Upselling the Customer in Order Entry

Purpose: Several features are available in the system to upsell customers.

These are specials by which the customer can purchase items at a discounted price or receive them for free. When you upsell the customer, you offer the customer the chance to purchase unsolicited items in exchange for some type of incentive item.

Promotional pricing windows may open automatically during Order Entry when the customer's order points to an offer, source code, customer class, state, payment type, item class, or day of the week for which a promotion has been defined.

In this chapter:

Upselling with Promotional Pricing

- Select Incentive Item Screen

- Select Incentive Group Window

- Incentive Price Window

Upselling with Special Source Prices

Upselling with Price Breaks

Upselling with Accompanying Items

Cross-selling: You can also cross-sell the customer by suggesting items related to an item the customer is buying. For example, if the customer orders a blazer, you can suggest a coordinating skirt or blouse. A message indicates when the customer orders an item associated with coordinate items; you can then select Coordinates for the item to display and select coordinates. See Working with Items on the Order.

Restrictions: The system may suppress a promotional pricing window if there is an item restriction or there is no available inventory for the items on special.

The order type controls whether promotional pricing windows open. No promotional pricing windows open during Order Maintenance.

Capturing history: The system tracks the demand (number of orders) and sale (number shipped) of upsell items separately from all other items. This allows you to analyze the number and dollar value of items that are sold as part of an upsell promotion.

Free gifts: The system applies free gifts to the order after you select the Reprice option and complete any pop-up windows. See Applying Free Gifts for more information.

Upselling with Promotional Pricing

Purpose: Promotional pricing specials enable the customer to receive incentive items free of charge or at reduced prices, based on the items or dollar amount on the order.

Incentive eligibility: A promotional pricing window opens only when:

• The customer places an order from a source code/offer in which a promotion has been defined, and

• The customer orders:

- a specific quantity from a pre-defined group, or

- a specific quantity of an item, or

- a certain dollar value of merchandise, and

• The Promo pricing (Promotional pricing) field in the Source record (WSRC) is selected, and

• The Promo windows field in the Order Type record (WOTY) is set to a Promo (promotional pricing), and

• Item/SKU offer prices exist for the items/SKUs on the order in the offer associated with the promotion (either the offer is specified for the promotion or is associated with the source code specified for the promotion)

Examples of incentives:

• Buy any two different items from group 100, receive 50% off the third

• Spend over $50.00 and receive item AB100 at no charge

• Buy item BB100, receive an item from group 200 for $5.00

• Buy item CC100, receive $10.00 off another unit of item CC100

Types of Promotional Pricing Windows and Screens

The system displays the Select Incentive Group Window or the Select Incentive Item Screen during Order Entry if the order meets the requirement for the promotional pricing. The logic that the system uses to determine which screen or window to display is described below.

If there is a single incentive item: If the promotional pricing specifies any quantity of a single incentive item, the system displays the Select Incentive Item Screen, regardless of whether the item is offered at no charge, with an incentive price, or with a dollar or percentage discount. For example, the promotional pricing might specify one unit at no charge, or up to five units at a reduced price. You can either:

Add the item to the order up to the maximum allowable quantity by completing the Quantity field. You have this option for non-SKUed items, or for SKUed items when it is the individual SKU that is listed on the screen.

If the item has SKUs and only the base item is listed on the screen, advance to the SKU Scan Screen by completing the Quantity field. At the SKU Scan screen, you can add the selected quantity of a SKU to the order by selecting Select for a SKU.

Exit the screen without adding the item.

Incentive group at no charge or an incentive price: If the promotional pricing specifies any quantity of items within a specified group at either no charge or at a specific incentive price, the system displays the Select Incentive Group Window. You can:

Add an item to the order by completing the Quantity field. You have this option for non-SKUed items, or for SKUed items when it is the individual SKU that is listed on the screen. Press the Tab key three times to advance to the Qty field.

If the item has SKUs and only the base item is listed in the window, advance to the SKU Scan Screen by completing the Quantity field. At the SKU Scan screen, you can add the selected quantity of a SKU to the order by selecting Select for a SKU.

Changing a selected item, SKU or quantity: Once you have completed the Quantity field, you cannot change your selection to a different item or SKU without rejecting and then re-entering the order. To select two different SKUs of the same item, you should first enter the desired quantity of the first SKU and then select it at the SKU scan screen; then, when you return to the Select Incentive Group Window, enter the desired quantity of the next SKU so that you can select that SKU at the SKU Scan screen. (Note: If you select multiple items or SKUs using these steps, you will need to exit the window once you have selected all desired incentives; the window will not close automatically.)

Exit the window without adding an item to the order.

Incentive group at dollar or percentage discount: If the promotional pricing specifies any quantity of items within a specified group with either a dollar or percentage discount, the system displays the Select Incentive Group Window. In this situation, you have the added option to review the discounted price of any item in the group by selecting Incentive price for the item. For example, if the promotional pricing includes a 20% discount, you can see what the selling price of a given item will be after applying this discount to the regular price. You can:

Add an item to the order by completing the Quantity field. You have this option for non-SKUed items, or for SKUed items when it is the individual SKU that is listed on the screen. Press the Tab key three times to advance to the Qty field.

Review the discounted incentive price of the item by selecting Incentive price for the item. You have this option for non-SKUed items, or for SKUed items when it is the individual SKU that is listed on the screen.

If the item has SKUs and only the base item is listed in the window, your selection at the window advances you to the SKU Scan Screen. At this screen:

- If you completed the Quantity field at the Select Incentive Group Window, you can add the selected quantity of a SKU to the order by selecting Select for a SKU.

- If you selected Incentive price for the item at the Select Incentive Group window, you can select Options on/off and then select Incentive price for the SKU to review the incentive price. You can also complete the Quantity field at the SKU Scan screen to select the quantity of the SKU.

Note: If you select multiple items or SKUs using these steps, you will need to exit the window once you have selected all desired incentives; the window will not close automatically.

Exit the window without adding an item to the order.

What if the order qualifies for more than one type of promotional pricing? If you enter an item that qualifies the order for more than one type of promotional pricing, the system displays the promotional pricing records in alphanumeric order based on Promotion ID.

Select Incentive Item Screen

Purpose: The system displays this window when the items on an order meet the qualifications for promotional pricing, as set up through Work with Promotional Pricing (WPRP).

Note: If you enter an item that qualifies the order for more than one type of promotional pricing, the system displays the promotional pricing records in alphanumeric order based on Promotion ID.



Customer qualifies...

The maximum quantity of the incentive item that the customer can select when ordering a specific quantity of an item. The system ensures that the customer adds only this quantity of the incentive item to the order.

Taken from the Qty limit field in the Promotion Pricing record.

Note: Although the system does not allow you to exceed this quantity at the Select Incentive Item Screen, the Select Incentive Group Window, or the SKU Scan Screen, it is still possible to change the order line to a higher quantity afterward, for example at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) or in order maintenance.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

At... (Promotional price of the item)

The price for which the customer can purchase the incentive item. If price is .00, the system adds the item to the order at no charge. The system calculates or derives the price from your entries at the Promotion Pricing Screen (Add Mode). On orders subject to VAT, the Incentive tax price is indicated.

Numeric, 8 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Item (Item code)

The code for the incentive item, as defined in the Promotion Pricing record, if the incentive is a specific item or in the Promotion Pricing Group record, if the incentive item belongs to a predefined group.

All items are defined in the Item table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The description associated with the incentive item, taken from the Description field in the Item record.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Order qty (Quantity)

The quantity of the incentive item that will be added to the order; the system validates that this value is not greater than the value in the Qty limit field in the Promotion Pricing record (which is at the top of the Promotional Pricing pop-up window).

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Completing this screen: To add the item to the order, enter a quantity not greater than the maximum. If the item has SKUs and only the base item is listed on the screen, you advance to the SKU Scan Screen when you enter a Quantity. At the SKU Scan screen, you can add the selected quantity of a SKU to the order by selecting Select for a SKU.

Optionally, you can also exit the screen without adding the item.

Select Incentive Group Window

Purpose: The system displays this window when the items on the order qualify for a group promotion. See Upselling with Promotional Pricing for an overview.

Note: If you enter an item that qualifies the order for more than one type of promotional pricing, the system displays the promotional pricing records in alphanumeric order based on Promotion ID.



Select up to...

The maximum number of incentive items that can be added to the order, based on the items ordered from a pre-defined promotional pricing group. The system ensures that the customer adds only this quantity of the incentive item to the order.

Taken from the Qty limit field in the Promotion Pricing record.

Note: Although the system does not allow you to exceed this quantity at the Select Incentive Item Screen, the Select Incentive Group Window, or the SKU Scan Screen, it is still possible to change the order line to a higher quantity afterward, for example at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) or in order maintenance.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Special price

The price for which the customer may purchase the incentive item. The window displays a Special price if an Incentive price is specified for the promotion price record. If the No charge flag is set, the special price displayed is .00, and the system adds the item to the order at no charge.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Additional discount of...%

The discount percentage that the system subtracts from the unit selling price of each selected incentive item. The window displays this discount percentage only if an Incentive disc % is specified for the promotion price record.

You can select Incentive price for an item to advance to the Incentive Price Window, which displays the unit selling price after subtracting the discount percentage.

Numeric, 3 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Additional discount of...$

The dollar discount that the system subtracts from the unit selling price of each selected incentive item. The window displays this dollar discount only if an Incentive disc $ is specified for the promotion price record.

You can select Incentive price for an item to advance to the Incentive Price Window, which displays the unit selling price after subtracting the dollar discount.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Qty (Quantity)

The quantity of the incentive item that will be added to the order. The system validates that this value is not greater than the value in the Qty limit field in the Promotion Pricing record (which is at the top of the Promotional Pricing pop-up window). If you select multiple items or SKUs, the system validates that the total quantity selected does not exceed the Qty limit.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Item (Item number)

The code for the incentive item, as defined in the Promotion Pricing record (if the incentive is a specific item) or in the Promotion Pricing Group record (if the incentive item belongs to a predefined group).

All items are defined in the Item table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The description associated with the incentive item, taken from the Description field in the Item table.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Completing this window: Your options at this window are:

Adding an item to the order: Complete the Quantity field. Depending on whether the item has SKUs:

• If the item you select does not have SKUs, or if it is a specific SKU of a SKUed item, entering the quantity adds the item to the order. Press the Tab key three times to advance to the Qty field.

• If the item has SKUs and only the base item is listed in the window, when you enter a quantity as described above you advance to the SKU Scan Screen. At this screen, you can add the selected quantity of a SKU to the order by selecting Select for a SKU.

Reviewing the discounted incentive price for an item: Select Incentive price for the item:

• If the item you select does not have SKUs, or if it is a specific SKU of a SKUed item, you advance to the Incentive Price Window.

• If the item has SKUs and only the base item is listed in the window, you advance to the SKU Scan Screen. At this screen, you can select Options on/off and then select Incentive price for the SKU to review the original offer price and the incentive price. You can also complete the Quantity field at the SKU Scan screen to select the quantity of the SKU.

Changing your selections: Once you have added an incentive item to the order by completing the Quantity field at this window, you cannot delete it and substitute another incentive item or SKU in its place. Also, once you have exited this window, you cannot redisplay it for the current order. However, you can always delete an incentive item from the order as you would any other item.

Exiting the window: Optionally, you can exit the window without adding an incentive item to the order.

Incentive Price Window

Purpose: Use this window to review the regular offer price and the discounted incentive price for an item displayed at the Select Incentive Group Window.

How to display this screen: Select Incentive price for an item at the Select Incentive Group Window.




The item you selected for review at the Select Incentive Group Window. The description is below the item.

Item: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Incentive price

The unit price of the item after applying the Incentive discount % or the Incentive discount $ specified at the Promotion Pricing Screen (Add Mode).

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Offer price

The regular unit price of the item based on the offer, using the regular pricing logic.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Upselling with Special Source Prices

Purpose: The system calculates an item discount automatically when the customer orders an item in a specific quantity using a source code for which a special source price promotion exists.

Definition: Use the Item/Source Prices record to define the source code, required order quantity, discounted price for regular customers, and discounted price for associate customers.

The system determines that the item will be discounted if the order points to a source code with a special source price record, and the customer orders at least the number in the Qty field. This is a form of quantity break pricing because, usually, the price of the item is reduced as the customer orders a greater quantity.

No pop-up window opens to inform the customer of this discount; however, the system updates the order detail line with *Special Source Price as the pricing method.

Upselling with Price Breaks

Purpose: You can offer the customer the chance to purchase a specific quantity of an item at a reduced price, based on the offer used on the order. Additionally, offer price breaks can be defined for pricing columns so that, when a customer assigned to a pricing column places an order, the customer is eligible for the price breaks regardless of the quantity ordered.

See Display Quantity Pricing Window.

Upselling with Accompanying Items

Accompanying items are added to the order automatically at no charge or for a set price when the customer orders the originating item, or “trigger item,” in a specific quantity and for a specific offer. This activity is automated so that the order entry operator does not have to remember to add this item to the order. No pop-up window opens to notify the operator that the system is adding an accompanying item to the order. In addition, certain updates to the originating item in order entry also update the accompanying item.

The system also adds accompanying items to an order in order maintenance if the Add Accompanying Items in Order Maintenance (H28) system control value is selected. When you ship the order, the system ensures that the originating item and accompanying item ship together.

Examples: These examples illustrate two different situations in which the system adds an accompanying item to an order:

Product information pamphlet: You can define a product information pamphlet as the accompanying item. The pamphlet is added to the order at no charge. Each time the customer orders the originating item in the required quantity from the offer, the system adds one product information pamphlet to the order.

Cleaning solution: You can set up a bottle of cleaning solution as the accompanying item each time the customer orders a set of pans. The cleaning solution is automatically added to the order at its regular price.

For more information:

Defining Accompanying Items

Adding an Accompanying Item in Order Entry

Updating the Originating Item in Order Entry

Updating the Accompanying Item in Order Entry

Accompanying Items in Order Maintenance

Defining Accompanying Items

Use the Work with Accompanying Item Screen to define accompanying items for a specified item/SKU and offer.

For each accompanying item that you define, you must indicate:

• the required order quantity of the originating item in order to add the accompanying item to the order; for example, you must order 2 of the originating item to add the accompanying item to the order

• the accompanying item/SKU to add to the order

• the quantity of the accompanying item to add to the order (either a specific quantity or the same quantity as the originating item)

• whether there is a charge for the accompanying item (accompanying items are added at no charge, or at the regular price according to your pricing hierarchy)

Accompanying item hierarchy: If you define an accompanying item at the SKU Offer and Item Offer level, the system:

1. If the item you order qualifies for the accompanying item at the SKU Offer level, adds the accompanying item defined at the SKU Offer level to the order.

2. If the item you order does not qualify for the accompanying item at the SKU Offer level, but does qualify for the accompanying item at the Item Offer level, adds the accompanying item defined at the Item Offer level to the order.

Adding an Accompanying Item in Order Entry

The system evaluates whether to add an accompanying item automatically to the order when:

• you add the originating item to the order.

• you change the originating item on the order and an accompanying item is not yet defined for the originating item.

If the order quantity of the originating item meets the Required qty (Originating item required quantity) defined for the accompanying item, the system adds the accompanying item automatically to the order.

Example: The following accompanying item is set up for item A.

Required qty




• If the customer orders item A for a quantity of 1, the system does not add the accompanying item to the order since the originating item’s order quantity does not meet the Required quantity for the accompanying item.

• If the customer changes the order quantity for item A to 2, the system does not add the accompanying item to the order since the originating item’s order quantity does not meet the Required quantity for the accompanying item.

• If the customer changes the order quantity to 3, the system adds accompanying item B to the order since the originating item’s order quantity now meets the Required quantity for the accompanying item.

• If the customer changes the order quantity to 4, the system does not evaluate whether to add an accompanying item to the order since an accompanying item is already defined for the originating item.

Order quantity of accompanying item: The Use order qty (Use originating item order quantity) field for the accompanying item determines the quantity of the accompanying item that is added to the order.

• If the Use order quantity is No, the system adds the accompanying item to the order for the quantity specified in the Acc qty (Accompanying item quantity) field.

Example: If the Accompanying item quantity is 1, when the customer orders 3 of the originating item, the system adds 1 accompanying item automatically to the order.

• If the Use order quantity is Yes, the system adds the same quantity of the accompanying item to the order as the quantity of the originating item.

Example: When the customer orders 3 of the originating item, the system adds 3 accompanying items automatically to the order.

Price of accompanying item: The Free? field for the accompanying item defines whether there is a charge for the accompanying item that is added to the order.

• If the Free? field is Yes, the system adds the accompanying item to the order free of charge (the NC (no charge) field for the order line is Y).

• If the Free? field is No, the system adds the regular price of the accompanying item to the order totals.

If more than one accompanying item is defined for an originating item: If you have more than one accompanying item defined for an originating item, the system uses the Required qty (Originating item required quantity) for the accompanying item to determine which accompanying item to add to the order.

Example: The following accompanying items are set up for item A.

Required qty








• If a customer orders item A for a quantity of 1, the system adds accompanying item B to the order.

• If a customer orders item A for a quantity of 2, the system adds accompanying item C to the order.

• If a customer orders item A for a quantity of 3, the system adds accompanying item C to the order. The system adds accompanying item C to the order because the Required quantity for this accompanying item is closest to, but not greater than, the order quantity of the originating item.

• If a customer orders item A for a quantity of 4, the system adds accompanying item D to the order.

Identifying the originating and accompanying item: When the system adds the accompanying item to the order, the system:

• updates the Accompanying item indicator field in the Order Detail table for the originating item with T to indicate that the order line contains the originating item, or trigger item, associated with the accompanying item.

• updates the Accompanying item indicator field in the Order Detail table for the accompanying item with A to indicate that the order line contains the accompanying item. In addition, the system updates the Accompanying item trigger line field in the Order Detail table with the order line sequence number for the order line that contains the associated originating item.

If you have multiple accompanying items on the order, the system uses the Accompanying item indicator field and Accompanying item trigger line field in the Order Detail table to determine which accompanying item is associated with which originating item. In addition, the system uses these fields to determine which accompanying item to update when you update the originating item on the order; see Updating the Originating Item in Order Entry.

Cannot add accompanying item with set: The system does not add an accompanying item to the order if it is associated with a set item.

Updating the Originating Item in Order Entry

When you perform the following updates to the originating item in order entry, the system determines if the accompanying item should also be updated:

Deleting the Originating Item

Increasing the Order Quantity of the Originating Item

Decreasing the Order Quantity of the Originating Item

Selling Out the Originating Item

Deleting the Originating Item

When you delete the originating item from the order, the system also deletes the accompanying item from the order.

If the accompanying item is a set item, the system deletes the accompanying item and its component items from the order.

Increasing the Order Quantity of the Originating Item

When you increase the order quantity of the originating item on the order, the system looks at the setting of the Use Order Quantity field for the accompanying item to determine if the order quantity of the accompanying item should also increase.

• If the Use Order Quantity field for the accompanying item is set to No, the system does not increase the order quantity for the accompanying item when the order quantity for the originating item increases.

Example: The following accompanying item is set up for item A:

Required qty


Accompanying Qty

Use Order Qty





A customer orders item A for a quantity of 2. Because the Required quantity is reached and Use order quantity is No, the system adds item B to the order for a quantity of 1. The customer then decides to increase the order quantity for item A to 3. Because Use order quantity is No, the system does not update the order quantity for item B and instead, retains the order quantity of 1.

• If the Use Order Quantity field for the accompanying item is set to Yes, the system increases the order quantity for the accompanying item to match the quantity of the originating item.

Example: The following accompanying item is set up for item A:

Required qty


Accompanying Qty

Use Order Qty





A customer orders item A for a quantity of 2. Because the Required quantity is reached and Use order quantity is Yes, the system adds item B to the order for a quantity of 2. The customer then decides to increase the order quantity for item A to 3. Because Use Order Quantity is Yes, the system updates the order quantity for item B to 3 as well.

If the originating item now qualifies for the accompanying item: If the original order quantity of the originating item did not meet the Required quantity for the accompanying item, but you increase the order quantity of the originating item and it now meets the Required quantity for the accompanying item, the system adds the accompanying item to the order.

Example: The following accompanying item is set up for item A:

Required qty




A customer orders item A for a quantity of 1. Because the Required quantity is not reached, the system does not add item B to the order. The customer then decides to increase the order quantity for item A to 3. Because the Required quantity is now reached, the system adds item B to the order.

If the originating item now qualifies for a different accompanying item: If the system has already added an accompanying item to the order for the originating item, and you increase the order quantity of the originating item so that the originating item now meets the Required quantity for another accompanying item, the system does not add this accompanying item to the order, but instead keeps the original accompanying item that was added to the order.

Example: The following accompanying items are set up for item A:

Required qty








A customer orders item A for a quantity of 1. Because the Required quantity is reached, the system adds item B to the order. The customer then decides to increase the order quantity for item A to 2. Even though the Required quantity is reached for a different accompanying item (item C), because an accompanying item has already been added to the order for the originating item, the system does not add item C to the order and instead retains accompanying item B.

To apply a different accompanying item to an originating item: In order to update the order with the accompanying item that is closest to, but not greater than, the order quantity of the originating item, you should:

• delete the originating item from the order and reenter the originating item for the updated order quantity. In the example above, when you delete originating item A from the order, the system also deletes accompanying item B from the order. When you reenter originating item A on the order for an order quantity of 2, the system adds accompanying item C to the order.

• delete the accompanying item from the order and then select Change for the originating item on the order so that the system reevaluates the accompanying items defined for the originating item. In the example above, when you delete accompanying item B from the order and then select Change for the originating item to update the order quantity to 2, the system adds accompanying item C to the order.

Decreasing the Order Quantity of the Originating Item

When you decrease the order quantity of the originating item on the order, the system looks at the setting of the Use Order Quantity field for the accompanying item to determine if the order quantity of the accompanying item should also decrease.

• If the Use Order Quantity field is set to No, the system does not decrease the order quantity of the accompanying item when you decrease the order quantity of the originating item.

Example: The following accompanying item is set up for item A:

Required qty


Accompanying Qty

Use Order Qty





A customer orders item A for a quantity of 4. Because the Required quantity is reached and Use order quantity is No, the system adds item B to the order for an order quantity of 2. The customer then decides to decrease the order quantity for item A to 3. Because Use order quantity is No, the system does not update the order quantity for item B and instead, retains the order quantity of 2.

• If the Use Order Quantity field is set to Yes, the system decreases the order quantity for the accompanying item to match the quantity of the originating item.

Example: The following accompanying item is set up for item A:

Required qty


Accompanying Qty

Use Order Qty





A customer orders item A for a quantity of 4. Because the Required quantity is reached and Use order quantity is Yes, the system adds item B to the order for an order quantity of 4. The customer then decides to decrease the order quantity for item A to 3. Because Use order quantity is Yes, the system updates the order quantity for item B to 3 as well.

If the originating item no longer qualifies for the accompanying item: If by decreasing the order quantity of the originating item on the order means the Required quantity for the accompanying item is no longer reached, the system removes the accompanying item from the order.

Example: The following accompanying item is set up for item A:

Required qty




A customer orders item A for a quantity of 3. Because the Required quantity is reached, the system adds item B to the order. The customer then decides to decrease the order quantity for item A to 2. Because the Required quantity is no longer reached, the system deletes item B from the order.

If the originating item now qualifies for a different accompanying item: If the system has already added an accompanying item to the order for the originating item, and you decrease the order quantity of the originating item so that the originating item now meets the Required quantity for another accompanying item, the system does not add this accompanying item to the order. In addition, because the originating item no longer meets the Required quantity for the accompanying item that was originally added to the order, the system deletes the accompanying item from the order.

Example: The following accompanying items are set up for item A:

Required qty








A customer orders item A for a quantity of 4. Because the Required quantity is reached, the system adds item D to the order. The customer then decides to decrease the order quantity for item A to 2. Even though the Required quantity is reached for a different accompanying item (item C), because an accompanying item has already been added to the order for the originating item, the system does not add item C to the order. In addition, because the Required quantity for accompanying item D is no longer reached, the system deletes accompanying item D from the order.

Note: After the system deletes the accompanying item from the order, if you select Change for the originating item, the system reevaluates the accompanying items defined for the originating item, and if the Required quantity for one of the accompanying items is reached, the system adds this accompanying item to the order. In the example above, if you select Change for originating item A, the system adds accompanying item C to the order since the originating item’s order quantity is 2.

Selling Out the Originating Item

If you manually sell out the originating item, the system also sells out the accompanying item.

If the system automatically sells out the originating item, the system adds the accompanying item to the order and immediately sells out the order line.

If the accompanying item is a set item, the system sells out the accompanying item and its component items on the order.

Updating the Accompanying Item in Order Entry

Once the accompanying item is added to the order in order entry, you can perform regular order entry updates to the order line. However, you cannot manually increase the order quantity of the accompanying item; if you try to increase the order quantity, you receive an error message: This is an accompanying item, the qty cannot be increased.

Deleting the Accompanying Item and then Updating the Originating Item

If you delete the accompanying item from the order, and then update the originating item, the system reevaluates the accompanying items defined for the originating item and if the order quantity of the originating item qualifies for an accompanying item, the system adds the accompanying item to the order.

Example: The following accompanying item is set up for item A:

Required qty




A customer orders item A for a quantity of 3. Because the Required quantity is reached, the system adds accompanying item B to the order. You then delete item B from the order. The customer then decides to increase the order quantity for originating item A to 4. Because the system reevaluates accompanying items when you update the originating item on the order, the system adds accompanying item B to the order.

Updating the Accompanying Item and then Updating the Originating Item

If you update an accompanying item whose Use order qty (Use originating item order quantity) is set to Yes, and then update the originating item, the system overrides the update you made to the accompanying item in the following scenarios:

If you increase the order quantity of the originating item: If you decrease the order quantity of the accompanying item, but then increase the order quantity of the originating item, the system also updates the order quantity of the accompanying item to match the order quantity of the originating item.

Example: The following accompanying item is set up for item A:

Required qty


Accompanying Qty

Use Order Qty





A customer orders item A for a quantity of 3. Because the Required quantity is reached and Use order quantity is Yes, the system adds accompanying item B to the order for an order quantity of 3. You then decrease the order quantity for item B to 1. The customer then decides to increase the order quantity for originating item A to 4. Because Use order quantity is Yes, the system also updates the order quantity for item B to 4.

If you decrease the order quantity of the originating item: If you decrease the order quantity of the accompanying item, but then decrease the order quantity of the originating item, the system also updates the order quantity of the accompanying item to match the order quantity of the originating item.

Example: The following accompanying item is set up for item A:

Required qty


Accompanying Qty

Use Order Qty





A customer orders item A for a quantity of 4. Because the Required quantity is reached and Use order quantity is Yes, the system adds accompanying item B to the order for an order quantity of 4. You then decrease the order quantity for item B to 1. The customer then decides to decrease the order quantity for originating item A to 3. Because Use order quantity is Yes, the system also updates the order quantity for item B to 3.

If the required quantity for the accompanying item is no longer reached: If you decrease the order quantity of the accompanying item, but then decrease the order quantity of the originating item to a quantity that no longer meets the Required quantity for the accompanying item, the system removes the accompanying item from the order.

Example: The following accompanying item is set up for item A:

Required qty


Accompanying Qty

Use Order Qty





A customer orders item A for a quantity of 3. Because the Required quantity is reached and Use order quantity is Yes, the system adds accompanying item B to the order for an order quantity of 3. You then decrease the order quantity for item B to 1. The customer then decides to decrease the order quantity for originating item A to 2. Because the Required quantity for accompanying item B is no longer reached, the system deletes item B from the order.

Accompanying Items in Order Maintenance

The Add Accompanying Items in Order Maintenance (H28) system control value controls whether the system adds accompanying items in both order entry and order maintenance, or in order entry only.

If you select this system control value, the system adds an accompanying item to the order automatically when you add an item designated for accompanying items to the order in order maintenance. The accompanying item will also be added to the order if you select the designated item as the exchange (replacement) item in order maintenance or Work with Return Authorizations.

Note: When you update the originating item in order maintenance, the system does not update the accompanying item. For example, if you sell out the originating item in order maintenance, the system does not also sell out the accompanying item.

OE01_07 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN