Working with Price Tickets (WPTW)

Price tickets are labels you attach to items that you wish to transfer to a retail store. The ticket contains information such as the item number and SKU, retail price and outlet price. A barcode prints on each label so you can scan the label information automatically into your system.

There are two types of price tickets you can use:

• A Hanging price ticket is used for items that are stored in a hanging location, such as a suit.

• A Label price ticket is used for items that are stored on a flat surface, such as shoes.

In this chapter:

When is a Price Ticket Generated?

Determining the Retail and Outlet Prices

Work with Price Tickets Screen

Create Price Ticket Screen

Printing Price Tickets

- Hanging Price Ticket

- Label Price Ticket

When is a Price Ticket Generated?

The system automatically generates price tickets for items on a retail store order.

Identifying retail store orders: The system considers an order a retail store order if:

• The Mailorder/retail field for the order type on the order is set to R (retail), and

• The sold to customer on the order represents a retail store (the Warehouse field for the customer contains a warehouse code whose Retail outlet field is selected).

However, you can manually create a price ticket for any item at the Create Price Ticket Screen or Create Price Tickets for Order Screen.

When is the price ticket generated? The Generate Price Tickets During Pick Slip Generation (I77) system control value controls when price tickets are generated.

H = The system generates price tickets in hanging format during pick slip generation for retail store orders.

L = The system generates price tickets in label format during pick slip generation for retail store orders.

N or blank = The system does not generate price tickets during pick slip generation for retail store orders; instead, the system creates a record in the Price Ticket Work table for each price ticket. You must use the Work with Price Tickets Screen to print the price tickets. At this time, you can select which price ticket format (hanging or label) to print.

The system uses the Price Ticket Print Program (F46) system control value to print the price tickets. The base print program, FLR0715, prints price tickets in a format suitable for a Monarch printer. Print program FLR1128 prints price tickets in a format suitable for a Zebra printer.

If you wish to print price tickets on a different printer, you need to verify that the printer will print the correct number of labels. See Hanging Price Ticket and Label Price Ticket for details.

Note: If the Generate Price Tickets During Pick Slip Generation (I77) system control value is set to H or L, the system automatically prints the price tickets during pick slip generation and clears the Price Ticket Work table of any other price ticket records; price tickets printed during pick slip generation will not display on the Work with Price Tickets Screen and any other price tickets that existed in the work table no longer display.

Determining the Retail and Outlet Prices

The price that defaults to the Retail price field and Outlet price field varies, depending on where you generate the price ticket.

Retail price:

If generating the price ticket from the Create Price Ticket Screen: The Retail price for the item/SKU on the price ticket is from the Original retail dollars field in the SKU table. If the Original retail dollars field is blank, the system requires you to enter a retail price.

If generating the price ticket from the Create Price Tickets for Order Screen: The Retail price for the item/SKU on the price ticket is from the List price field in the SKU table. If the List price field is blank, the system defaults the Original retail dollars field from the SKU table. If both the List price field and Original retail dollars field are blank, the Retail price remains blank.

If generating the price ticket during pick slip generation: The Retail price for the item/SKU on the price ticket is from the Original retail dollars field in the SKU table. If the Original retail dollars field is blank, the retail price is 0.00.

Outlet price:

If generating the price ticket from the Create Price Ticket Screen: The Outlet price for the item/SKU on the price ticket is from the SKU Offer price for the offer you enter in the Offer field. This is the Price field in the SKU Price table for a quantity of 1 with the most recent effective date. If a SKU Price is not defined, the system uses the Price field from the Item Price table for a quantity of 1 with the most recent effective date. If a price is not defined for a quantity of 1, the system requires you to enter an outlet price.

If generating the price ticket from the Create Price Tickets for Order Screen: The Outlet price for the item/SKU on the price ticket is from the List price field in the SKU table. If the List price field is blank, the Outlet price remains blank.

If the price ticket is printed during pick slip generation: The Outlet price for the item/SKU on the price ticket is from the SKU Offer price for the offer associated with the source code on the order header. This is the Price field in the SKU Price table for the order quantity with the most recent effective date. If a SKU Price is not defined, the system uses the Price from the Item Price table for the order quantity with the most recent effective date. If a price is not defined for the order quantity, the system uses the price for a quantity of 1 with the most recent effective date. If a price is not defined for a quantity of 1, the outlet price is 0.00.



Original retail $

List price

Item Offer Price

SKU Offer Price


Generate from:




1 = 1.11

2 = 2.22

1 = 1.50

2 = 2.50


Create Price Ticket Screen:

Retail price = 5.00

Outlet price = 1.50

Create Price Tickets for Order Screen:

Retail price = 4.50

Outlet price = 4.50

Pick gen:

Retail price = 5.00

Outlet price = 1.50




1 = 1.11

2 = 2.22

2 = 2.50


Create Price Ticket Screen:

Retail price = 5.00

Outlet price = 1.11

Create Price Tickets for Order Screen:

Retail price = 4.50

Outlet price = 4.50

Pick gen:

Retail price = 5.00

Outlet price = 2.50




1 = 1.11

2 = 2.22

1 = 1.50


Create Price Ticket Screen:

Retail price = blank; system requires a value

Outlet price = 1.50

Create Price Tickets for Order Screen:

Retail price = blank

Outlet price = blank

Pick gen:

Retail price = 0.00

Outlet price = 2.22




1 = 1.11

2 = 2.22

4 = 4.44

1 = 1.50

2 = 2.50

4 = 4.50


Create Price Ticket Screen:

Retail price = 5.00

Outlet price = 1.50

Create Price Tickets for Order Screen:

Retail price = 4.50

Outlet price = 4.50

Pick gen:

Retail price = 5.00

Outlet price = 1.50




2 = 2.22

2 = 2.50


Create Price Ticket Screen:

Retail price = blank; system requires a value

Outlet price = blank; system requires a value

Create Price Tickets for Order Screen:

Retail price = blank

Outlet price = blank

Pick gen:

Retail price = 0.00

Outlet price = 0.00

Work with Price Tickets Screen

Use this screen to work with existing price tickets, create a price ticket, and print price tickets in hanging and label format.

How to display this screen: Enter WPTW in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Price Ticket from a menu.




The item associated with the price ticket.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The SKU of the item associated with the price ticket.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.

Description (Item description)

The description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Source (Source code)

The source code associated with the price ticket. Source codes are assigned to a group of customers to whom you are mailing an offer (catalog). The source code controls how items are priced and shipping charges are calculated.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Create a price ticket

Select Create to advance to the Create Price Ticket Screen.

Change a price ticket

Select Change for a price ticket to advance to the Change Price Ticket Screen. You can change any information on this screen except the item and SKU. See the Create Price Ticket Screen for field descriptions.

Delete a price ticket

Select Delete for a price ticket to delete it.

Display a price ticket

Select Display for a price ticket to advance to the Display Price Ticket Screen. You cannot change any information at this screen. See the Create Price Ticket Screen for field descriptions.

Purge existing price tickets

Select Purge to advance to the Confirm Purge pop-up window.

Select OK to purge all existing price tickets or select Exit to cancel. A message indicates that the purge process has been submitted: Job PURGE_PRTK submitted.

Once the purge process completes, the system clears all price tickets displayed on the screen.

Create a price ticket for each open order line on a selected order

Select Create from Order to advance to the Create Price Tickets for Order Screen.

Print price tickets

Select Print Price Tickets. See Printing Price Tickets.

Create Price Ticket Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a price ticket in hanging or label format.

See When is a Price Ticket Generated? for more information on when the system automatically generates a price ticket for the items on an order.

How to display this screen: Select Create on the Work with Price Tickets Screen.




The item associated with the price ticket.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The SKU of the item associated with the price ticket.

SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields.

Create screen: required if item contains SKUs.

Change screen: display-only.

Source (Source code)

The source code associated with this price ticket. Source codes are assigned to a group of customers to whom you are mailing an offer (catalog). The source code controls how items are priced and shipping charges are calculated. See Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

The system defaults the offer associated with the source code to the Offer field.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

Tag type

A code that identifies whether this price ticket prints in hanging or label format.

Valid values are:

Hanging = Print this price ticket in hanging format. A hanging price ticket is used for items that are stored in a hanging location, such as a suit.

Label = Print this price ticket in label format. A label price ticket is used for items that are stored on a flat surface, such as shoes.


# of price tickets (Number of price tickets)

The number of price tickets you wish to print for this item. This is useful if the item is contained in more than one package. You can print up to 999 labels for an item.

Note: The base print program, FLR0715, prints price tickets in a format suitable for a Monarch printer. Print program FLR1128 prints price tickets in a format suitable for a Zebra printer.

If you wish to print price tickets on a different printer, you need to verify that the printer will print the correct number of labels.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.


The offer associated with the price ticket. An offer is a code for a catalog or advertisement used to present merchandise to your customers.

See Working with Offers (WOFR).

If you define an offer, the system defaults a retail price and outlet price to the price ticket.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Retail price

The selling price of a single unit of this item for sale in the catalog.

The system defaults the Original retail dollars from the SKU table to this field, but you can override it. If the Original retail dollars field is blank, the system requires you to enter a retail price.

See Determining the Retail and Outlet Prices for more information and examples.

Numeric, 8 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Outlet price

The discounted price of this item. This is the price of a single unit of this item for sale in the retail store.

The system defaults the SKU Offer price to this field, but you can override it.

The SKU Offer price is from the offer in the Offer field. This is the Price field in the SKU Price table for a quantity of 1 with the most recent effective date. If a SKU Price is not defined for a quantity of 1, the system uses the Price from the Item Price table for a quantity of 1 with the most recent effective date. If a price is not defined for a quantity of 1, the system requires you to enter an outlet price.

See Determining the Retail and Outlet Prices for more information and examples.

Numeric, 8 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Completing this screen: Select Accept. A message indicates that the price ticket has been created: Price Ticket (AP57Y) created.

Create Price Tickets for Order Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a price ticket for each open or held order line on a selected order.

Note: You can create price tickets for any order that contains open or held order lines; the order does not have to be a retail store order.

The system creates a price ticket for each open or held order line, using the following values:

Item: The item number on the order line.

SKU: The SKU code on the order line.

Source: The source code from the order header.

Tag type: The value from the Tag type (H/L) field.

# of price tickets: The order quantity on the order line.

Offer: The offer associated with the source code from the order header.

Retail price: The List price field in the SKU table. If the List price field is blank, the system defaults the Original retail dollars field in the SKU table. If the Original retail dollars field is blank, the retail price is 0.00.

Outlet price: The List price field in the SKU table. If the List price field is blank, the outlet price is 0.00.

How to display this screen: Select Create from Order at the Work with Price Tickets Screen.



Order number

The order number and ship to number for which you wish to print price tickets. If the order contains only 1 ship to, 1 defaults; otherwise, you will need to select a ship to number.

The system prints a price ticket for each order line that is in an open or held status.

An error message indicates if the order ship to is in a suspended status: Order is Suspended. Cannot print Price Tickets.

Order number: Numeric, 8 positions; required.

Ship to number: Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Tag type (H/L)

A code that identifies whether the price ticket prints in hanging or label format.

Valid values are:

Hanging = Print this price ticket in hanging format. A hanging price ticket is used for items that are stored in a hanging location, such as a suit.

Label = Print this price ticket in label format. A label price ticket is used for items that are stored on a flat surface, such as shoes.


Screen Option


Create a price ticket for each open or held order line on the selected order

Select Accept. The system returns you to the Work with Price Tickets Screen and displays the message: Price Ticket created. A separate price ticket for each open or held order line on the selected order is presented on this screen.

Printing Price Tickets

To print: Select Print Price Tickets on the Work with Price Tickets Screen to print all existing price tickets.

The system uses the Price Ticket Print Program (F46) system control value to print price tickets. An error message indicates when you select Print Price Tickets to print price tickets and the Price Ticket Print Program (F46) system control value is blank: Price Ticket Print Program SCV (F46) is blank.

The base print program, FLR0715, prints price tickets in a format suitable for a Monarch printer. Print program FLR1128 prints price tickets in a format suitable for a Zebra printer. If you wish to print price tickets on a different printer, you need to verify that the printer will print the correct number of labels.

The system creates a separate document for price tickets in hanging format (H from the Tag type field) and a separate document for price tickets in label format (L from the Tag type field).

Automatically printing price tickets: If the Generate Price Tickets During Pick Slip Generation (I77) system control value is set to H (hanging price ticket) or L (label price ticket), the system automatically prints price tickets during pick slip generation. See When is a Price Ticket Generated?.

Price ticket sort: Price tickets sort in the following order:

• company

• tag type

• warehouse

• special handling

• bill batch #

• cart batch #

• zone

• picking sequence

• item


Hanging Price Ticket

The hanging price ticket includes the information listed below. Your price ticket may vary, depending on the Price Ticket Print Program (F46) system control value.


• Company description

• Retail UPC barcode

• Item number and SKU element 1

• SKU element 2

• Outlet price (from the Outlet price field)

• Retail price (from the Retail price field)

Label Price Ticket

The information included in the price ticket in label format is lisetd below. Your price ticket may vary, depending on the Price Ticket Print Program (F46) system control value.


• Company description

• Retail UPC barcode

• Item number and SKU element 1

• SKU element 2

• Outlet price (from the Outlet price field)

• Retail price (from the Retail price field)

WPTW OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN