Update Customer Memberships (MMCM)

Purpose: Use this option to update the source code and/or any one item on customer memberships and, optionally, the membership program itself.

For more information: See:

Membership Overview

Working with Membership Programs (WWMP)

Working with Customer Memberships (WWCM)

Generating Membership Orders (EGMO)

Note: Even if a membership program is flagged not to allow changes based on the membership type, you can still process updates through the this menu option.

Update Customer Memberships Screen

How to display this screen: Select Update Customer Memberships from a menu or enter MMCM in the Fast path field on any menu.



Membership ID

Enter the codes identifying the membership program(s) for which you would like to update the source codes and/or items on customer memberships.

You can enter up to four membership programs. Entry of at least one membership program is required.

Restrictions: The system does not verify whether there are any active customer memberships for the program(s) you enter, whether the membership program is currently active, or whether you are entering a type of membership program that actually generates orders. However, you cannot enter an Item to be Replaced and a New Item unless there is at least one customer membership for at least one of the membership program(s) you enter here.

Alphanumeric, four 12-position fields; entry of the first field required.

Source Code

Optionally, enter the source code to assign to existing customer memberships. You can assign this source code to each selected membership program by selecting the Update Membership Program flag. You can enter a source code only if it is not restricted.

Effects of update:

• Updating the customer memberships means that all newly-generated membership orders for the selected membership program(s) will use that source code. Existing membership orders that were previously generated are not affected.

Example: You enter the membership ID’s of MEMB01 and MEMB02 and enter a Source Code of MBS23. When you select OK, the system changes the source code for all MEMB01 and MEMB02 customer memberships to MBS23. If you generate membership orders tomorrow, the generated orders will have source code MBS23. However, orders you generated yesterday are still assigned to the source code(s) previously assigned to the MEMB01 and MEMB02 customer memberships.

• Updating the membership program(s) means that all newly-created customer memberships will be assigned to that source code, so that all generated membership orders for the selected membership program(s) will also use that source code.

Example: To continue the example above, you also update the MEMB01 and MEMB02 membership programs themselves. The next time you create a customer membership, it will be assigned to the MBS23 source code by default.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; optional (required if you do not enter an Item to be Replaced and a New Item).

Item to be Replaced

Optionally, enter the item (and SKU, if the item has SKUs) to remove from existing customer memberships and replace with the New Item. You can also remove this item and SKU from each selected membership program and replace it with the New Item by selecting the Update Membership Program flag.

Restrictions: You cannot perform an item update on just membership programs if the Item to be Replaced is not on at least one customer membership for one of the selected programs. To update just the membership programs, use Working with Membership Programs (WWMP). However, once you attempt to enter an Item to be Replaced, you cannot clear the item fields and submit just a source code update; instead, you need to exit the screen and re-enter.

Effects of update:

• Updating the customer memberships means that all newly-generated membership orders for the selected membership program(s) will not include this item/SKU. Existing membership orders that were previously generated are not affected.

Example: You enter the membership ID’s of MEMB01 and MEMB02, enter an Item to be Replaced of AB0101 SMLL, and enter a New Item of BC0202. When you select OK, the system removes the item AB0101 SMLL for all MEMB01 and MEMB02 customer memberships, and adds BC0202. If you generate membership orders tomorrow, the generated orders will include BC0202. However, orders you generated yesterday still include AB0101 SMLL.

Example: To continue the example above, you also update the MEMB01 and MEMB02 membership programs themselves. The next time you create a customer membership, it will include BC0202 (but not AB0101 SMLL) by default.

Note: The system adds the New Item to the customer membership (and, optionally, membership program) only if the Item to be Replaced was already on the customer membership or membership program. For example, if you entered membership programs MEMB01, MEMB02, and MEMB03, but only customer memberships for MEMB01 included the Item to be Replaced, then customer memberships for MEMB02 and MEMB03 are not updated when you select OK.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions with three four-position SKUs; optional (required if you do not enter a Source Code).

New Item

Enter the item (and SKU, if the item has SKUs) to add to existing customer memberships when removing the Item to be Replaced. You can also add this item and SKU to each selected membership program by selecting the Update Membership Program flag.

See the Item to be Replaced field, above, for a discussion.

Restrictions: You cannot enter a New Item unless you are replacing an item that is already on customer memberships (and, optionally, the selected membership program(s)).

Alphanumeric, 12 positions with three four-position SKUs; required if you enter an Item to be Replaced.

Update Membership Program

Indicates whether to update the selected membership program(s) in addition to the existing customer memberships with the indicated source code and/or item replacement:

Selected (default) = Update each selected membership program with the source code; also, if the Item to be Replaced is on the membership program, replace it with the New Item

Unselected = Do not update any of the membership programs

Completing this screen:

1. Complete each field as described above.

2. Select OK to validate your entries. See the field descriptions above for more information.

3. Once you have completed each required field, select OK to update each eligible customer membership and membership program, if applicable. The update takes place interactively.

MMCM OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN