Consolidating Order Billing History (MOBH)

Purpose: Use the Consolidate Order Billing History menu option to consolidate records in the Order Billing History table up to a given date, to save space and eliminate unneeded information. You can “roll up” or consolidate records into summary records by indicating which key fields you would like to retain, and which you would like to blank out.

Example: You want to retain separate records by sold-to customer, but not ship-to customer. The total units and quantities of the ship-to customer records for each sold-to customer will be added or netted together, and then the individual ship-to customer records will be deleted. The resulting consolidated sold-to records will have the ship-to number fields set to zero.

The system flags each consolidated record in the table. You can consolidate any records only once.

When to run consolidation: You should run the consolidation at night, when there will not be any other activity that might update the Order Billing History table.

Reviewing consolidated records: When you review customer history through Work with Customers (fast path = WCST), any consolidated records are indicated as follows:

• Consolidated items are flagged at the Customer Sold To Item History Screen (available by selecting Item History at a Create/Change/Display Customer screen, or selecting Item History for a customer at a selection screen)

• The range of dates included in a consolidated record is indicated at the Display Customer Order History Screen (available by selecting Order History at a Create/Change/Display Customer screen, or selecting Order History for a customer at a selection screen)

• The range of dates included in a consolidated record is indicated at the Order Billing History Detail Screen (available by selecting Display for an item at the Customer Sold To Item History screen or the Customer Sold To Order History screen)

Additional information: Working with Merge/Purge Sold-to Names (MMCS) ignores consolidated records that do not include the sold-to customer number.

In this chapter:

Consolidate Order Billing History Screen

Order Billing History Consolidation Report

Consolidate Order Billing History Screen

Each flagged option on this screen represents a key field in the Order Billing History table. In order to save separate order billing history records by a field, you must select it. For example, select the Customer flag to save separate order billing history for each sold-to customers; otherwise, the history will be consolidated across all sold-to customers in your company.

You must select at least one field.

How to display this screen: Enter MOBH in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Consolidate Order Billing History from a menu.

Note: The system stores your entries on this screen in the Default Options table, to save data entry if you run the consolidation program periodically. The first time you use this screen, each yes/no flag will default to unselected, and the date field will be blank.



Consolidate transactions up to date

Enter the last date for which order billing history should be consolidated. All order billing history records from this date or earlier that meet the selection criteria will be consolidated.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Consolidate by:


This field indicates whether to consolidate order billing history by number of the sold-to customer on the order.

Valid values are:

Selected = Retain separate order billing history for each sold-to customer.

Unselected = Consolidate customer sold-to order billing history.

See Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST).

Ship to

This field indicates whether to consolidate order billing history by customer ship-to number.

Valid values are:

Selected = Retain separate order billing history for each ship-to customer. You must also select the Customer field, above.

Unselected = Consolidate customer ship-to order billing history.

See Creating and Updating Ship-to Customers (WCST).


This field indicates whether to consolidate order billing history by item. Valid values are:

Selected = Retain separate order billing history for each item.

Unselected = Consolidate customer order billing history for all items.

See Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).


This field indicates whether to consolidate order billing history by SKU. Valid values are:

Selected = Retain separate order billing history for each SKU. You must also select the Item field.

Unselected = Consolidate customer order billing history for SKUs.

See Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

Ship via

This field indicates whether to consolidate order billing history by ship via.

Valid values are:

Selected = Retain separate order billing history for each ship via.

Unselected = Consolidate customer order billing history for all ship vias.

See Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).


This field indicates whether to consolidate order billing history by source code.

Valid values are:

Selected = Retain separate order billing history for each source code.

Unselected = Consolidate customer order billing history for all items.

See Working with Source Codes (WSRC).


This field indicates whether to consolidate order billing history by item. Valid values are:

Selected = Retain separate order billing history for each offer.

Unselected = Consolidate customer order billing history for all offers.

See Working with Offers (WOFR).


This field indicates whether to consolidate order billing history by salesman.

Valid values are:

Selected = Retain separate order billing history for each salesman.

Unselected = Consolidate customer order billing history for all salesmen.

See Working with Sales Representatives (WSLS).

Item class

This field indicates whether to consolidate order billing history by item class.

Valid values are:

Selected = Retain separate order billing history for each item class.

Unselected = Consolidate customer order billing history for all item classes.

See Working with Item Classes (WICL).

Long SKU department

This field indicates whether to consolidate order billing history by long SKU department.

Valid values are:

Selected = Retain separate order billing history for each long SKU department.

Unselected = Consolidate customer order billing history for all long SKU departments.

See Working with Long SKU Departments (WLSD).


This field indicates whether to consolidate order billing history by order number.

Valid values are:

Selected = Retain separate order billing history for each order.

Unselected = Consolidate customer order billing history for all orders.

Transaction code

This field indicates whether to consolidate order billing history by transaction code.

Valid values are:

Selected = Retain separate order billing history for each transaction code.

Unselected = Consolidate customer order billing history for all transaction codes.

Transaction codes for order billing history are:

E = entry

M = maintenance

B = billing

See Reviewing Customer History.


This field indicates whether to consolidate order billing history by entity.

Valid values are:

Selected = Retain separate order billing history for each entity.

Unselected = Consolidate customer order billing history for all entities.

See Working with Entities (WENT).


1. Complete the Consolidate transactions up to date field and reset the flag for each selection option you would like to override.

2. Select Submit. The system submits the job CONSOL_OBH in held status. You must release this job to consolidate order billing history. Once released, the batch job consolidates order billing history based on your selection criteria, and produces the Order Billing History Consolidation Report.

MOBH OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN