Establishing Price Override Reason Codes (WPOR)

Purpose: Price override reason codes let an authorized operator change an item price or enter an item at no charge in Order Entry or Order Maintenance. You need to designate one or more price override reason codes for promotional or upsell items that may be added to an order automatically. When an item is added to the order from a promotion, the system updates the Override field on the order detail line with the default override reason code designated for the type of promotion or upsell so that you can track the discounts by override reason. Price overrides apply only at the line item level.

The Price Override Reason table stores the number of price overrides and the net discount associated with each reason code.

Default Price Override Reasons

You can set up the following default price override reason codes in the System Control table:

Default Price Override Reason (B35)

Price Override Code for Promotional Priced Lines (B61) Note: This system control value is not currently implemented. The system applies the Default Price Override Reason (B35) to promotional priced lines.

Price Override Reason for Same Price Exchanges (D92)

Price Table Level Override Code (E05)

Default Price Override Reason for Warranty Items (G01)

Price Override Reason for E-Commerce (G73)

Price Override Reason for SVC Refund Item (I74)

Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42)

Price Override Reason for Promotions (K45)

Price Override Reason for Quotes (K75)

Order Broker Price Override (K95)

Price Override Reason Code for CPG Pricing (L59)

Note: You cannot apply the Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials (K42), Price Override Reason for Promotions (K45), or Price Table Level Override Code (E05) to an order line in order entry; these price override reason codes are reserved for system use.

See the description of each system control value for more information.

ChannelAdvisor default: The ChannelAdvisor integration uses a price override reason code of W. You cannot change this default. See ChannelAdvisor Integration Overview and ChannelAdvisor Setup for background.

Secured features: The Price Overrides (A23) secured feature controls the ability to override a price in order entry, and the Override Price Override Limit (A64) controls the ability to exceed the Price Override Limit Percent (E55).

Report: You can use the Printing the Price Override Reason Report (PROR) option to generate a report indicating the number of units, discount amount, and discount percentage applied through price override reason codes. The report does not include price override reason codes whose Exclude from price override report field is selected.

In this chapter:

Overriding the Item/SKU Offer Price

Work with Price Override Reason Screen

Create Price Override Reason Screen

Overriding the Item/SKU Offer Price

The Override item offer price field for a price override reason code indicates whether to use the price override amount entered in order entry as the item/SKU offer price for the order. The item offer price is stored in the Order Detail table for each order line. The following table describes how the system handles various functions depending upon how this flag is set for a price override reason code:


Flag is selected

Flag is unselected

For examples, see:

calculating the discount amount on an order or order detail line

The discount amount equals the difference between the override price entered and the final selling price; in other words, it equals any additional discounts applied after the price override. When an item is added to the order at no charge (for example, an accompanying item) then the regular offer price is not included in the discount total on the order.

• If an item/SKU offer price exists, the discount amount equals the difference between the offer price and the selling price. When an item is added to the order at no charge (for example, an accompanying item) then the regular offer price is included in the discount total on the order.

• If an item/SKU offer price does not exist, the discount amount equals the selling price of the item, presented as a negative number.

The Discount field at the Display Invoice Header Screen

evaluating the order or order detail line for a minimum coupon dollar amount

The system uses the price override amount entered to evaluate the order or line for a dollar minimum.

The system uses the regular, single-unit offer price of the item or SKU to evaluate the order or line for a dollar minimum. If there is no offer price, the item cannot qualify for a coupon with a dollar minimum.

How an Order or Item Qualifies for a Coupon

highlighting discounted prices if the Display Order Line Discount Messages (F01) system control value is selected

The system does not highlight the overridden price.

The system highlights the overridden price and displays the discount calculation message if an item/SKU offer price exists.

The Display Order Line Discount Messages (F01) system control value and Discount Calculation Messages

calculating freight using the By Offer Price freight method for a source code (see Freight Charges for an overview)

The system uses the actual price to calculate freight charges for the order

The system uses the original offer price to calculate freight charges for the order


Work with Price Override Reason Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WPOR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Price Override Reasons from a menu.




Represents a reason for overriding a price during order entry or order maintenance.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The description associated with the price override reason code.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a price override reason code

Select Create to advance to the Create Price Override Reason Screen.

Change a price override reason code description

Select Change for a code to advance to the Change Price Override Reason screen. At this screen, you can change only the description. See Create Price Override Reason Screen for field descriptions.

Delete a price override reason code

Select Delete for the code.

Note: You can delete a price override reason code at any time. However, you will lose any data associated with the reason code that is stored in the Price Override table. Additionally, if the reason code is defined as a default in the System Control table, deleting the code causes the system to display error messages in order entry.

Display a price override reason code

Select Display for a code to advance to the Display Price Override Reason screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Price Override Reason Screen for field descriptions.

Create Price Override Reason Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create price override reason codes for use in Order Entry and Order Maintenance.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Price Override Reason Screen.



Price override code

Identifies the reason to override a price during order entry or order maintenance.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The description associated with the price override reason code.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Override item offer price

This flag indicates whether to use the price override amount entered in order entry as the item/SKU offer price for the order. The item offer price for each order line is stored in the Order Detail table.

Valid values are:

Selected = Override the price, if any, specified for the item/SKU offer on the Order Detail line, and store the price override amount in the Original price and Offer price fields in the Order Detail table.

Unselected = Do not override the price specified for the item/SKU offer.

See Overriding the Item/SKU Offer Price for an overview of how each setting works.

Exclude from price override report

This flag indicates whether to exclude the price override code from the Price Override Reason Report, which you can use to review the price override reason codes used to discount items for a range of dates, and the total discount amounts and percentages applied.

Valid values are:

Selected = Exclude the price override code from the Price Override Reason Report. For example, you may wish to exclude system-assigned price override reason codes, such as Default Price Override Reason (B35), from the report; see Default Price Override Reasons for a list of system-assigned codes specified in system control values.

Unselected = Include the price override code on the Price Override Reason Report.

Nbr of overrides (Number of overrides)

The number of times this price override reason code has been used in order entry or order maintenance.

Note: This field appears on the Display Price Override Reason Code screen only.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Total discount

The total discount dollars represented by usage of this price override reason code. This number is calculated by subtracting the override price from the offer price, and is not updated for price override reason codes whose Override item offer price field is selected.

Note: This field appears on the Display Price Override Reason Code screen only.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

WPOR OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN