Using the Location Generator (MLOC)

Purpose: Use Generate Locations to define multiple locations at the same time when your warehouse locations are comprised of zone, aisle, shelf, and bin elements. Warehouse locations are used to identify where merchandise is stored in the warehouse.

You use this function during initial system setup to define your locations. You can also use it when adding new locations.

Note: You can use the Generate Locations function only if your warehouse locations are comprised of zone, aisle, shelf, and bin elements and the aisle, shelf and bin elements are numeric. Otherwise, use Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC) to define your locations. You can also use Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC) to create, change, delete, or display individual location records, regardless of how your locations are defined.

Example: Creating location records for Zones A and B, Aisles 1 and 2, Shelf 1, and Bins 1 and 2, generates eight location records:

A 01 01 01

A 01 01 02

A 02 01 01

A 02 01 02

B 01 01 01

B 01 01 02

B 02 01 01

B 02 01 02

Each record will be created with the same attributes. You can change or delete individual records with the Work with Pending Locations Screen (WPLO) before the records are added to the Location table, or with Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC) if the Location table has been updated.

For more information: See Work with Pending Locations Screen (WPLO).

Location Generator Screen

How to display this screen: Enter MLOC in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Location Generator from a menu.




The warehouse code where the locations are being defined. The warehouse code defaults from the Default Warehouse (A04) control value in the Warehouse/Reservation Values section of the System Control table and can be overridden. The warehouse code is validated against the Warehouse table.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Defer creation

A flag indicating whether the records will be added to the Location table immediately, or whether they will be written to a work table so you can change or delete individual records before the Location table is updated.

Selected = indicates that the requested location records will be written to a work table. Individual records can be changed or deleted before the Location table is updated.

Unselected = indicates that the requested location records will be added to the Location table immediately.


Enter the codes of the zones for the locations being defined. Location records for up to 10 warehouse zones can be created at one time.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.

From aisle

Enter the number of the first aisle in the location range you are creating.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

To aisle

Enter the number of the last aisle in the location range you are creating.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

From Shelf

Enter the number of the first shelf in the location range you are creating.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

To shelf

Enter the number of the last shelf in the location range you are creating.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

From bin #

Enter the number of the first bin in the location range you are creating.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

To bin #

Enter the number of the last bin in the location range you are creating.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Loc type (Location type)

The location type, which determines whether the location is permanent or temporary, and whether merchandise will be replenished to or from the location.

P = Primary location = The primary, or main locations from which items are picked. An item can be stored in more than one primary location. The system will attempt to keep the primary location fully stocked via Replenish Primary Locations.

S = Secondary location = Secondary locations are generally used for storage when the primary location is full.

If a secondary location is pickable, the system will allocate from it when the total order quantity cannot be filled (completely) from a primary location. The system will allocate from both the primary and secondary locations when neither location contains enough stock to fulfill the entire order.

Secondary locations can be used to replenish primary locations.

B = Bulk location = Bulk locations are additional storage locations that are generally used to store case lots or cartons that are not broken up at receiving.

If a bulk location is pickable, the system will allocate from it when the total order quantity cannot be filled (completely) from either a primary or secondary location. The system will allocate from primary, secondary and bulk locations when none of the locations contain enough stock to fulfill the entire order.

Bulk locations can be used to replenish primary locations.

T = Temporary location = Temporary locations are used to place merchandise that you want recognized as received, before a permanent location is assigned. A temporary location cannot exist without at least one item/location record associated with it. When stock is moved into a temporary location, the system creates an item/location record. When the on-hand in the item/location reaches zero, the system will delete the location and the item/location record.

Note: Oracle Retail Order Management System will not allocate merchandise from a temporary location even if the location is defined as pickable. In order to allocate stock, you must move the merchandise to a non-temporary, pickable location.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Weight cap (Weight capacity)

The total weight the location can hold, expressed in whole pounds. Suggest Location Placement (MSLO), Replenish Warehouses and Replenish Primary Locations will consider the location filled to capacity when the total weight of the items in the location reaches this weight.

Numeric, 7 positions with 3-place decimal; optional.

Unit cap (Unit capacity)

The total number of units that can fit in the location. Suggest Location Placement (MSLO), Replenish Warehouses and Replenish Primary Locations will consider the location filled to capacity when it reaches this number of units.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Fill factor

A user-defined percentage value that is used during Suggest Location Placement (MSLO) to determine when the location is stocked to capacity. The system evaluates the location capacity entered in the cubic field against the Fill factor to determine the location's true item capacity.

A location may be considered filled to capacity when 80% of its cubic volume is consumed because of the shape of the items that are stored in it. The cubic volume of a location may be 100 cubic feet, but may hold only eight items that are 10 cubic feet each because the items are spherical in shape.

The system assumes the fill factor is 100% if this field is left blank.

Alphanumeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


The total height (the distance from the top to the bottom) of the location. The height can be expressed in any measurement you wish (e.g., inches, feet, meters, etc.) as long as the same measurement is used throughout the system in the height, length, weight, and cubic fields.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The total length (the distance from one side to the other) of the location. The length can be expressed in any measurement you wish (e.g., inches, feet, meters, etc.) as long as the same measurement is used throughout the system in the height, length, weight, and cubic fields.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The total width (the distance from the front to the back) of the location. The width can be expressed in any measurement you wish (e.g., inches, feet, meters, etc.) as long as the same measurement is used throughout the system in the height, length, weight, and cubic fields.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Note: The cubic volume of the location will be calculated if values are entered in the height, length, and width fields.


A code indicating whether inventory can be picked from the location.

Selected - indicates that inventory can be picked from the location.

Unselected - indicates that inventory cannot be picked from the location. Bulk locations, or locations where defective merchandise is kept are examples of non-pickable locations.

Note: Inventory Inquiry in Order Entry includes quantities in pickable locations only; all other inventory inquiries display pickable and non-pickable quantities.


A code indicating how inventory is stored in the location. This field is informational only.

H = indicates that inventory in the location is hung.

F = indicates that inventory in the location is laid flat, or is stored in a conventional manner.

O = indicates that inventory in stored in the location in some other manner.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Class (Location Class)

A user-defined code that identifies the type of merchandise that will be placed in this location. This code is used to restrict the placement of certain item types to specific locations. For example, if the location is defined as a 'Jewelry' location, only items that contain the item type code for 'Jewelry' can be placed in the location. The class code entered is validated against the Location Class table; see Creating and Maintaining Location Classes (WLCL).

Note: If this field is left blank, only items that have a blank location class can be stored in the location.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


Indicates whether the location and its merchandise are frozen.

Valid values are:

Selected = The location is frozen.

Unselected = The location not frozen.

If a location is frozen:

• Pick Slip Generation ignores the location when determining where inventory should be picked to fulfill an order. See Performing Pick Slip Generation.

Suggest Location Placement (MSLO) ignores the location when suggesting where to place stock.

Replenish Warehouses and Replenish Primary Locations do not replenish stock to or from the location.

Stock type

A user-defined code that describes the type of merchandise that can be found in the location. Examples include DEF (Defective), or RTV (Return to Vendor). This field is informational only.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Freq code (Frequency Code)

A user-defined code that represents the frequency with which inventory is picked from the location. Informational only.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


A user-defined comment about the location.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Completing this screen: The Location Generator Screen opens, retaining your original entries, if you did not select to defer creation of the location records. You can create additional locations or return to a menu. The Work with Pending Locations Screen (WPLO) opens if you entered Y to defer creation.

MLOC OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN