Source Promotion Report (PSRP)

How to print: Use the Print Source Promotion Report (PSRP) menu option.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• (Prx Mth): price method

• (Prm Prc): whether orders are eligible for promotional pricing

• (Exl Srv): whether to exclude service charges on orders

• (Dsc Pct): discount percentage to apply

• (Frt Mth): freight method

• (Flat Frt Amount): flat freight amount

• freight percentage

• freight minimum

• freight maximum

• (Max Ship To's Frt): maximum number of ship-to addresses for freight if using the recipient (R) freight method

• (Dsp O/E): whether to display the source code in Order Entry

• (Rstd): whether the source code is restricted

See Working with Source Codes (WSRC) for a complete description of each field.

MK03_08r OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN