Aged Receiving Report

Purpose: This report displays inventory aged based on receipt transactions. Only items with an on-hand quantity are included on the report. If there are no items with an on-hand quantity for a vendor, the report includes a blank page with the vendor number and name.

The Aged Receiving report sorts by vendor. For each vendor, the report sorts in item, SKU sequence. Items that are not associated with a vendor (the Vendor number field for the item in the Item table is blank) is at the beginning of the report.

How to print: Select OK at the Aged Receiving Report Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


vendor #: The number and name of the vendor associated with the inventory, from the Vendor number in the Item table.

For each item/SKU:

item: The item number for the inventory received. The first 20 positions of the description of the item is below the item number.

SKU: The SKU code for the inventory received. The description of the SKU is next to the item description.

last purchase cost: The unit cost of the item on the last purchase order received. This is the last purchase cost from the Last purchase cost field in the SKU table.

last receipt date: The date the last purchase order was received. This is the last receipt date from the Receipt date field in the SKU table.

primary location: The primary location for the item, from the Location field in the SKU table.

on hand: The total on hand for the item, across all warehouses. This is the on hand quantity from the On hand quantity field in the Item Warehouse table. If the item is located in more than 1 warehouse, the system sums the on hand quantity for each item warehouse to determine the total on hand quantity.

aged receivings: The system splits the on hand quantity into the appropriate aging bucket based on when the inventory was received. See Determining the Age of Inventory Receipts for more information on how the system determines the quantity to place in each aging bucket.

- 0-90: The total units received for the item in the last 90 days.

- 91-180: The total units received for the item in the last 91-180 days.

- 181-360: The total units received for the item in the last 181-360 days.

- 360+: The total units received for the item over 360 days ago.

- unknown: The total units of the on hand quantity added to inventory by a method other than purchase order receipts. Transactions that update this value are positive inventory transactions, returns, and purged inventory transaction history records.

extended cost for aging receivings: (unlabeled field below the units for each aging bucket): The extended cost of the item in the specific aging bucket. This is the cost from the Average cost, Standard cost, or FIFO cost field in the SKU table (depending on your Costing Method (A25)) multiplied by the aging quantity (cost x aging quantity = extended cost). Note: The system rounds the extended cost for aging to the nearest dollar. For example, if the extended cost for the 0-90 aging bucket is 16.50, the extended cost on the report is 17.

buyer: The name of the buyer for the item, from the Buyer field in the Item table.

cost: The cost of the item. This is the cost from the Average cost, Standard cost, or FIFO cost field in the SKU table (depending on your Costing Method (A25)).

extended cost for item/SKU: The extended cost of the item/SKU. This is the cost from the Average cost, Standard cost, or FIFO cost field in the SKU table (depending on your Costing Method (A25)) multiplied by the on hand quantity (cost x on hand quantity = extended cost).

Note: If there is no cost for an item/SKU in the Average cost, Standard cost, or FIFO cost field in the SKU table (depending on your Costing Method (A25), no cost or extended cost is listed on the report.

Report totals:

total cost: The total cost of the inventory, across all inventory received. This is the sum of the extended cost for each item/SKU on the report.

total 0-90 aged receivings cost: The total cost of the units received in the last 90 days. This is the sum of the extended cost for the 0-90 bucket for each item/SKU on the report.

total 91-180 aged receivings cost: The total cost of the units received in the last 91-180 days. This is the sum of the extended cost for the 91-180 bucket for each item/SKU on the report.

total 181-360 aged receivings cost: The total cost of the inventory received in the last 181-360 days. This is the sum of the extended cost for the 181-360 bucket for each item/SKU on the report.

total 360+ aged receivings cost: The total cost of the inventory received over 360 days ago. This is the sum of the extended cost for the 360+ bucket for each item/SKU on the report.

total unknown cost: The total cost of the inventory received by a method other than purchase order receipts. This is the sum of the extended cost for the unknown bucket for each item/SKU on the report.

WH03_06r OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN