Price Code Upload Errors Report

Purpose: This report lists any records in the Price Code Upload Table (PriceCdUpload) that contain errors. You can use this report to determine which price code upload records you need to correct and reprocess.

Note: Each price code upload record in an error status is associated with only one error (the first error the system finds for the record). Once you correct the error and resubmit the Price Code Upload Process, the system validates the record for additional errors.

This report sorts in Record type, Sequence number sequence, starting a new page for each record type.

How to print: Submit the Price Code Upload Process.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Record Type Price Code: The system includes all records in error whose Record Type in the Price Code Upload table is PCO.

- Seq#: The Seq # in the Price Code Upload table.

- Record Date: The Record Date in the Price Code Upload table. MM/DD/YY format.

- PCO Seq#: The PCO Sequence in the Price Code Upload table.

- Qty: The PCO Qty Required in the Price Code Upload table.

- % Disc: The PCO Percent Discount in the Price Code Upload table.

- $ Disc: The PCO Dollar Discount in the Price Code Upload table.

- Special Price: The PCO Special Price in the Price Code Upload table.

- Tax Spcl Price: The PCO Tax Special Price in the Price Code Upload table.

- Group Price: The Group Price in the Price Code Upload table.

- Tax Grp Price: The PCO Tax Group Price in the Price Code Upload table.

- Distinct By: The Distinct By in the Price Code Upload table.

- Mult: The Multiples setting in the Price Code Upload table.

- Start Date: The Start Date in the Price Code Upload table.

- End Date: The End Date in the Price Code Upload table.

- Error Description: The Error Description in the Price Code Upload table.

- Number of unprocessed records: The number of records in error for Record Type PCO.

Record Type Price Code Details: The system includes all records in error whose Record Type in the Price Code Upload table is PCD.

- Seq#: The Seq # in the Price Code Upload table.

- Record Date: The Record Date in the Price Code Upload table. MM/DD/YY format.

- Item: The ITM Number in the Price Code Upload table.

- SKU: The SKU Code in the Price Code Upload table.

- Offer: The Offer Number in the Price Code Upload table.

- Source: The SRC Source Code in the Price Code Upload table.

- Error Description: The Error Description in the Price Code Upload table.

- Number of unprocessed records: The number of records in error for Record Type PCD.

Record Type Price Code Customer: The system includes all records in error whose Record Type in the Price Code Upload table is PCC.

- Seq#: The Seq # in the Price Code Upload table.

- Record Date: The Record Date in the Price Code Upload table. MM/DD/YY format.

- Customer: The Customer in the Price Code Upload table.

- Customer Price Group: The Customer Price Group in the Price Code Upload table.

- Error Description: The Error Description in the Price Code Upload table.

- Number of unprocessed records: The number of records in error for Record Type PCC.

WPCDr OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN