State Tax Report

Purpose: This report displays tax, GST, and PST totals by state for all debit invoices and credit invoices within a given date range.

How to print: Use the Printing the Sales Tax Report by State (PSTX) menu option.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Note: This report is also available as a .csv (comma-separated value) file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in CSV (Spreadsheet) Format for more information.


From: The first date for invoices included on the report.

To: The last date for invoices included on the report.

State: A code for the state associated with the tax.

Tax debit: The total tax associated with sales for the state. The system totals the Tax amount in the Invoice Ship To table for each debit invoice that falls within the specified date range and whose ship to customer resides in the specified state.

Tax credit: The total tax associated with returns for the state. The system totals the Tax amount in the Invoice Ship To table for each credit invoice that falls within the specified date range and whose ship to customer resides in the specified state.

GST debit: The total GST amount associated with sales for the state. The system totals the GST amount in the Invoice Ship To table for each debit invoice that falls within the specified date range and whose ship to customer resides in the specified state.

GST credit: The total GST amount associated with returns for the state. The system totals the GST amount in the Invoice Ship To table for each credit invoice that falls within the specified date range and whose ship to customer resides in the specified state.

PST credit: The total PST amount associated with returns for the state. The system totals the PST amount in the Invoice Ship To table for each credit invoice that falls within the specified date range and whose ship to customer resides in the specified state.

PST debit: The total PST amount associated with sales for the state. The system totals the PST amount in the Invoice Ship To table for each debit invoice that falls within the specified date range and whose ship to customer resides in the specified state.

CS06_01r OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN