Working with Dollar Chart by Offer (WDCO)

Purpose: You can use the Work with Dollar Chart by Offer function to establish freight or service charges by offer.

Service charges are additional charges that are added to an order if the merchandise amount on the order is equal to or exceeds an amount specified in this table. Service charges can also be defined at the source code level.

You can also define freight and service charges for an offer using Working with Offers (WOFR).


• If you plan to set up service charges, you should complete the Addl charge code (for Dollar chart charges) in the Offer table.

• The Excl serv chg (Exclude service charges) flag for the source code does not control whether to apply service charges you set up through these screens to orders.

In this chapter:

First Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Select Offer and Type)

Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Freight Charges)

- Create Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Freight Charges)

Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Service Charges)

- Create Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Service Charges)

First Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Select Offer and Type)

How to display this screen: Enter WDCO in the Fast path field on a menu or select this option from a menu.




Enter the code for the offer for which you want to set up a freight or service charge.

An offer is a code that identifies the catalog, space, or television advertisement from which you accept orders. Offers are defined in and validated against the Offer table; see Working with Offers (WOFR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Freight or service

Enter F if you want to set up a freight charge for this offer, or

Enter S if you want to set up a service charge for this offer.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Completing this screen: Complete the Offer field and enter either F or S in the Freight or service field.

• If you enter F, you advance to the Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Freight Charges).

• If you enter S, you advance to the Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Service Charges).

Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Freight Charges)

Purpose: Use this screen to work with freight charges for this offer. The screens and fields you use to work with freight and service dollar charts are nearly identical.

How to display this screen: Complete the First Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Select Offer and Type). You can also display this screen by selecting Freight charges for an offer on the Work with Offers Screen.




The unique code and description for the catalog, space, television advertisement or web site from which you accept orders.

Offer: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Dollar amount

The total dollar amount on the customer's order that is subject to freight charges. This amount includes all merchandise on the order; if the Include Handling in Freight Charge Calculation (D77) system control value is selected, then handling is also included. When this total is equal to or greater than the dollar amount defined here, the system applies the freight charge from the Freight charge field, the Pct (Percentage) field, or the Maximum charge field to the customer's order.

You can define a dollar amount where the system stops charging freight by entering a $0.00 freight charge in the Freight charge or Pct (Percentage) fields. This is helpful if you wish to stop charging freight when a customer reaches a certain merchandise level on the order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Freight charge

The flat dollar amount of freight to apply to a customer's order when the order total subject to freight is equal to or greater than the amount from the Dollars (amount) field.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Pct (Percentage)

The percentage of freight to charge when the order total subject to freight is equal to or greater than the amount from the Dollars (amount) field.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Maximum charge

The maximum dollar amount of freight that can be charged, regardless of the result of the freight calculation.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Screen Option


Create a dollar chart

Select Create to advance to the Create Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Freight Charges).

Change a dollar chart

Select Change for a dollar chart to advance to the Change Dollar Chart by Offer screen. See Create Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Freight Charges) for field descriptions. You can change all of the information except the Offer code field.

Delete a dollar chart

Select Delete for a dollar chart to delete it.

Display a dollar chart

Select Display for a dollar chart to advance to the Display Dollar Chart by Offer screen. You cannot change any fields on this screen. For field descriptions, see Create Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Freight Charges).

Create Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Freight Charges)

Purpose: Use this screen to create a freight dollar chart for an offer.

How to display this screen: Select Create on the Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Freight Charges).




The unique code and description for the catalog, space or television advertisement or web site from which you accept orders. See Working with Offers (WOFR).

Offer: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Dollars (amount)

The dollar amount on the customer's order that is subject to freight. This amount includes the merchandise total; it also includes any handling charges on the order if the Include Handling in Freight Charge Calculation (D77) system control value is selected.

When the total amount subject to freight on an order is equal to or greater than the dollar amount you define here, the system applies the freight charge defined in the Freight amount field, the Freight percent field, or the Maximum freight amount field to the customer's order.

You can define a dollar amount where the system stops charging freight by entering a $0.00 freight charge in the Freight amount or Freight percent fields. This is helpful if you wish to stop charging freight when a customer reaches a certain merchandise level on the order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

Freight amount

Enter the freight charge to apply to a customer's order when the order total subject to freight is equal to or greater than the amount from the Dollars (amount) field.

Example: If you enter 100.00 in the Dollars (amount) field, and 4.95 in the Freight amount field, the system adds $4.95 to the order as freight when the total amount subject to freight is $100.00 or less.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Freight percent

Enter the percentage to use to calculate freight. The system multiplies this percentage by the total amount on the order subject to freight.

Example: If you enter 50.00 in the Dollars (amount) field, and 5.00 in the Freight percent field, the system applies $2.50 to the order as freight when the total amount subject to freight is $50.00 or less.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Maximum freight amount

The maximum dollar amount of freight to charged, regardless of the result of the freight calculation. You need to complete this field only if you are calculating freight by percentage (if you have entered a percentage in the Pct field.)

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Service Charges)

Purpose: Use this screen to work with service charges for this offer. The screens and fields you use to work with freight and service dollar charts are nearly identical.

How to display this screen: Complete the First Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Select Offer and Type). You can also advance to this screen by selecting Service charges for an offer at the Work with Offers Screen.




The unique code and description for the catalog, space, or television advertisement from which you accept orders.

Offer: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Dollar amount

The merchandise dollar amount on the customer's order. When the merchandise total is equal to or greater than the dollar amount you enter, the system applies service charge defined in the Service amount field, the Service percent field, or the Maximum service amount field to the customer's order.

You can define a dollar amount where the system stops charging a service charge by entering a $0.00 service charge in the Service amount or Service percent fields. This is helpful if you wish to stop charging a service charge when a customer reaches a certain merchandise level on the order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Service charge

The flat dollar amount of service to apply to a customer's order when the merchandise dollar amount on the order is equal to or greater than the amount defined in the Dollars (amount) field.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Pct (Percentage)

The percentage of the merchandise total to apply to a customer's order as service charge when the merchandise dollar amount on the order is equal to or greater than the amount defined in the Dollars (amount) field.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Maximum charge

The maximum dollar amount of service charge to add to an order, regardless of the result of the freight calculation.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Screen Option


Create an offer

Select Create to advance to the Create Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Service Charges).

Change an offer

Select Change for a dollar chart to advance to the Change Dollar Chart by Offer screen. For field descriptions, see Create Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Service Charges). You can change all of the information except the Offer code field.

Delete an offer

Select Delete for a dollar chart to delete it.

Display an offer

Select Display for a dollar chart to advance to the Display Dollar Chart by Offer screen. You cannot change any fields on this screen. For field descriptions, see Create Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Service Charges).

Create Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Service Charges)

Purpose: Use this screen to create a service dollar chart for an offer.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Service Charges).

This screen requires that you define a service charge by entering a dollar amount in the Service amount field or a percentage in the Service percent field, which the system will calculate on the merchandise total. Optionally, you can enter a maximum charge to as a cap, if the percentage you define results in a dollar amount that is greater than the maximum charge.




The unique code and description for the catalog, space, or television advertisement from which you accept orders. See Working with Offers (WOFR).

Offer: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Dollars (amount)

The merchandise dollar amount of the customer's order. When the merchandise total is equal to or greater than the dollar amount you enter, the system applies the service charge defined in the Service amount field, the Service percent field, or the Maximum service amount field to the customer's order.

Example: If the merchandise total is between and including .01 and 30.99, the customer will be charged 2.95. If the merchandise total is between and including 51.00 and 90.99, the charge will be 5.95. If the merchandise total is 200.00 or over, the charge will be 5 percent of the merchandise total, but not greater than 30.00.

You can define a dollar amount where the system stops charging a service charge by entering a $0.00 service charge in the Service amount or Service percent fields. This is helpful if you wish to stop charging a service charge when a customer reaches a certain merchandise level on the order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

Service amount

The flat dollar amount of the service charge to apply to a customer's order when the merchandise amount on the order is equal to or greater than the amount defined in the Dollars (amount) field.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if you did not define a percentage in the Pct field.

Service percent

The percentage of the merchandise total to apply to a customer's order as a service charge when the merchandise dollar amount on the order is equal to or greater than the amount defined in the Dollars (amount) field.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if you did not define a dollar amount in the Service charge field.

Maximum service amount

The maximum dollar amount of the service charge to apply, regardless of the result of the service charge calculation. You need to complete this field only if you are calculating service charges on the merchandise dollar amount by percentage (if you have entered a percentage in the Service percent field.)

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

WDCO OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN