Type of Location to Search First in Warehouse Replenishment (G64)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate the type of location to consider first when determining where to allocate stock for fulfillment of a warehouse replenishment request.

Code field: Enter the type of location to search first in determining whether to allocate stock toward a warehouse replenishment request.

Valid values are:

*PRIMARY = search primary locations (type = P) first when determining whether to allocate stock for an item in a replenishment request

*SECONDARY = search secondary locations (type = S) first when determining whether to allocate stock for an item in a replenishment request

*BULK = search bulk locations (type = B) first when determining whether to allocate stock for an item in a replenishment request

The system uses this value when evaluation locations within the 'From' warehouse if the item is stored in multiple locations. For example, you create a replenishment request for warehouse 25 (the 'To' warehouse) from warehouse 10 (the 'From' warehouse). The item that is required is AB100. This item is stored in location A010101 (primary), S010101 (secondary) and BULK (bulk) in warehouse 10. This system control value determines which of these locations the system checks first in attempting to allocate stock for the replenishment request.

The system does not attempt to allocate stock from temporary locations (type = T) for warehouse replenishment requests.

Other system control values: Works with these additional system control values in determining whether to allocate stock toward a replenishment request:

Pickable Setting for Analyzing Replenishment Locations (G63)

Type of Location to Search Second in Warehouse Replenishment (G65)

Type of Location to Search Third in Warehouse Replenishment (G66)

It is not necessary to specify all three of the Type of location to search... system control values if you want to allocate stock for replenishment only from one or two types of locations. For example, if you want to use only bulk locations, you can set the Type of location to search first in replenishment field to *BULK, and leave the Type of Location to Search Second in Warehouse Replenishment (G65) and Type of Location to Search Third in Warehouse Replenishment (G66) fields blank. Similarly, if you want to search only PRIMARY and BULK locations, you might set the Type of location to search first in replenishment field to *PRIMARY, set the Type of Location to Search Second in Warehouse Replenishment (G65) to *BULK, and leave the Type of Location to Search Third in Warehouse Replenishment (G66) blank.

Important: If all three of the Type of location to search... system control values are blank, the system never generates a warehouse replenishment request.

Standard vs. outlet transfer: This system control value is used to control both standard and outlet transfer warehouse replenishment.

About warehouse replenishment: See Replenish Warehouses Overview for a description of the processing and setup involved in warehouse replenishment.

IN03_04 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN