Purge Empty Item Locations (PITL)

Purpose: Use this option to purge Item Location records that have zero:

• on-hand quantity

• pending transaction quantity

• printed quantity

You need to specify the warehouse where empty item locations should be deleted. In addition, the prompt screen allows you to specify the number of days since placement date. For example, if you specify 45 days, only item locations whose placement dates were more than 45 days ago and which match all the other criteria will be deleted.

Even if the purge deletes the item location record, it is possible that the item/SKU has this warehouse and location identified in the SKU table as the “primary primary” location. The record in the SKU table is not cleared by this purge.

Note: Ordinarily, the system automatically deletes all item locations when the above quantities are zero, except in the case of primary locations.

Purge Empty Item Locations Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PITL in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Purge Empty Item Locations from a menu.

Completing this screen:

• Enter the 3-position warehouse number where the item locations should be deleted. This entry is required.

• Enter the number of days required since placement date for an item location to be eligible for deletion. For example, if you enter 45, and an empty item location has a placement date of 50 days ago, it is eligible for deletion.

• Select Accept to submit the PURGITL job.

SO05_08 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN