5 Configuring EDQ Post-Installation

This chapter describes how to set the Java Virtual Machine Parameters (JVM) for EDQ and how to configure EDQ on your application server.

Begin the post-installation configuration with Section 5.1, "Setting Java Virtual Machine Parameters for EDQ", then use one of the following sections to configure your application server:

5.1 Setting Java Virtual Machine Parameters for EDQ

For all application servers including WebLogic, you must set the JVM parameters as follows:

  • Maximum heap memory, -Xmx, should normally be set to approximately 50% of available physical memory on the host server. For example, on a server with 32GB of RAM, start by setting it to 16GB with -Xmx16384m. Depending on the relative usage of memory between the JVM and native processing, you may need to be adjust this setting.

  • Maximum Permgen space should be set to 512m, -XX:MaxPermSize=512m, unless otherwise advised

  • Reserved Code Cache size should be set to 128m, -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m, unless otherwise advised.

    If you increase the MaxPermSize parameter value, you should increase the ReservedCodeCacheSize value proportionally.

  • Oracle JDBC Maximum Cached Buffer Size should always be set to 0, -Doracle.jdbc.maxCachedBufferSize=0.

  • Soft Reference Flush Interval should always be set to 1, -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1.

For example, the full set of recommended JVM options for a typical server with 32GB of RAM is as follows:

-Xmx16384m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m -Doracle.jdbc.maxCachedBufferSize=0 -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1


On systems that are not running on the Oracle JDK, the MaxPermSize, ReservedCodeCacheSize, and SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB options do not apply.


For default Tomcat installations, these JVM parameters may not exist in any configuration files so you must add them to the setenv.sh file. For specific information, see the Tomcat documentation in the Apache Software Foundation Server web site at


5.2 Configuring EDQ on WebLogic Server

Use this section to create your EDQ WebLogic domain, start your WebLogic Server, and configure WebLogic for EDQ web services.

The process in this section automatically creates and populates the following two EDQ configuration directories:


5.2.1 Starting the Configuration Wizard On Linux and UNIX

To start the installation program on a Linux or UNIX system using a .sh installation file, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target system as your EDQ installation user. See Section 2.2.3, "Choosing User Accounts".

  2. Go to your WebLogic Server installation directory. For example, MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin.

  3. Start the wizard by entering the following command:


    The WebLogic Server Configuration Wizard is displayed.

  4. Go to Section 5.2.3, "Creating the EDQ Domain" and complete the configuration.

5.2.2 Starting the Configuration Wizard On Windows

To start the installation program on a Windows platform using a .exe file, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target Windows system as your EDQ installation user. See Section 2.2.3, "Choosing User Accounts".

  2. Locate the MS-DOS Command Prompt (cmd.exe), right-click on it, and then select Run as administrator.

  3. Go to your WebLogic Server installation directory. For example, MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin.

  4. Start the wizard by entering the following command:


    The WebLogic Server Configuration Wizard is displayed.

  5. Go to Section 5.2.3, "Creating the EDQ Domain" and complete the configuration.

5.2.3 Creating the EDQ Domain

Use Table 5-1, "Running the WebLogic Configuration Wizard" to create the EDQ domain (see Section A.3, "WebLogic Configuration Wizard Screens" to review the screens):

Table 5-1 Running the WebLogic Configuration Wizard

Screen When Does This Screen Appear Instructions and Action Required

Configuration Wizard Welcome


Click Next to proceed with the configuration and accept the Create a new WebLogic domain default.

You may cancel the installation at any time by clicking Exit.

Select Domain Source


Select the correct EDQ Domain generation option for the type of server you are installing, Oracle Enterprise Data Quality - [Oracle_EDQ1].

The Oracle JRF - [oracle_common] check box is automatically selected.

By default, the Basic WebLogic Server Domain - [wlserver_10_3] option is always selected.

You can select any of the following options if needed in your environment:

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager — Use for domain monitoring and control.

  • Oracle WSL Policy Manager — Use with Oracle Web Services Manager to use global policy sets.

  • Oracle Platform Security Services for Audit —Use the FMW auditing feature.

Click Next to continue.

Specify Domain Name and Location


Enter a name for your domain in the Domain Name field or use the default.

The default MW_HOME/user_projects/domains directory is displayed.

Click Next to continue.

Configure Administrator User Name and Password


Enter your WebLogic administration user name and password credentials. See Section 2.2.3, "Choosing User Accounts".

Click Next to continue.

Configure Server Start Mode and JDK


Select the startup operation mode for your domain from the following options:

  • Development Mode—In this mode, the security configuration is relatively relaxed, allowing you to auto-deploy applications.

  • Production Mode—In this mode, the security configuration is relatively stringent, requiring a username and password to deploy applications. Before putting a domain into production, familiarize yourself with procedures for securing a production environment. For more information, see Securing a Production Environment for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Select the 64-bit JDK that you want to use from the Available JDKs list. Oracle recommends that you use the latest 64-bit JDK.

Click Next to continue.

Configure JDBC Data Sources


Select the EDQConfigDS and EDQResultsDS data source check boxes and other data sources as required if you selected any optional components in previous wizard steps. The Vendor, Driver, DBMS/Service, Host Name, and Port options are automatically populated.

Enter your host name, database user credentials, and change the port if necessary.

Click Next to continue.

Test JDBC Data Sources


Ensure that both the EDQConfigDS and EDQResultsDS data sources test successfully. Return to the previous screen to alter the connection configuration if necessary.

Click Next to continue.

Select Optional Configuration


Oracle recommends using Managed Servers.

Select the check box for each category (if any) for which you want to perform advanced configuration tasks.

Click Next to continue.

Configure Administration Server

Only if you selected Administration Server on the Select Optional Configuration screen

Change the settings for the Administration Server as needed.

Click Next to continue.

Configure Managed Servers

Only if you selected Managed Servers, Clusters, and Machines on the Select Optional Configuration screen

Add, delete, or reconfigure Managed Servers as needed.

Click Next to continue.

Complete the Wizard


Use the instructions for the remainder of the wizard in "Creating a WebLogic Domain in Graphical Mode" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Domains Using the Configuration Wizard 11g Release 1 to complete the creation of the EDQ domain.

After you have configured your WebLogic Server, you must ensure that the StartScriptEnabled property in the nodemanager.properties file is set to true so that your EDQ domain is correctly configured, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1.

5.2.4 Starting Your WebLogic Server

You must start your EDQ WebLogic Managed Servers to complete the installation in the following two ways: Using the WebLogic Administration Console

To start your EDQ WebLogic Managed Servers from the WebLogic Administration Console, the Node Manager must be running.

Configuration settings including the server's JVM settings and the path to the server configuration directories for the managed server are pre-defined by the WebLogic Configuration Wizard as Server Startup Arguments. If you are starting the server using the WebLogic Administration Console, these arguments are applied, so you will only need to change them to apply different settings. For example to tune the JVM parameters to the recommended settings for your server - see Section X (Recommended JVM parameters).

For information about starting WebLogic Servers, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1. Using a Startup Script

If you choose to start your EDQ WebLogic Managed Servers using a startup script, the Server Startup Arguments defined for the server in the WebLogic Administration Console are ignored so these settings must set for the domain by editing the setDomainEnv script.

If you have configured WebLogic Managed Servers in your domain and installed EDQ Release 11g R1 ( and greater, then the configuration template applies changes to your EDQ domain setDomainEnv (.cmd on Windows and .sh on all other operating systems) script during your domain configuration in the previous section. By default, an edq_server1 Managed Server is created that contains the default JVM settings. You may need to edit your setDomainEnv script so that it contains your Managed Server name (if you used a different name) and to apply the recommended JVM settings for your environment, see Section 5.2.5, "Clustering with WebLogic and Running Multiple EDQ Servers in the Same Domain."

For information about starting Managed Servers using Node Manager and Administration Servers, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1

5.2.5 Clustering with WebLogic and Running Multiple EDQ Servers in the Same Domain

To support high availability scenarios, Oracle recommends that you configure a cluster of multiple EDQ servers to share the incoming load (for example, from a large number of simultaneous web service requests), and to provide continuous service in the event of failure of an individual server. This section provides some basic guidance about how to configure EDQ to support such a model using WebLogic.

Multiple EDQ managed servers can be configured to run in the same WebLogic domain either in a cluster or not provided that each server has a separate, dedicated:

  • EDQCONFIG and EDQRESULTS schemas and corresponding separate JDBC data sources with different JNDI names

  • configuration directories

  • server listening port; each server must listen on a different ports

Separate schemas can be created for further EDQ instances by re-running the RCU and using different prefixes for the schema names (for example, DEV2 and so on). The corresponding JDBC data sources for these new schemas must be created manually using the WebLogic Administration Console as described in the remainder of this section.

Multiple EDQ managed servers can either be created as part of the initial single run of the WebLogic Configuration Wizard, or manually after the fact by using the WebLogic Administration Console. Similarly, a cluster can also be created using either of these mechanisms. The JRF Template must be applied to any managed servers that have been created manually using the WebLogic Administration Console (this is equivalent to the library targeting performed automatically by the WebLogic Configuration Wizard).

Even when the WebLogic Configuration Wizard is used to create multiple EDQ managed servers, it only creates the JDBC data sources for the first server so you must always use the WebLogic Administration Console to create the additional data sources and target them at the relevant managed server. Each new data source must be given a different and unique JNDI name in order for the corresponding EDQ server to access it.

Similarly, the WebLogic Configuration Wizard only creates the configuration directories for the first EDQ server so you must manually create them for the additional servers. You do this using standard operating system commands to copy the first server's configuration directories and their contents to a different path in the file system.


Only the 'local' configuration directory (by default, oedq_local_home) needs to be copied; the 'base' directory (by default, oedq_home) can be shared across all managed servers because it only contains defaults and other common configuration settings.

Once copied, the director.properties file in each subsequent EDQ servers new configuration directory must be edited to reflect the new JDBC data sources that you created (point to the new JNDI names). You must also assign different management, FTP, and SSHD ports since unlike the 'listen' ports, these are not defined in the managed server settings.

The final step is to use the WebLogic Administration Console to modify the managed server settings for the additional EDQ servers, to update the edq.config.path by configuring the server startup Arguments option in the Server Start tab to point to the relevant new configuration directories. For more information, see this topic of the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help at


Once multiple EDQ servers have been configured in this way, you can leave them un-clustered and accessed directly using their respective Launchpad URLs using the relevant port, or setup as part of a cluster using standard WebLogic mechanisms with a separate front-end load balancer to handle incoming web service requests through a single cluster URL. Do not attempt to access the EDQ Launchpad using a load balanced cluster URL because it will be unclear which EDQ server is actually being accessed. Instead, log in to one of the servers directly using its dedicated port, and use the Director or Server Console to connect to all servers in the cluster.

5.3 Configuring EDQ on Tomcat or WebSphere

Use this section to configure EDQ on a Tomcat or WebSphere Application Server.

5.3.1 Creating the Necessary Shared Library

Create the necessary Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) shared library necessary to EDQ:

  1. Create a lib.adf ADF shared directory. For Tomcat, create this directory in your Tomcat home directory.

  2. Unzip the adf-essentials.zip file, delivered with the EDQ product, into the lib.adf directory.The JAR files in this ZIP file must be in lib.adf directory, not the adf-essentials that it unzips to by default.

  3. Complete the library creation:

    On Tomcat

    Configure the Tomcat common.loader property (typically located in the catalina.properties file) to load Oracle ADF and Apache HTTP from their respective shared library paths. For example:

    On WebSphere
    1. Start the WebSphere Administrative Console.

    2. Click Environment then Shared Libraries to begin creating the EDQ shared library.

    3. Create a shared library named ADFessentials specifying the lib.adf directory as the Classpath.

5.3.2 Configuring EDQ

Use this section with Tomcat and WebSphere installation combinations to configure the EDQ product after you have used one of the preceding sections to configure your application server. Additionally, you may use this section to reconfigure the EDQ Functional Packs with your WebLogic Server.

You must create two empty directories to contain your EDQ configuration files. For example:

On Windows: C:\edqconfig\edqhome and C:\edqconfig\edqlocalhome

On Linux and UNIX: /opt/edqconfig/edqhome and /opt/edqconfig/edqlocalhome

The first directory (edqhome) will contain the files that should not be changed post-installation while the second directory (edqlocalhome) will contain any custom settings that you create. Ensure that your application server user has read and write access to the two directories you create. Starting the EDQ Configuration Application On Linux and UNIX

To start the EDQ Configuration Application on a Linux or UNIX system, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target system as your EDQ installation user. See Section 2.2.3, "Choosing User Accounts".

  2. Go to your EDQ_HOME/oracle.edq directory.

  3. Start the wizard by entering the following command:

    java -jar configapp.jar

    The EDQ Configuration Wizard is displayed.

  4. Go to Section, "Configuring EDQ" and complete the configuration. Starting the EDQ Configuration Application On Windows

To start the EDQ Configuration Application on a Windows platform, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target Windows system as your EDQ installation user. See Section 2.2.3, "Choosing User Accounts".

  2. Locate the MS-DOS Command Prompt (cmd.exe), right-click on it, and then select Run as administrator.

  3. Go to your EDQ_HOME\oracle.edq directory.

  4. Start the wizard by entering the following command:

    java -jar configapp.jar

    The EDQ Configuration Wizard is displayed.

  5. Go to Section, "Configuring EDQ" and complete the configuration. Configuring EDQ

Use Table 5-2, "Running the EDQ Configuration Application" to configure EDQ (see Section A.4, "EDQ Configuration Application Screens" to review the screens):

Table 5-2 Running the EDQ Configuration Application

Screen Instructions and Action Required

EDQ Configuration Application Completion

Click Begin to proceed with the configuration.

You may cancel the installation at any time by clicking Cancel.

Configuration Directory

Enter the two empty directories, that you created at the beginning of this section, to contain your EDQ configuration files.

Click Next to continue.

Functional Packs

Select the functional packs you want and are licensed to use.

Click Next to continue.

Configure Config Repository Database

Select the correct option for your database from the Selection Type list.

  • If you are using Tomcat, do not use the JNDI Connection option.

  • If you are using WebSphere, you may want to use the JNDI Connection option.

  • For PostgreSQL, you may want to use the Properties option.

Enter your database user name and password.

Select the option for the type of database you created, Oracle or Postgres.

Enter the hostname for the system containing your database, its port number, and the database unique id.

Ensure that you have configured the connection correctly by clicking Test.

Click Next to continue.

Configure Results Repository Database

Select the correct option for your database from the Selection Type list.

  • If your using Tomcat, do not use the JNDI Connection option.

  • If your using WebSphere, you may want to use the JNDI Connection option.

  • For PostgreSQL, you may want to use the Properties option.

Enter your database user name and password.

Select the option for the type of database you created, Oracle or Postgres.

Enter the hostname for the system containing your database, its port number, and the database unique id.

Ensure that you have configured the connection correctly by clicking Test.

Click Next to continue.

Selected Options

Review the summary of your selections. Use Back to modify any of your selections.

Click Finish to complete the configuration and continue.

EDQ Configuration Application Completion

Click Done to exit the installation program. Verifying EDQ Functional Packs

You can verify which EDQ functional packs have been installed using the EDQ Configuration Application as described in the preceding sections. Additionally, you should be aware of the following:

  • All Functional Packs are needed if you want to install the EDQ Customer Data Services Pack on your EDQ server. For example, for integration with Siebel Customer Relationship Management or Universal Customer Master.

  • All Functional Packs are needed if you want to install Oracle Watchlist Screening on your EDQ server.

5.3.3 Deploying the EDQ Application on Tomcat and WebSphere Application Servers

The EDQ application must be manually deployed on Tomcat and WebSphere Application Servers unlike the automatic deployment on a WebLogic Application Server.

Use the following steps to deploy the application on Tomcat and WebSphere:

  1. For Tomcat, stop your server.

  2. Deploy the edq.war file on your application server.

    On WebSphere, ensure that the edq.war file is referenced by the ADF shared library you created in Section, "Installing WebSphere."

    For deployment on Tomcat, see the Tomcat Web Application Deployment web page at


    For deployment on WebSphere, see the IBM Deploying a WAR module web page at


  3. To link EDQ to your new configuration directories, use a new Java property named, edq.config.path that specifies the paths to the new directories that you created in Part , "Configuring EDQ" (for example, oedq.home and oedq.local.home.) This path should be separated by a colon on Linux and UNIX and a semi-colon on Windows.

    Alternatively, you can link EDQ to the configuration directories using an environment variable by appending an environment variable named, EDQ_CONFIG_PATH, to your JAVA_OPTS environment variable as follows replacing Path to base EDQ config directory (EDQ Home) and Path to local EDQ config directory (EDQ Local Home) with the paths to the new directories that you created in Part , "Configuring EDQ":

    Operating System Tomcat WebSphere

    Linux and UNIX

    Set Java options for the EDQ server as follows:

    -Dedq.config.path=[Path to base EDQ config directory (EDQ Home)]:[Path to local EDQ config directory (EDQ Local Home)] -Doracle.mds.cache=simple

    Set Java options for the EDQ server as follows:

    -Dedq.config.path=[Path to base EDQ config directory (EDQ Home)]:[Path to local EDQ config directory (EDQ Local Home)]  -Doracle.mds.cache=simple


    Append EDQ_CONFIG_PATH="[Path to base EDQ config directory (EDQ Home)];[Path to local EDQ config directory (EDQ Local Home)]" to the JAVA_OPTS environment variable.


    Set Java options for the EDQ application service as follows:

    -Dedq.config.path=[Path to base EDQ config directory (EDQ Home)];[Path to local EDQ config directory (EDQ Local Home)] -Doracle.mds.cache=simple

    For more information about setting Java parameters, see the Apache Tomcat Documentation web site at


    Set Java options for the EDQ server as follows:

    -Dedq.config.path=[Path to base EDQ config directory (EDQ Home)];[Path to local EDQ config directory (EDQ Local Home)]  -Doracle.mds.cache=simple

    For more information about setting generic JVM parameters, see the IBM WebSphere Documentation web site at


  4. Restart your application server service and ensure that edq.war is successfully deployed.

5.4 Next Step

Go to Section 6, "Getting Started with EDQ" to verify a successful installation and configuration.