Replenishment Pick Worksheet

Purpose: This worksheet lists each item in the 'From' warehouse that is to be transferred to the warehouse being replenished and the quantity in each location in the 'From' warehouse that should be picked. All allocated items and locations in the replenishment request print on the worksheet.

You can use this worksheet to assist you in confirming the actual item quantities picked from each system-recommended location.

The sample was generated using the base print program, FLR0335, as specified in the Warehouse Replenishment Pick Worksheet Print Program (G25) system control value. Your worksheet may be different.

How to print: Select Print Pick Worksheet at the Work with Warehouse Replenishment Detail Screen (standard process or outlet transfers).

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Loc type: The location type code assigned to the location in the Location file. Valid codes are:

- P - Primary location

- S - Secondary location

- B - Bulk location

From location: The location in the 'From' warehouse where the inventory will be picked. An item can be picked from multiple locations to fulfill a replenishment request. Each From location and the quantity to pick in that location will be printed for the item in location sequence.

Cmp: The company code associated with the warehouse being replenished.

Whs: The code of the warehouse being replenished. Multiple warehouses can be included in the same replenishment request (standard process only).

Location: The auto-restock location code assigned to the warehouse being replenished (standard process) or the default outlet transfer location.

Item/SKU: The item and SKU codes of the item.

Item description: The description of the item.

Qty to replenish: The number of units of the item to be picked from the location.

Qty moved: A blank line where you can record the actual number of units picked from the location.

WH10_04r OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN