Item Status for Suppressing Item During Item Selection (L21)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate the item status code that prevents an item from being displayed on the Item Selection screen. For example, you might use this system control value to prevent discontinued or inactive items from being presented in order entry.

Code field: Enter the item status code that indicates not to display items on the Item Selection screen. The code is a one-position alphanumeric field. Item status codes are defined in and validated against the Item Status table; see Working with Item Status (WIST) for more information.

About the Item Selection screen: You can display this screen by prompting on the Item field in order entry and order maintenance, as well as from other functions such as the Display Item Availability Screen and the Item/SKU Selection Screen in inventory inquiry.


• Assigning this item status to an item does not prevent you from placing orders for the item, selecting the item for inquiry in inventory inquiry, and so on; it only prevents the item from being listed at the Item Selection screen.

• The Keyword Selection Screen (Scanning for Items Using Item Keywords) still displays items that are assigned this item status. Prompting on the Item field in order entry initially opens the Keyword Selection screen, rather than the Item Selection screen, if the Auto-Generate Item Keywords from Description (F79) system control value is selected. To prevent the Keyword Selection screen from displaying an item, you can use Working with Item Keywords (WKEY) to delete all keywords for the item.

• Assigning this item status to one or more SKU’s of a SKU’d item does not prevent the item from being displayed at the Item Selection screen. The system checks the item-level status only.

Leave this field blank if you do not want to prevent the Item Selection screen from listing any items based on status.

IN03_03 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN