ChannelAdvisor Setup

Purpose: Order Management System’s integration with ChannelAdvisor requires the setup described below.

In this chapter:

- ChannelAdvisor Properties

- ChannelAdvisor: Related System Control Values

- ChannelAdvisor: Periodic Functions

- Mapping Data between ChannelAdvisor and Order Management System

Additional required setup:

Working with ChannelAdvisor Accounts (WCAA)

Note: The ChannelAdvisor integration has been designed and tested to work for the Amazon Marketplace. To use the ChannelAdvisor integration with a marketplace other than Amazon, contact your Order Management System project manager.

ChannelAdvisor Properties

Set the integration properties, logging properties, and proxy property described below, to support the ChannelAdvisor integration.

Integration properties:


located in Working with Customer Properties (PROP)

The file name for the CAINV periodic function to use when creating a file of current inventory levels for items. See Sending Current Inventory Information to ChannelAdvisor for background.


located in the Working with Customer Properties (PROP)

The folder on the Order Management System server where the CAINV periodic function writes the inventory file. See Sending Current Inventory Information to ChannelAdvisor for background.

Note: You should create this folder on your server if the folder does not already exist.


located in Working with Customer Properties (PROP)

The URL for:

• the CAORDUP periodic function to use when requesting new orders from ChannelAdvisor; see Importing Orders from ChannelAdvisor for background.

Processing Refunds (MREF) to use when sending refund information to ChannelAdvisor; see Submitting Refunds for ChannelAdvisor Orders for background.


located in Working with Customer Properties (PROP)

The URL for the CASHIP periodic function to use when sending shipment confirmations to ChannelAdvisor; see Sending Shipment Confirmations to ChannelAdvisor for background.


located in Working with Customer Properties (PROP)

The maximum number of orders that the GetOrderList function processes at once before sending the notification to ChannelAdvisor that the orders were successfully received and created. Each batch can include up to 50 orders. For example, if you set this property to 100, the function imports two batches of 50 orders.

If no maximum is specified, a default of 50 orders applies.

Logging properties:


located in Working with Cloud Properties (CPRP)

The level of detail to include in the INTEGRATIONORDER log. See Logging Level for more information.


located in Working with Cloud Properties (CPRP)

The number of days to store a backup copy of a log before deleting it. If you wish to retain a month’s worth of logs, set this field to 30. The system deletes any log file older than 30 days.

For more information: See Logs for more information on logging.

Proxy property: Update the proxied.external.hosts property only if you have a proxy server in your environment.


located in the Jenasys Properties File

Enter the necessary proxy information required for the ChannelAdvisor integration.

An example of the setting is below:

When communicating with ChannelAdvisor, you must define a proxy server to act as an intermediary in order to increase security. Order Management System sends transactions to the proxy server and the proxy server sends the transactions along to ChannelAdvisor. The PROXY_HOST and PROXY_PORT properties in Working with Customer Properties (PROP) define the IP address and port number used to connect to the proxy server.

ChannelAdvisor: Related System Control Values

The system control values related to the ChannelAdvisor integration are listed below.

System Control Value


ChannelAdvisor Order Type (L90)

The order type to assign to orders from ChannelAdvisor.

ChannelAdvisor Inventory Level Default (L91)

The available quantity to submit to ChannelAdvisor for drop ship, non-inventory, gift card, subscription, and membership items.

ChannelAdvisor SKU X-Ref Offer (L92)

The offer you use to set up cross references between the ChannelAdvisor item identifier and the Order Management System item/SKU.

Additional system control value requirement: The Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value needs to be unselected for to prevent errors when creating new customers from ChannelAdvisor.

ChannelAdvisor: Periodic Functions

Build and schedule one or more periodic processes to include the following periodic functions:

Periodic Function


More Information


Run this periodic function to request access to ChannelAdvisor for the specified AccountID.

Before running this periodic function, enter connection information in the Parameter field using the following format:

REQUEST ChannelAdvisor_AccountID ChannelAdvisor_ProfileID

For example:

STATUS cb12d3b4-f123-1234-1234-12a3c456e7d8 12345678

Note: This periodic function should be run one time for each account as part of initial setup of the ChannelAdvisor integration.

In addition, once you establish a connection with ChannelAdvisor, you can change the Parameter field to the following format:

STATUS ChannelAdvisor_AccountID ChannelAdvisor_ProfileID

For example:

STATUS cb12d3b4-f123-1234-1234-12a3c456e7d8 12345678

Run the periodic function to write information to the Application log about the status of the access to ChannelAdvisor.



Generates a file of current inventory levels for FTP to ChannelAdvisor.

Sending Current Inventory Information to ChannelAdvisor


Generates a file of current pricing for items sold through the ChannelAdvisor integration.

Sending Current Prices to ChannelAdvisor


Sends ChannelAdvisor a request for new orders and creates orders based on the information in the order response message.

Importing Orders from ChannelAdvisor


Sends shipment confirmation messages to Channel Advisor.

Sending Shipment Confirmations to ChannelAdvisor

For more information: See Scheduling Jobs for an overview.

Refunds? There is no periodic function to send refunds to ChannelAdvisor; the Processing Refunds (MREF) function sends refunds for ChannelAdvisor orders.

Pricing Setup for ChannelAdvisor

Set up the following prices for the CAPRICE periodic function to extract when building the price file for FTP to ChannelAdvisor:

Buy It Now Price: from through the Original retail $ in the SKU table

Retail Price: from through the List price in the SKU table

Additional price: the function uses the most current SKU Price (based on Effective date), if any, for your ChannelAdvisor offer; otherwise, it uses the most current Item Price. The label of the additional price field is from the Price output name specified for the ChannelAdvisor offer through the Work with ChannelAdvisor Offers Screen option.

Note: Any SKU or Item Prices you set up for the ChannelAdvisor offer should have a quantity of 1.

Mapping Data between ChannelAdvisor and Order Management System

Purpose: In order to map data correctly from ChannelAdvisor to Order Management System, you need to set up cross references in Order Management System. This required setup is described briefly below.

Mapping Data

Menu Option

Used By


Sku cross ref for the ChannelAdvisor SKU X-Ref Offer (L92)

Maintaining SKU Cross Reference Codes (MSKR)

The CAINV, CAPRICE, CAORDUP, and CASHIP periodic functions. See ChannelAdvisor Integration Overview for process overviews.

The offer needs to match the ChannelAdvisor SKU X-Ref Offer (L92) system control value.

CA cross reference # and CA type for a pay type

Note: Should be a cash/check pay type.

Working with Pay Types (WPAY) and Working with ChannelAdvisor Accounts (WCAA)

The CAORDUP periodic function and the Processing Refunds (MREF) option. See Importing Orders from ChannelAdvisor and Submitting Refunds for ChannelAdvisor Orders.

The function uses the ItemSaleSource passed for an order to identify the marketplace set up through Working with ChannelAdvisor Accounts (WCAA), and assigns the corresponding payment method.

The CA type indicates whether to calculate tax and shipping at the item level (consistent with the Amazon and eBay with premium tax marketplaces) or the order level (consistent with the eBay marketplace without premium tax).

Integration carrier and Integration service class for a ship via

Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA)

The CAORDUP and CASHIP periodic functions. See Importing Orders from ChannelAdvisor and Sending Shipment Confirmations to ChannelAdvisor.


ChannelAdvisor Order Type (L90)

Establishing Order Types (WOTY)

The CAORDUP periodic function. See Importing Orders from ChannelAdvisor.

This order type also determine which orders to include when sending shipment confirmations and refunds to ChannelAdvisor. See Sending Shipment Confirmations to ChannelAdvisor and Submitting Refunds for ChannelAdvisor Orders.

Source associated with a marketplace

Working with Source Codes (WSRC) and Working with ChannelAdvisor Accounts (WCAA)

The CAORDUP periodic function. See Importing Orders from ChannelAdvisor.

The function uses the the ItemSaleSource passed for an order to identify the marketplace, and assigns the corresponding source code set up through Working with ChannelAdvisor Accounts (WCAA).

The source code must use a line-level freight method.

price override reason code of W

Establishing Price Override Reason Codes (WPOR)

The CAORDUP periodic function. See Importing Orders from ChannelAdvisor.

You need to use a price override reason code of W, and cannot change this default.

ISO country code

Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY)

The CAORDUP periodic function. See Importing Orders from ChannelAdvisor.

The ISO code must be set to the country’s two-position ISO country code.

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