Tax Exception Report

How to print: Complete the Tax Exception Report screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• Date range: The Start date and End date selected at the Tax Exception Report screen

• Country code. All tax exception records not linked to a country code is listed on the first page of the report. A record is not linked to a country code if the tax exception record does not include a state.

• State code and description. All tax exception records whose state codes are blank are listed on the first page of the report.

Note: The Require state? flag for the country controls whether an address can have a blank state.

• Postal code of the shipping address on the order

• City of the shipping address

• Invoice date: The date when the shipment, express bill, or return was processed by billing

• Order number and ship-to number, separated by a hyphen

• Invoice number: If the Consolidated Invoice (B49) system control value is selected, the same invoice number can apply to multiple shipments that occur on the same date, or to multiple returns

• Item: Identifies the item on the order detail line. No item is listed for order-level freight or additional freight, since these charges are not associated with an order detail line

• SKU: The item’s unique characteristics, such as its color and size. Included only if the item has SKU’s.

• Description of the item. Blank for charges that are not associated with an order detail line. The description may be truncated if it exceeds the allotted space on the report.

• Transaction type: The type of charge to which tax applied. Each order detail line that has a tax charge is listed, plus any order-level charges that were taxed:

- LM: line merchandise

- LH: line handling

- LF: line freight (if the order uses a line-level freight method)

- OF: order freight (if the order uses an order-level freight method)

- AF: additional freight

Note: If the entry is subject to more than one tax amount, the transaction types are consolidated. For example, if there is tax on an order line that is also subject to handling charges, the transaction type is LM+LH (line merchandise plus line handling).

• Taxable amount: The total amount that was subject to tax.


- The taxable amount includes all pricing and charges that are subject to tax for that order detail line. For example, an order detail line has an extended price of $10.00 and handling charges of $5.00. If only the merchandise is subject to tax, then the taxable amount listed on the report is $10.00, and the transaction type is LM. If the merchandise and handling are both taxable, the taxable amount listed is $15.00 and the transaction type is LM+LH. If the order line is also subject to line-level freight charges of $2.50, then the taxable amount is $17.50 and the transaction type is LM+LF+LH.

- On orders subject to GST and PST, the taxable amount might not be the same for both taxing methods. This is because GST and PST are calculated independently, and might have different rules regarding whether freight or handling charges are taxable. In this situation, a single taxable amount listed on the report cannot accurately reflect the amount subject to tax for both GST and PST; however, the tax amount listed on the report will accurately reflect the total GST and PST charged.

• Tax: The total tax amount charged for the transaction, based on Oracle Retail Order Management System’s standard tax calculation for the shipping address.

OE_APP_Dr OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN