Exclude Sale Item When Prorating Discounts (I65)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether sale items should be excluded when prorating discounts or determining whether an order qualifies for a promotion.

Yes/No field: Select this field to have the system exclude sale items from prorated discounts when determining whether an order qualifies for a promotion. This field also controls whether a sale item is included when determining whether an order qualifies for a promotion with a qualifying quantity rather than a qualifying dollar value, regardless of whether the discount is prorated.

Sale item identified how? You use the Sale item for the Item Offer or for the SKU Offer to flag an item as a sale item.

What types of discounts are affected by the system control value? This system control value affects discounts that are prorated against the items on an order. These discount methods are:

• Discounts set up through Working with Promotions (WPRO):

- percentage discount, either with or without an additional charge code specified to use for adding the discount to the order

- dollar discount, provided there is not an additional charge code specified to use for adding the discount to the order. Dollar discounts set up with additional charge codes are not affected by this system control value.

• Dollar discounts for source or offer, set up through the Work with Offer Dollar Discounts Screen or the Work with Source Dollar Discounts Screen. Each of these discounts work the same way, but are affected by this system control value only if the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is selected.

• Coupon amounts entered at the Enter Coupon Discount Amount Window, displayed by repricing an order in order entry. Repricing displays these windows only if the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is selected. See Order Repricing, Premiums, Discounts, and Promotions.

• Loyalty award amounts entered at the Enter Loyalty Award Discount Window, displayed by repricing an order in order entry. Repricing displays this window only if the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is selected.

Examples: Examples of the effect of this system control value on each of the above-listed types of discounting are described in the following table.

Type of Discounting/ Scenario

If Exclude Sale Item When Prorating Discounts (I65) is Selected

If Exclude Sale Item When Prorating Discounts (I65) is Unselected

Set up through Working with Promotions (WPRO)

Percentage discount with additional charge code specified

5% discount; order includes:

4 units of a non-sale item at $20 each (total $80)

1 unit of a non-sale item at $10

1 unit of a sale item at $10

All item prices remain the same.

Total discount of $4.50 added as negative additional charge, calculated by multiplying 5% by the total non-sale merchandise of $90 ($80 + $10).

All item prices remain the same.

Total discount of $5.00 added as negative additional charge, calculated by multiplying 5% by the total merchandise value of $100, including the sale item.

Percentage discount without additional charge code specified

5% discount; order includes same items as previous sample

Total discount of $4.50 applied by repricing items as follows:

4 units of non-sale item repriced from $20 each to $19 each (total discount applied = $4)

1 unit of non-sale item repriced from $10 to $9.50 (total discount applied = $.50)

sale item remains priced at $10.

Total discount of $5 applied by repricing items as follows:

4 units of non-sale item repriced from $20 each to $19 each (total discount applied = $4)

1 unit of non-sale item repriced from $10 to $9.50 (total discount applied = $.50)

1 unit of sale item repriced from $10 to $9.50 (total discount applied = $.50).

Dollar discount without additional charge code specified

$3 discount; order includes same items as above

Discount of $3 applied by repricing items as follows:

4 units of non-sale item repriced from $20 each to $19.34 each (total discount applied = $2.64)

1 unit of non-sale item repriced from $10 to $9.64 (total discount applied = $.36)

sale item remains priced at $10.

Discount of $3 applied by repricing items as follows:

4 units of non-sale item repriced from $20 each to $19.40 each (total discount applied = $2.40)

1 unit of non-sale item repriced from $10 to $9.70 (total discount applied = $.30)

1 unit of sale item repriced from $10 to $9.70 (total discount applied = $.30).

Dollar discount with additional charge code specified

$3 discount; order includes same items as above

All item prices remain the same.

$3 discount added as negative additional charge.

All item prices remain the same.

$3 discount added as negative additional charge.

Dollar discounts for source or offer, set up through the Work with Offer Dollar Discounts Screen or the Work with Source Dollar Discounts Screen.

$10 discount; order includes:

9 units of a non-sale item at $10 each

1 unit of a sale item at $10

The Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is selected

Total discount of $9.99 applied by repricing items as follows:

9 units non-sale item repriced from $10 each to $8.89 (total discount applied = $9.99)

1 unit sale item remains priced at $10

Note: Rounding changes total discount from $10 to $9.99.

Total discount of $10 applied by repricing items as follows:

9 units non-sale item repriced from $10 each to $9 (total discount applied = $9)

1 unit sale item repriced from $10 to $9.

$10 discount; order includes same items as above.

The Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is unselected.

All item prices remain the same.

$10 discount added as negative additional charge.

All item prices remain the same.

$10 discount added as negative additional charge.

Coupon amounts entered at the Enter Coupon Discount Amount Window, displayed by repricing an order in order entry. These windows are available only if the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is selected.

$10 coupon amount entered; order includes:

9 units of a non-sale item at $10 each

1 unit of a sale item at $10

Total discount of $9.99 applied by repricing items as follows:

9 units non-sale item repriced from $10 each to $8.89 (total discount applied = $9.99)

1 unit sale item remains priced at $10

Rounding changes total discount from $10 to $9.99.

Total discount of $10 applied by repricing items as follows:

9 units non-sale item repriced from $10 each to $9 (total discount applied = $9)

1 unit sale item repriced from $10 to $9.

Other types of discounting not affected by system control value: Except for the discounting methods described above, all other discounting works the same way for sale items regardless of the setting of this system control value.


Sale items still included in qualifying merchandise total: Regardless of the setting of this system control value, the extended price of sale items are still included in the merchandise total for the purposes of evaluating whether the order qualifies for a promotion or dollar discount. For example, if a promotion requires a merchandise total of $100, and the order includes total non-sale items priced at $90 and a sale item priced at $10, the order qualifies for the promotion discount. However, sale items are not included when evaluating an order for a promotion based on qualifying quantity.

For more information: See Prorating Logic for an explanation of the calculations that the system uses to prorate discounts.

Unselect this field if you do not want to exclude sale items when prorating discounts or determining whether an order qualifies for a promotion.

IN03_02 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN