Printing the FIFO Stock Aging Report (PFSA)

Purpose: Use the FIFO Stock Aging reports to review the age of inventory based on the dates the FIFO cost layers were created.

You can sort this report by warehouse or item. Each report details the total valuation of the FIFO cost layers for an item or SKU, broken out into monthly aging buckets. Additionally, you can print a summary report which provides total inventory valuation for each warehouse broken out by aging bucket.

In this chapter:

- FIFO Stock Aging Report Screen

- FIFO Stock Aging Report by Item

- FIFO Stock Aging Report by Warehouse

- FIFO Stock Aging Recap

More information:

FIFO Costing Overview

• the Costing Method (A25) system control value

FIFO Stock Aging Report Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PFSA in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Print FIFO Stock Aging Report from a menu.

Note: Each of the selection criteria for the report work together. For example, if you specify both warehouse 1 and an extended cost greater than $100, only item/SKUs that have FIFO layers totaling more than $100 within warehouse 1 will appear on the report.



Select warehouse

Enter a warehouse code to restrict the report to items located in this warehouse. Aging information for this warehouse only will be selected.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table; see Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Leave this field blank to select items regardless of warehouse.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Select vendor

Enter a vendor code to restrict the report to items associated with this vendor. Only items whose default vendor (the Vendor field on the Create/Change/Display Item screens) matches your entry will be selected.

Vendor codes are defined in and validated against the Vendor table; see Working with Vendors (WVEN).

Leave this field blank to select items regardless of default vendor.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Select buyer

Enter a buyer code to restrict the report to items associated with this buyer. Only items whose default buyer (the Buyer field on the Create/Change/Display Item screens) will be selected.

Buyer codes are defined in and validated against the Buyer table; see Working with Buyers (WBUY).

Leave this field blank to select items regardless of default buyer.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Show stock older than

Enter a number of days to indicate the minimum age of the FIFO cost layers to include on the report. The FIFO layer must equal or exceed the number of days you enter to be selected.

The system bases its selection on the date when the FIFO cost layer was created (the FIFO date). If an item has multiple FIFO layers, some from before the date you enter here and some after, the totals on the report will represent only those FIFO cost layers that are older than the date you enter.

Example: Item AB100 has one FIFO cost layer from 10 days ago, and another FIFO layer from 45 days ago. If you enter 31, only the older FIFO cost layer will be represented on the report, and the 0 - 30 days bucket will have a total of zero.

Note: Because this is a required field and selects FIFO layers whose age is greater than your entry, stock must be at least 1 day old to appear on the report.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Show stock with total on-hand extended cost over

Enter a dollar amount to indicate the minimum total dollar value of the FIFO cost layers to include on the report. The total dollar value of the FIFO cost layers for an item or SKU within a warehouse must exceed the dollar amount you enter to be selected.

Example: Item AB100 has two FIFO cost layers in warehouse 1, for a total extended cost of $250. Item CD200 has two SKUs in warehouse 1, each with a FIFO cost layer with extended costs of $200. If you enter 300.00 in this field, only item AB100 will be represented on the report.

Leave this field blank to select items regardless of the total on-hand value.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

Item/SKU range

Enter the beginning and ending item to include on the report. Entry of SKU details is optional, even for a SKUed item; however, if you enter any SKU information for an item, you must enter a complete, valid SKU.

You cannot enter a beginning item/SKU without also entering an ending item/SKU; also, you cannot enter SKU information without entering an item code.

Leave these fields blank to select all eligible items based on your other selections.

Item: alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.

SKU: alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.

Sort by

Indicates which version of the FIFO Stock Aging Report to print. Valid values are:

Item = lists items in alphanumeric order by item code, breaking out item/SKU/warehouse totals for each.

Warehouse = lists items within each warehouse in alphanumeric order by item code.

This option affects the sort of the detail report only, not the recap report.

Enter a valid sort option.


Print recap only

Indicates whether to print the FIFO Stock Aging Recap only, or both the recap report and the detail report. Valid values are:

Selected = Print the FIFO Stock Aging Recap only, not the detail FIFO Stock Aging Report.

Unselected (default) = Print both the FIFO Stock Aging Recap and the detail FIFO Stock Aging Report.

Completing this screen: The system submits the job FIFO_AGE_I if you chose to print the FIFO Stock Aging Report by Item, or the job QBATCH if you chose to print the FIFO Stock Aging Report by Warehouse.

PFSA OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN