Online Credit Card Authorization Listing

Purpose: Use this report to review whether credit cards have been authorized, declined, not yet sent for authorization, or sent for authorization for a specific date range.

This report sorts in:

• pay type/authorization date/status order if you selected Pay Type/Auth Date/Status in the Report sorts field.

• status/pay type/credit card number order is you selected Status/Pay Type/Credit Card # in the Report sorts field.


How to print: Select Accept at the Authorization Listing Screen or perform batch authorization using the Performing Batch Authorization (SATH) menu option.

Note: A similar report prints when you receive authorizations during pick slip generation. See Credit Card Authorization Listing.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Order number: the order number associated with the credit card authorization.

Billed flag: indicates if the order has been confirmed and processed through the Billing Async.

Authorization status: the status of the credit card authorization. Valid statuses are:

- blank = not yet sent to the authorization service for authorization

- A = authorized

- D = declined

- O = authorized, but not used

- S = sent to the authorization service for authorization

Customer number: the number for the customer associated with the credit card. This is the bill to customer is one exists; otherwise this is the sold to customer.

Credit card number: the number defined for the credit card. If you use credit card tokenization, this number may be a token rather than the actual credit card number. The credit card number is in the format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the associated pay type. If a format is not defined for the pay type, the system uses the default credit card number format. For example, ************1111 may print instead of the entire credit card number. Note: If a default credit card number format is not defined or if the pay type is Bill Me Later or Direct Bank Disbursement, the card number will display.

Expiration date: the date this credit card is no longer valid.

Credit card response: the response received from the authorization service. The vendor response indicates whether the credit card has been approved or declined. You can set up vendor responses at the screen.

Authorization number: the number used to authorize the credit card.

Authorization date: the date the credit card was authorized.

AVS response: the AVS response received from the authorization service, if any. The AVS response indicates whether the credit card billing address is legitimate or invalid. You can set up AVS responses at the screen.

Dollar amount: the dollar amount authorized against the credit card.

Name: The billing name and address for the credit card. This is the bill to customer name and address in one exists; otherwise this is the sold to customer name and address.

SO04_12r OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN