Working with Default Warehouse Locations (WWDL)

Purpose: Use the Default Warehouse Locations function to define locations for the system to select automatically for certain transfers, receipts, suggesting inventory placement, or warehouse replenishment.

You define default warehouse locations by type. Valid location types are:

• Bulk

• Backorder

• In Transit

• Non-Alloc Whs Receiving

• Outlet Transfer

• OTS Unallocated Location

• Pending Putaway

• Primary

• Return

In this chapter:

Defining Default Warehouse Locations for a Staging Warehouse

Defining Default Warehouse Locations for Warehouse Replenishment

Defining Default Warehouse Locations for a Pending Putaway Warehouse

Work with Warehouse Default Locations Screen

Create Warehouse Default Location Screen

Defining Default Warehouse Locations for a Staging Warehouse

If you use a staging warehouse location within Oracle Retail Order Management System as part of your receiving putaway process, you must define several default location types for the staging warehouse. A staging warehouse is a warehouse code that designates an area within your actual warehouse where you keep stock that needs to be put away.

When you receive a purchase order, you can have the system suggest placement in default locations within the staging warehouse. Each staging warehouse default location refers to actual location(s) within your warehouse; for example, a default bulk location in the staging warehouse refers to a bulk storage area in your actual warehouse. You receive the stock into the bulk location in the staging warehouse; at this point, the inventory is not included in your on-hand quantity in your main warehouse. When you move the stock from the staging area to the actual bulk location, you process the inventory transaction to reflect the stock's location and update inventory levels in your main warehouse.

The default location types to assign in your staging warehouse are:

• Bulk

• Backorder

• In Transit

• Primary

• Return

• Non-Alloc Whs Receiving

The default location type to assign to your main warehouse is Intransit.

You may also wish to define a Pending Putaway default; see below.

Defining Default Warehouse Locations for Warehouse Replenishment

If you process outlet transfers, you must use the Default Warehouse Locations function to define the restock and unallocated locations for the to system use when allocating replenishment requests. Specifically, you must define an outlet transfer location (type Outlet Transfer) in each outlet to receive replenishment transfers, and you must define an OTS unallocated location (type OTS Unallocated Location) in your main, or 'From,' warehouse for the system to use for unallocatable items requested by an outlet. An "unallocatable" item is one that an outlet has requested, but for which there is no record in a location in the 'From' warehouse.

Note: The system does not use the Warehouse Default Locations table for replenishment requests using the standard process. See Replenish Warehouses.

Defining Default Warehouse Locations for a Pending Putaway Warehouse

A pending putaway warehouse is a warehouse where you keep stock that still needs to be moved to its final destination; for example, a staging area.

You can define a warehouse as a pending putaway warehouse by assigning a warehouse location type of PP Pending Putaway Warehouse to the warehouse. Use a pending putaway warehouse to temporarily store saleable inventory on its way to its final destination warehouse. Inventory received into a pending putaway warehouse retains its on order status so that the inventory is visible in PO Layering, yet the system recognizes the inventory as being in a warehouse location so that you can manipulate it.

See Pending Putaway Overview for more information on the updates the system performs when you receive inventory into a pending warehouse.

Work with Warehouse Default Locations Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WWDL in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Default Warehouse Location from a menu.





The actual or virtual warehouse where the default location is located.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The type of default location.

Valid values are:


Back Order

In Transit

• Non-Alloc Whs Receiving

Outlet transfer

OTS Unallocated Location

Pending Putaway




Max # items

This field is not currently implemented.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Alt seq

Alternate sequence number

This field is not currently implemented.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Qty suggest

Quantity suggested

This field is not currently implemented.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


Maximum quantity per bin

The maximum quantity for the system to suggest be placed in a bin. For example, you might restrict the amount of stock to place in a backorder location so that it does not become too crowded for efficient picking.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.


The location within the warehouse to use as a default.

The location code is a 7-position code typically comprised of:

1.Warehouse zone





6.Bin number

7.Bin number

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a new default location

Select Create to advance to the Create Warehouse Default Location Screen.

Change a default location

Select Change for a default location to advance to the Change Warehouse Default Location Screen. You can change any information on this screen except for the warehouse and the type. See the Create Warehouse Default Location Screen for field descriptions.

Delete a default location

Select Delete for a default location to delete it.

Display a default location

Select Display for a default location to advance to the Display Warehouse Default Locations Screen. You cannot change any information at this screen. See the Create Warehouse Default Location Screen for field descriptions.

Create Warehouse Default Location Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define a location for the system to check automatically when processing certain transactions.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Warehouse Default Locations Screen.




The actual or virtual warehouse where the default location is located.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table; see Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

Location type

The type of default location. Valid values are:


Back Order

In Transit

Non-Alloc Whs Receiving: If you select location type Non-Alloc Whs Receiving, the warehouse you enter must be flagged as non-allocatable.

Outlet transfer

OTS Unallocated Location

Pending Putaway



Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

Max# of items

This field is not currently implemented.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Alternate seq#

Alternate sequence number

This field is not currently implemented.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Qty suggested

This field is not currently implemented.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Max qty per bin

The maximum quantity for the system to suggest be placed in a bin. For example, you might restrict the amount of stock to place in a backorder location so that it does not become too crowded for efficient picking.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.


The location within the warehouse to use as a default.

The location code is a 7-position code typically comprised of:

1.Warehouse zone





6.Bin number

7.Bin number

Your entry must be a valid location for the warehouse in the Warehouse field.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

WWDL OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN