Phone Numbers (D15)

Purpose: Use this screen to identify which pair of phone numbers should appear on screens that include only two of the three phone number fields.

Code field: Enter the code describing the types of phone number fields that you want to display on the screens that include only two numbers. Set this field to:

DAY/EVE or leave it blank to display the daytime and evening phone number fields.

DAY/FAX to display the daytime and third phone number fields. The third telephone number is labeled:

- Fax if the Third Phone Number Type (L53) system control value is set to FAX or is blank.

- Mobile (or Mbl) if the Third Phone Number Type (L53) system control value is set to MOBILE.

Note: Regardless of the setting of the Third Phone Number Type (L53) system control value, there is only one additional phone number stored besides the daytime and evening numbers.

Which screens? This system control value affects the following screens:

Order Inquiry Scan Screen

Customer Selection Screen

Work with Order Screen

Note: If needed, you can select Expand Address at the Work with Order Screen in Order Entry to enter the extra telephone number.

IN03_02 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN