Include Secondary Locations in Primary Primary Availability (F88)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether to include the quantity in secondary locations in the available pick quantity for the primary primary location.

Yes/no field: Leave this field unselected if you do not want to include the quantity in secondary locations in the available pick quantity for the primary primary location. See the first example below for more information on how the system allocates inventory to fulfill the pick quantity.

Select this field if you want the system to include the quantity in secondary locations in the available pick quantity for the primary primary location.

In order for the system to include the quantity available in secondary locations in the available pick quantity for the primary primary location:

• the Check Location Quantities During Pick Generation (C54) system control value must be selected.

• the bulk location must be non-pickable.

• stock must be available in the primary primary location.

If a secondary location is frozen, the system still includes the quantity in the available pick quantity for the primary primary location.

Example: In this example:

• The Check Location Quantities During Pick Generation (C54) system control value is selected.

• The Include Secondary Locations in Primary Primary Availability (F88) system control value is selected.

• The Include Bulk Locations in Primary Primary Availability (F87) system control value is unselected.

You generate a pick slip for item ABC for a quantity of 50.

Item ABC exists in the following item locations that are eligible for allocation. Location PRIMARY is the item’s primary primary location.


Location Type


O/H Qty

Pending Transaction Qty

Printed Qty


P (primary)






P (primary)






P (primary)






S (secondary)






S (secondary)






S (secondary)





The system calculates the available quantity for each item location.

• location A1 = 8 (10 on hand - 2 negative pending transaction = 8 available)

• location A2 = 2 (10 on hand - 8 printed = 2 available)

• location PRIMARY = 5 (25 on hand - 20 printed = 5 available)

• location B1 = 10

• location B2 = 25

• location B3 = 25 (included in the available pick quantity for location PRIMARY)

Because an item location does not exist that can fulfill the entire pick slip quantity of 50, the system allocates the pick slip quantity across pickable locations, starting with primary locations in alphanumeric order and then secondary locations in alphanumeric order. The system allocates stock in the following order:

8 units from location A1.

2 units from location A2.

30 units from location PRIMARY (5 available + 25 from B3 = 30)

10 units from location B1

Note: In order for the system to pick 30 units from location PRIMARY, you must run primary replenishment to transfer the 25 units in location B3 to location PRIMARY. See Replenish Primary Locations Overview.

The system includes the quantity in bulk locations in the available pick quantity for the primary primary location if the Include Bulk Locations in Primary Primary Availability (F87) system control value is selected.

Stock allocation errors: The Withhold Picks due to Item Allocation Error (F04) system control value controls whether the system prints a pick slip for an order when an item on the order creates a stock allocation error.

If this system control value is selected, the system does not print a pick slip when an item on the order creates a stock allocation error. A pick slip does not print for any item on the order that has the item stock allocation error.

If this system control value is left unselected, the system prints a pick slip for items on the order that did not create item stock allocation errors.

For more information: See Performing Pick Slip Generation.

IN03_04 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN