempt to restock the location when the on hand quantity falls below the minimum.

The system defaults the location minimum from the SKU table; however, you can override it.

Updates Min qty in the Item Location table and Min qty for location in the SKU table.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Max Qty

The maximum quantity of the item that should be on hand in the location. Replenish Primary Locations will attempt to restock the location until the quantity on hand reaches this amount.

The system defaults the location maximum from the SKU table; however, you can override it.

Updates Max qty in the Item Location table and Max qty for location in the SKU table.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Sell Wgt

The actual selling weight of the item. The system uses this value to calculate the freight charge on an item when the freight method on the order is set to By Item or Flat Rt/Item.

The system defaults the selling weight defined for the SKU; if a selling weight is not defined for the SKU, the system defaults the selling weight defined for the item. However, you can override it.

If the item contains SKUs, updates Selling weight override in the SKU table; if the item does not contain SKUs, updates Selling weight in the Item table.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal; optional.

Case Qty

The number of units that fit in a case.

The system defaults the pieces per case quantity defined for the item; however, you can override it.

Updates Pieces per case in the Item table.

Multiple case quantities for the same item/SKU? If you define a different case quantity for the same item/SKU for more than one item location record on this screen, the system updates the item/SKU with the case quantity that the system processes last (the lowest record that displays for the item/SKU on the screen).

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.


The UPC code defined for the item/SKU.

The first UPC code defined for the item/SKU defaults; however, you can override it to create a new UPC for the item/SKU.

A message similar to the following indicates if the UPC code has already been assigned to an item: UPC already assigned to XXXXXX.

Note: Include any leading zeros. For example: if the UPC code is 06012011, enter 06012011 and not 6012011.

Creates a record in the Item UPC table.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; required to create a UPC code.

UPC Type

If you enter a UPC code for an item location record, the system uses this UPC type to create the UPC code in the Item UPC table.

The UPC type for the first UPC code defined for the item/SKU defaults; however, you can override it to create a new UPC for the item/SKU.

Valid UPC types are:

E13 = EAN-13, indicating a 13 position UPC code; however, Oracle Retail Order Management System does not validate the UPC length.

E8 = EAN-8, indicating an 8 position UPC code; however, Oracle Retail Order Management System does not validate the UPC length.

UA = UPC-A, indicating a 12 position UPC code; however, Oracle Retail Order Management System does not validate the UPC length.

UE = UPC-E, indicating a 6 position UPC code; however, Oracle Retail Order Management System does not validate the UPC length.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required to create a UPC code.

UPC Vendor

If you enter a UPC vendor for an item location record, the system uses this UPC vendor to create the UPC code in the Item UPC table.

The UPC vendor for the first UPC code defined for the item/SKU defaults.

• You can override the default UPC values to create a new UPC for the item/SKU.

• You can enter a new UPC vendor to change it for the default UPC code.

Numeric, 7 positions; required to create a UPC code.

Updating Item Information

To update...

do the following...

the item’s cube value

enter the item’s cube value in the Cube field. The item’s current cube value defaults, but you can override it.

the item’s shipping and selling weights

enter the item’s shipping and selling weights in the Weight and Sell Wgt fields. The item’s current shipping and selling weights default, but you can override them.

the item’s pieces per case quantity

enter the item’s pieces per case quantity in the Case Qty field. The item’s current pieces per case quantity defaults, but you can override it.

the item’s UPC code

To update the vendor for the existing UPC code:

1. The UPC, UPC Type, and UPC Vendor for the first UPC code defined for the item/SKU defaults; to update this existing UPC code, retain the current value in the UPC and UPC Type fields.

2. Enter a new UPC vendor in the UPC Vendor field.

To create a new UPC for the item/SKU:

1. Enter a UPC code for the item in the UPC field. The first UPC code defined for the item/SKU defaults; however, you can override it to create a new UPC for the item/SKU. Note: Include any leading zeros. For example: if the UPC code is 06012011, enter 06012011 and not 6012011.

2. Enter a UPC type in the UPC Type field. The UPC type for the first UPC code defined for the item/SKU defaults; however, you can override it to create a new UPC for the item/SKU.

3. Enter a UPC vendor in the UPC Vendor field. The UPC vendor for the first UPC code defined for the item/SKU defaults; however, you can override it to create a new UPC for the item/SKU.

Once you have defined the item information you wish to update, click OK. The system validates your entries and performs the update.

You can review the updated item information on the following screens:

• non-SKUed item: Change Item screen to review the updated Cube, Shipping weight, Selling weight and Pieces per case. See Create Item Screen for more information.

• SKUed item: Change Item screen to review the updated Pieces per case; Change SKU - 2 of 2 (With Overrides) screen to review the updated Cube, Shipping weight, and Selling weight. See Create Item Screen and Create SKU 2 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen

Work with UPC Codes Screen to review the created or updated UPC code.

Updating the Primary Primary Min/Max Quantities

Use the following steps to update the minimum and/or maximum quantities for the item’s primary primary location that is already assigned to the item.

To update...

do the following...

the minimum item location quantity

enter the minimum quantity in the Min Qty field. The item location’s current minimum quantity defaults, but you can override it.

the maximum item location quantity

enter the maximum quantity in the Max Qty field. The item location’s current maximum quantity defaults, but you can override it.

Once you have defined the item location information you wish to update, click OK. The system validates your entries and performs the update.

The system updates the Min qty for location and Max qty for location fields in the SKU table to the new minimum and maximum quantities you defined. The new minimum and maximum quantities display on the Change Item (Base Information screen for a non-SKUed item and on the Change SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) screen for a SKUed item. See Create Item (Base Information) Screen and Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen for more information.

Creating a New Primary Primary Location

Use the following steps to update an item/SKU’s primary primary location to the primary location you enter.

1. In the Location field, enter the location code you wish to use as the item/SKU’s new primary primary location. A valid item location code must be entered. The primary primary location currently defined for the item/SKU, if any, defaults, but you can override it to assign the item to a new primary primary location.

2. Optionally, enter the minimum and maximum amounts for the item in this location in the Min Qty and Max Qty fields. The minimum and maximum quantities for the item’s current primary primary location defaults, but you can type over the existing information if the minimum and maximum quantities for the new primary location differ. The existing location information will not be affected. Leave these fields 'as is' if the minimum and maximum amounts for the previous primary location and the new primary location are the same. These fields can be left blank if the minimum and maximum quantities for the item location are unknown.

3. Click OK. The system validates your entries and advances you to the Confirm Location Change window. Click OK to perform the update; otherwise, click Exit to cancel.

The system updates the Location field in the SKU table to the new primary location you defined. The new primary primary location displays on the Create Item (Base Information) Screen (non-SKUed item) or Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen (SKUed item).

Note: The system retains the item location record for the old primary primary location in the Item Location table.

Removing the Primary Primary Location

Use the following steps to delete the primary primary location defined for the item/SKU. You can delete the primary primary location for an item/SKU only if the item location does not have an On hand quantity, Pending transaction quantity, or Printed quantity in the Item Location table.

1. Remove the location defined in the Location field.

2. Remove the minimum quantity and maximum quantity defined in the Min Qty and Max Qty fields.

3. Click OK. The system advances you to the Confirm Location Change window. Notice that the To location is blank, indicating that you wish to remove the item/SKU from its current primary primary location and not define a new primary primary location for the item/SKU.

4. Click OK.

- If the item location has an On hand quantity, Pending transaction quantity, or Printed quantity in the Item Location table, the system displays an error message and does not delete the primary primary location defined for the item/SKU: Item location cannot be deleted; on-hand/transfer/printed qty > 0.

- If the item location does not have an On hand quantity, Pending transaction quantity, or Printed quantity in the Item Location table, the system:

* deletes the record from the Item Location table.

* removes the location from the Location field in the SKU table. The primary primary location for the item/SKU is now blank on the Create Item (Base Information) Screen (non-SKUed item) or Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen (SKUed item).

Note: The system deletes the primary primary location only; the system retains any other primary locations defined for the item/SKU in the Item Location table.

MIWL OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN