Item Creation Values (J08)

Purpose: Use this screen to define which screens automatically display when you are Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

Overview: The create item screen flow varies, depending on whether you are creating a non-SKU’ed item or SKU’ed item.

Additionally, the Item Creation Values (J08) umbrella system control value contains system control values that control which screens automatically display when you are creating an item.

Creating non-SKUed items screen flow: Unselect the SKUs field on the Create Item Screen to create a non-SKUed item. The system automatically advances you through the following screens to create a non-SKUed item.

1. Create Item Screen

2. Create Item (Base Information) Screen

3. Create Vendor Item Screen (only if the Auto Advance to Vendor Item Create (E78) system control value is selected)

4. First Work with Keywords for Item Screen (only if the Create Keywords at Item Entry (F78) system control value is selected)

5. Create Item Offer Screen (only if the Auto Advance to Item Offer (J05) system control value is selected)

Once you have completed creating the item, the system returns you to the Create Item Screen where you can create another item.

Creating SKUed items screen flow: Select the SKUs field on the Create Item Screen to create a SKUed item. The system automatically advances you through the following screens to create a SKUed item.


Create Item Screen


First Work with Keywords for Item Screen (only if the Create Keywords at Item Entry (F78) system control value is selected)


Create Item Offer Screen (only if the Auto Advance to Item Offer (J05) system control value is selected)


Depending on whether you are using the SKU Generator:

Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen (only if the Auto Advance to SKU Create (B34) system control value is selected and the Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06) system control value is unselected)

SKU Generator Screen (Entering SKU Information) (only if the Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06) system control value is selected)


Depending on whether you are using the SKU Generator:

Create SKU 2 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen (only if the Auto Advance to SKU Create (B34) system control value is selected and the Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06) system control value is unselected)

Work with SKU Generator Screen (only if the Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06) system control value is selected)


Depending on whether you are using the SKU Generator:

Create Vendor Item Screen (only if the Auto Advance to SKU Create (B34) system control value is selected, the Auto Advance to Vendor Item Create (E78) system control value is set to Yselected and the Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06) system control value is unselected)

Enter SKU Base Information Pop-Up Window (only if the Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06) system control value is selected)

Once you have completed creating the item and SKU, the system returns you to the:

Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen if you are not using the SKU Generator, where you can create another SKU.

Create Item Screen if you are using the SKU Generator, where you can create another item.


Auto Advance to SKU Create (B34)

Defines whether the system automatically advances to the Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen when you are Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM) for an item that has SKUs.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want the system to automatically advance to the Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen when you create an item that has SKUs using the Work with Items (MITM) menu option.

See Creating Items Screen Flow for more information on which screens automatically display when you create an item/SKU.

Note: If the Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06) system control value is also selected, the system advances you to the SKU Generator Screen (Entering SKU Information) instead of the Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen.

If you leave this field unselected, the Create SKU with Overrides screen won't display, but you can access it from the Work with SKUs Screen. You can also create SKUs automatically Using the SKU Generator (ESKG).

Auto Advance to Vendor Item Create (E78)

Defines whether the system automatically advances to the Create Vendor Item Screen when you are Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

Yes/no field: Select this field if you want the system to automatically advance to the Create Vendor Item Screen when you create an item or SKU in Work with Item/SKUs. See Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

When you create a non-SKUed item, the system advances to the Create Vendor Item Screen when you select OK on the Create Item (Base Information) screen.

When you create a SKUed item, the system advances to the Create Vendor Item Screen when you select OK on the Create SKU (with Overrides) screen.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to automatically advance to the Create Vendor Item Screen when you create an item or SKU in Work with Item/SKUs.

Create Keywords at Item Entry (F78)

Defines whether the system automatically advances to the First Work with Keywords for Item Screen when you are Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want the system to advance you to the First Work with Keywords for Item Screen when you create an item.

The First Work with Keywords for Item Screen allows you to create keywords for the item you are creating.

For example, if you sell books and the item number is a code, AN8975H, and the description of the item is the title of the book, “The Outer Ring,” you may want to use the author's name as a keyword, Newbold, Alex.

You could further define the item by creating a keyword for the type of book it is, for example, “science fiction.” This way you can scan for items (books) that have been written by the author or scan for items (books) by book category.

Related system control value: You advance to the Work with Keywords for Item screen in ADD mode or CHANGE mode based on the setting of the Auto-Generate Item Keywords from Description (F79) system control value.

If the Auto-Generate Item Keywords from Description (F79) system control value is also selected, the system automatically generates item keywords for the item you are creating using the words defined in the item's description. The system advances you to the Work with Keywords for Item screen in CHANGE mode where you can review the auto-generated keywords, delete keywords, or create more keywords.

If the Auto-Generate Item Keywords from Description (F79) system control value is blank, the system advances you to the Work with Item Keywords for Item screen in ADD mode where you can create keywords for the item.

Once you finish working with the item keywords, the system returns you to the next screen in the existing sequence for item entry, based on the values defined for the Auto Advance to SKU Create (B34) and Auto Advance to Vendor Item Create (E78) system control values.

See Working with Item Keywords (WKEY) for more information on item keywords.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to advance to the Work with Keywords for Item screen when you create an item.

Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06)

Defines whether the system automatically advances to the SKU Generator Screen (Entering SKU Information) when you are Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM) for an item that has SKUs.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want the system to automatically advance to the SKU Generator Screen (Entering SKU Information) when you create an item that has SKUs using the Work with Items (MITM) menu option. The SKU Generator screen allows you to create multiple SKUs for an item at one time.

See Creating Items Screen Flow for more information on which screens automatically display when you create an item/SKU.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to automatically advance to the SKU Generator Screen (Entering SKU Information) when you create an item that has SKUs.

You can select the Auto Advance to SKU Create (B34) system control value if you want the system to automatically advance to the Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen when you create an item that has SKUs. The Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) screen allows you to create a single SKU for an item.

However, if the Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06) system control value and Auto Advance to SKU Create (B34) system control value are both unselected, the system does not automatically advance you to any SKU screen when you initially create an item.

• You can advance to the Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen from the Work with SKUs Screen.

• You can advance to the SKU Generator Screen (Entering SKU Information) from the Generate SKUs (ESKG) menu option; see Using the SKU Generator (ESKG).

Auto Advance to Item Offer (J05)

Defines whether the system automatically advances to the Create Item Offer Screen when you are Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want the system to automatically advance to the Create Item Offer Screen when you create an item.

See Creating Items Screen Flow for more information on which screens automatically display when you create an item/SKU.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to automatically advance to the Create Item Offer Screen when you create an item. You can advance to the Create Item Offer screen by selecting Create at the Work with Item Offers Screen.

IN03_03 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN