Exchange Reason Report

How to print: Complete the Print Exchange Reason Report Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Note: This report is also available as a .csv (comma-separated value) file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in CSV (Spreadsheet) Format for more information.

Different report options: Depending on your selections at the Print Exchange Reason Report Screen:


Report Generated

Exchange reason code

Include item

Exchange Reason Report by:



Code and Item









N/A (produces the Exchange Reason Report)


Date range. The Start date and End date entered at the Print Exchange Reason Report Screen. The report includes exchanges processed on that date or later, regardless of when the order was originally created. Based on the Date from the exchange transaction in the Order Line History table; see the Display Order Line History Screen for more information.

NOTE: If you use Working with Return Authorizations (WRTA), this is the date you receive the exchange, which might differ from the date you create or credit the return authorization, or ship the replacement item.

Exchange reason code. From Establishing Exchange Reason Codes (WEXR).

Exchange reason description. From Establishing Exchange Reason Codes (WEXR).

The following three fields are included only if you selected the Include item flag at the Print Exchange Reason Report Screen:


SKU. Included only if the item has SKUs.

Description. The item description rather than the SKU description, even if the item has SKUs.

Calculated fields: The following fields are calculated for:

- detail entries: by item/SKU or exchange reason code, depending on your selections at the Print Exchange Reason Report Screen

- subtotals: by exchange reason code, if you selected the Include item flag at the Print Exchange Reason Report Screen

- grand totals

Units exchanged: The total number of units exchanged using the exchange reason code. If you use Working with Return Authorizations (WRTA), this total includes units that you have received, even if you have not yet credited the return and even if the return did not affect inventory. Returns you process by entering a negative quantity on an order are included in and increase this total.

Dollars exchanged: The total dollar value of the exchanges, based on the actual selling prices. The selling price of an item might be zero if it was a free gift or a component on a set. The report does not indicate or factor in the prices of the replacement items.

CS06_01r OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN