Purged Customer List

Purpose: Use this report to review the sold to customers removed from the application by the PURGECS Purge Customers periodic function (program name PFR0137).

How to print: Run the PURGECS Purge Customers periodic function (program name PFR0137); see Purging Sold To Customers.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Purge days: The number of days old the sold to customer must be to be eligible for purge. The system uses the last change date to determine the age of the customer sold to record. This is the number of days defined in the Parameter field for the PURGECS periodic function.

Customer #: The customer number for the sold to customer removed from the application.

Entry Date: The date the customer was created.

Last Change: The date the customer was last updated.

Elapsed Days: The number of days since the customer was last updated.

Total Customers: The total number of sold to customers purged.

SO05_05r OMS 17.1 September 2018 OTN