Introducing Order Batches

You can work with the following types of order batches.

Batch Orders and Web Orders

Batch Orders and Membership Orders

Batch Orders and Web Orders

Web orders that fail the order edit: If an order received through the Generic Order Interface (Order API) does not pass the order edit, or if it does not include payment information, it is retained in the Default Batch for E-Commerce Orders in Error (G41). However:

• If the order_channel is P and the order is not part of a batch, the system places the order in the Batch Number for Retail Channel Orders (I78) if it has errors.

• If a retail pickup or delivery order does not pass the order edit, it is retained in the Order Broker Error Batch Number (K90). If this system control value is blank, retail pickup and delivery orders in error are assigned to the same batch as e-commerce orders in error. See Retail Pickup or Delivery Orders for background.

To correct web orders in error: You can use batch orders to review, work with, and approve web orders that failed the order edit. Select Edit/Accept on the Work with Error Orders Batches Screen to edit the order batch. The system runs the same order edit that is performed when you receive orders through the Generic Order Interface (Order API). When an order passes the order edit, the system removes the batch number from the order, updates its status to open, performs pick slip preparation, and makes it available in regular order maintenance and inquiry. If an order fails the order edit, the system includes the order on the Print Remote Order Errors Report and retains the order in an error status in the order batch.

Batch Orders and Membership Orders

Membership orders that fail the order edit: If a membership order generated through Generating Membership Orders (EGMO) does not pass the order edit, the order remains in a suspended status and is placed in a generated order batch, using the next number in the Order Batch (A01) number assignment wheel.

To correct membership orders in error: You can use batch orders to review, work with, and approve membership orders that failed the order edit. Select Edit/Accept on the Work with Error Orders Batches Screen to edit the order batch. The system runs the same order edit that is performed when you receive orders through the Generic Order Interface (Order API). When an order passes the order edit, the system removes the batch number from the order, updates its status to open, performs pick slip preparation, and makes it available in regular order maintenance and inquiry. If an order fails the order edit, the system includes the order on the Print Remote Order Errors Report and retains the order in an error status in the order batch.

OE02_01 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN