Update Bill-to Address with Sold-to Address Changes (E13)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the system prompts you when you change a Sold-to address with a permanent Bill-to account by displaying a screen where you can apply the Sold-to changes to the Bill-to address.

Yes/no field: Select this field if you want the Display/Update Bill to Screen window to open in Order Entry, Order Maintenance and Work with Customers when you change a Sold-to address that is linked to a permanent Bill-to record.

Note: Because this system control value affects interactive screens, it does not control update of the bill-to customer through e-commerce orders (order API).

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the screen to open when you update the Sold-to customer.

Sample Display/Update Bill To screen:

The Display/Update Bill to screen displays the name and address of the Sold-to customer with its changes in the upper half of the window, and its linked Bill-to record without the changes in the bottom half of the window.

These fields for the bill-to customer record are updated when you change its linked Sold-to customer:

• prefix

• first name

• middle initial

• last name

• suffix

• company

• street

• apt/suite

• address line 2

• address line 3

• address line 4

• postal code

• city

• state

• country

• delivery code

• PO box

• day phone number/extension

• evening phone number/extension

• third (fax or mobile) phone number/extension

For more information: See Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST) for more information.

You can also update bill-to address changes with sold-to address changes in the MBS Work table if the old address of the sold-to customer is an exact match of the old address of the bill-to customer. The MBS Work table contains address information from the National Change of Address (NCOA) Service.

These fields must be an exact match in order for the bill-to address to update with the sold-to address in the MBS Work table:

• Prefix

• First Name

• Middle Initial

• Last Name

• Suffix

• Company

• Street

• Apartment/Suite

• Address Line 2

• Address Line 3

• Address Line 4

• Postal Code

• City

• State

• Country

• Delivery Code

• P.O. Box

For more information: See Loading Address Updates.

IN03_08 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN