Pick Unit Report

Purpose: This report summarizes the number of pick slips, units, and total dollar value of single-line and multi-line pick slips in a billing batch.

How to print: The system generates this report automatically when you generate pick slips. See Performing Pick Slip Generation for more information on generating pick slips. (Note: There is no other way to generate this report, or reprint it after you generate pick slips.)

Bypass printing? If the Bypass Creation of Pick Forms during WSPS Pick Generation (K55) system control value is selected, the streamlined pick slip generation process does not generate this report. See that system control value for more information.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Pick Template: The name of the pick slip generation template used to generate the pick slips.

Billing Batch #: The billing batch number for the pick slip run.

Total Picks: The total number of pick slips printed for the billing batch. This total does not include memberships, non-inventory items and subscriptions, since these types of items bill automatically when you generate pick slips and do not actually appear on printed pick slips. This total does not include virtual stored value card items. See Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM) for more information on these types of items.

Units/All Picks: The total number of units on all items for the printed pick slips.

This total includes:

- regular items

- components of set items

- accompanying items; set up through the Work with Accompanying Item Screen).

This total does not include:

- master set items

- non-inventory items Note: The system includes any dollar value for non-inventory items in the correct Value buckets.

- promotional inserts; set up through Package Insert Processing (WPIP).

- virtual stored value card items

- memberships

- subscriptions

Value/All Picks: The total dollar value of all the printed pick slips, including all tax, charges, freight, and handling. This total is calculated the same way as the total number of pick slips in the batch.

Single Line Picks: The total number of pick slips consisting of a single order line. This total is calculated the same way as the total number of pick slips in the batch.

Units/Single Line Picks: The total number of units on single-line pick slips. This total is calculated the same way as the total number of units for the batch.

Value/Single Line Picks: The total dollar value of all single-line pick slips. This total is calculated the same way as the total dollar value of the batch.

Multi Line Picks: The total number of pick slips consisting of more than one order line. This total is calculated the same way as the total number of pick slips in the batch.

Units/Multi Line Picks: The total number of units on multi-line pick slips. This total is calculated the same way as the total number of units for the batch.

Value/Multi Line Picks: The total dollar value of multi-line pick slips. This total is calculated the same was as the total dollar value of the batch.

Invalid ship via: The system includes pick slips that did not generate due to invalid ship via on this report.

FU01_04r OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN