Purchase Order Secured Features

Purpose: The Purchase Order secured features permit (ALLOW) or prohibit (EXCLUDE) user access to Purchase Order functions that require authorization.

Override Tolerance (A18)

This feature enables a user to override the tolerance limit defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value.

Allow = a user can override the tolerance limit defined in the Over Receipt % (A61) system control value.

Exclude = a user cannot receive more merchandise than the specified tolerance limit.

PO Receipt In API: The system uses your default user to process PO receipts received through the Purchase Order Receipt In API.

• If your default user has authority to this secured feature, you can override the Over Receipt % (A61) and receive any amount greater than the quantity ordered on the PO line.

• If your default user does not have authority to this secured feature, you can receive an amount greater than the quantity ordered on the PO line as long as it does not exceed the Over Receipt % (A61).

See Over Receiving the PO Line Order Quantity for more information on purchase order receiving.

Note: To review the over receipt before processing it, set your default user’s authority to this secured feature to EXCLUDE so that the PO Receipt In XML Message (CWReceiptIn) fails to process and is placed in the Working with PO Receipt Errors (WPRE) menu option for review. In order to process the over receipt, the user that corrects the error in the Working with PO Receipt Errors (WPRE) menu option must have authority to the Override Tolerance (A18) secured feature.

PO Price Break Window

This feature enables a user to display a pop-up window that shows the vendor price breaks available in PO Maintenance. See Maintaining Purchase Orders (MPOE).

Allow = a user can display a pop-up window that shows the vendor price breaks available in PO Maintenance.

Exclude = a user cannot display a pop-up window that shows the vendor price breaks available in PO Maintenance.

Override PO Cost (A17)

This feature enables a user to change the value in the Cost field during Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC). The system checks Vendor/Item price breaks, the Vendor/Item table, and the Item/SKU table for a vendor cost. The amount defaults to the Cost field, and a user with authority under this secured feature can override it.

Valid values:

Allow = a user can override the PO receipt cost.

Exclude = a user cannot override the PO receipt cost.

PO Receipt In API: The system uses your default user to process PO receipts received through the Purchase Order Receipt In API.

• If your default user has authority to this secured feature, you can override the cost of the PO line during receiving, using the cost tag in the PO Receipt In XML Message (CWReceiptIn).

• If your default user does not have authority to this secured feature, you cannot override the cost of the PO line during receiving, using the cost in the PO Receipt In XML Message (CWReceiptIn): Not Auth to Override Cost.

Note: To review the override PO cost before processing it, set your default user’s authority to this secured feature to EXCLUDE so that the PO Receipt In XML Message (CWReceiptIn) fails to process and is placed in the Working with PO Receipt Errors (WPRE) menu option for review. In order to process the PO receipt, the user that corrects the error in the Working with PO Receipt Errors (WPRE) menu option must have authority to the Override PO Cost (A17) secured feature. If the user correcting the error does not have authority to the Override PO Cost (A17) secured feature, the Cost field is display-only on the Change PO Receipt Error Screen.

Approve Purchase Order (A31)

This feature enables a user to approve a held purchase order when Maintaining Purchase Orders (MPOE) by selecting Approve.

Allow = a user can approve a held purchase order when Maintaining Purchase Orders (MPOE) by selecting Approve.

Exclude = a user cannot release a purchase order from hold.

Note: You cannot approve a purchase order when you advance to PO maintenance from PO inquiry. You need to select the purchase order in PO maintenance in order to approve it.

Non-Inventory Entry (A09)

This feature enables a user to enter non-inventory items during Purchase Order Maintenance. The user selects Non-Inv. Entry to advance to the PO Detail Non Inventory screen. A non-inventory item is an item that is not defined in the Item table (for example, supply items).

Allow = a user can enter non-inventory items during Purchase Order Maintenance.

Exclude = a message indicates that the user cannot use the function when Non-Inv. Entry is selected.

Override Vendor's Discount Percentage (A10)

This feature enables a user to override the percentage of discount to apply to the purchase order. This Primary disc (Primary discount) defaults from the Vendor table.

Allow = a user can override the percentage of discount to apply to the purchase order.

Exclude = a user cannot override the percentage of discount to apply to the purchase order.

Maintain from within Inquiry (A16)

This feature enables a user to maintain a purchase order while in Purchase Order Inquiry (MPOI) by selecting Change for the purchase order.

Allow = a user can maintain a purchase order while in Purchase Order Inquiry (MPOI) by selecting Change for the purchase order.

Exclude = a message indicates that the user cannot maintain purchase orders while in Purchase Order Inquiry.

Update Existing Vendor Notes (A14)

This feature enables a user to update previously entered vendor notes by selecting Vendor Notes during purchase order maintenance. Users are able to add new purchase order messages if they have authority to use the Purchase Order Maintenance, PO Receipts and PO Inquiry functions.

Allow = a user can update previously entered vendor notes.

Exclude = a user cannot update previously entered vendor notes.

Update Existing P/O Messages (A13)

This feature enables a user to update existing Purchase Order messages by selecting P/O Msg during Maintaining Purchase Orders (MPOE), Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC) and Purchase Order Inquiry (MPOI). Users are able to add new purchase order messages if they have authority to use the Purchase Order Maintenance, PO Receipts and PO Inquiry functions.

Allow = a user can update existing Purchase Order messages.

Exclude = a user cannot update existing Purchase Order messages.

Receipt of Non-inventory Item (A19)

This feature enables a user to receive non-inventory items (items that are not defined in the Item table) in Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC) (for example, supply items).

Allow = a user can receive non-inventory items.

Exclude = a user cannot receive a non-inventory item. Any non-inventory items on the purchase order that do not exist in the Item table does not display in Purchase Order Receipts (PORC).

PO Receipt In API: The system uses your default user to process PO receipts received through the Purchase Order Receipt In API.

• If your default user has authority to this secured feature, you can receive a non-inventory item that does not exist in the Item table.

• If your default user does not have authority to this secured feature, you cannot receive a non-inventory item that does not exist in the Item table.

Note: To review the non-inventory receipt before processing it, set your default user’s authority to this secured feature to EXCLUDE so that the PO Receipt In XML Message (CWReceiptIn) fails to process and is placed in the Working with PO Receipt Errors (WPRE) menu option for review. In order to process the non-inventory receipt, the user that corrects the error in the Working with PO Receipt Errors (WPRE) menu option must have authority to the Receipt of Non-inventory Item (A19) secured feature.

See Receiving a Non-Inventory Item that Does Not Exist in the Item Table for more information.

Edit All PO Receipts (A20)

This feature is not implemented.

Add PO Detail Line during PO Receipts (A21)

This feature enables a user to add a detail line to a purchase order during Receiving Purchase Orders (PORC) by selecting Create Dtl.

Allow = a user can add a detail line in PO Receipts.

Exclude = a user cannot add a line in PO Receipts and receives a message indicating that the user cannot use the function.

Note: Regardless of the setting of this secured feature, you cannot add a detail line to a purchase order through the Purchase Order Receipt In API.

Access Estimated Charge Percent (B01)

This feature controls whether a user can enter an amount in the Percent field for a purchase order estimated additional charge in purchase order maintenance. You can define purchase order estimated charges on the Work with Purchase Order Header Estimated Charges screen and on the Work with Purchase Order Detail Estimated Charges screen.

Allow = the user can enter an amount in the Percent field for a purchase order estimated additional charge.

Exclude = the Percent field for a purchase order estimated additional charge is display-only. The user must define a unit cost for a purchase order estimated additional charge.

Display Purchase Order Quantity in Receiving (B02)

This feature enables a user to display the purchase order quantity on the Work with Purchase Order (Header) Screen (MPOE) and the Work with P/O Receipt Detail Screen (PORC).

Allow = the user can display the purchase order quantity at the Work with Purchase Order screen and the Work with Purchase Order Receipt Detail screen.

Exclude = the purchase order quantity does not display on the Work with Purchase Order and Work with Purchase Order Receipt Detail screens.

Cancel OROB Drop Ship PO (J04)

This feature enables a user to cancel an Oracle Retail Order Broker drop ship purchase order line using the Cancel option on the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen.

Allow = the user can cancel an Oracle Retail Order Broker drop ship purchase order using the Cancel option on the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail screen.

In this situation, the system does not send a cancel request to Oracle Retail Order Broker’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module, and instead immediately performs a full cancellation, cancelling the purchase order line and order line, removing the printed quantity on the order line, writing an order transaction history message: DS PO line canceled, and updating the drop ship status of the line to cancelled.

Important: You should cancel an Oracle Retail Order Broker drop ship purchase order line using the Cancel option on the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail screen only if you have previously sent a cancel request to Oracle Retail Order Broker and did not receive a response indicating whether the vendor confirmed or rejected the cancellation.


• Because the cancellation updates the drop ship status of the line to cancelled, you cannot then use the cancel request option on the Display P/O Drop Ship Screen to send a cancellation request to Oracle Retail Order Broker. However, if the CDC Async receives an update for the order line that updates its status to Open after the cancellation has been performed, the system will allow you to use the cancel request option to send a cancellation request to Oracle Retail Order Broker’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

• If you receive a shipment confirmation from Oracle Retail Order Broker’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module after the line has been cancelled, Order Management System does not ship the line, but does update order transaction history with the shipment confirmation.

Exclude = the user cannot cancel an Oracle Retail Order Broker drop ship purchase order using the Cancel Request option on the Display P/O Drop Ship Screen. You receive the following error if you try to cancel an Oracle Retail Order Broker drop ship purchase order using the Cancel option on the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen: Use D/S Status option in PO or Order Inquiry to cancel D/S integration PO line.

Note: Canceling an Oracle Retail Order Broker drop ship item requires authority to the secured feature Order Maintenance Access (A22).

Receive All Permission (B21)

This feature controls access to the Receive PO option in Purchase Order Receipts (PORC).

Allow = The user can use the Receive PO option in Purchase Order Receipts (PORC) and the Receive All option in Work with Store Transfer Receipt (WSRT).

Exclude = The Receive PO option in Purchase Order Receipts (PORC) and the Receive All option in Work with Store Transfer Receipt (WSRT) do not display for the user.

IN04_01 OMS 17.1 September 2018 OTN