Purged SKU List

How to print: This report prints when you select Submit to process the SKU purge using Purging SKUs (MPSK). The report displays all item/SKUs the can be purged based on the selection criteria you entered on the SKU Purge screen.

If you selected the Print only do not update field, the system prints this report and does not purge the item/SKUs that are available to purge. If you unselected this field, the system prints this report and purges all item/SKUs that are available to purge.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• Update run (indicates whether the item/SKUs have been purged. Selected = all item/SKUs are on this report have been purged; Unselected = all item/SKUs are on this report have not been purged)

• Purge days (the number of days to retain SKUs that are not on any existing order. This number defaults from the SKU Purge Days (F11) system control value)

• Status (item status)

• Item


• Item description

• SKU description

SO05_07r OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN