3 Installing and Deploying Using AIA Foundation Pack Installer

There are several installation and deployment topologies possible using AIA Foundation Pack Installer. This chapter discusses how to install and deploy the Foundation Pack using basic, remote and cluster installation options, perform silent installation of AIA Foundation Pack or copy only AIA file without installing or deploying Foundation Pack.

This chapter includes the following sections:


Ensure that you access the latest Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation and Upgrade Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 ( on Oracle Technology Network at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/index.html.


Choose the installation that best suits your need. Refer to the whitepaper AIA Installation and Deployment -Strategies, Topologies and Flexibilities on http://www.oracle.com for more details.

3.1 Installing and Deploying Foundation Pack Using Basic/Remote/Cluster Installation Options

The section discusses the installation process. The screens in AIA Installer prompt you to enter data for successful installation of AIA Foundation Pack. Keep the completed worksheet of AIA Foundation Pack screens ready before you launch the Installer.


Before you launch the installer ensure that SOA Server is configured and running. Also ensure that your Node manager is running. You can deploy a few sample composites and other SOA artifacts to ensure that the SOA Installation is successful. Remember to start the SOA Server using the Node manager.

For information on how to start and stop managed servers from the Administration Console and Node Manager, see "Configuring Node Manager to Use Start and Stop Scripts" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Node Manager Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

3.1.1 Launch the Oracle AIA Foundation Pack Installer

To launch the Oracle AIA Foundation Pack Installer:

  1. Navigate to aiafp/Disk1.

  2. Follow the launch instructions for your platform. Table 3-1 lists the steps that you must use based on your platform.

    Table 3-1 Commands to Launch Oracle AIA Foundation Pack Installer

    Platform To launch the Oracle AIA Foundation Pack Installer:


    Solaris SPARC


    IBM AIX Based Systems

    At the command line prompt, enter:

    ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc <Soa_Home>/oraInst.loc -jreloc 
    <location of the jre specific to your operating system. 
    This directory should have /bin/java>

    Microsoft Windows

    Double-click setup.exe

  3. If you are prompted for the JRE location, provide the JRE that you have downloaded earlier. This JRE should be the version specific to your Operating System.

  4. Click Next.

3.1.2 Check Prerequisites

To confirm whether the prerequisites for installing AIA are met:

  1. Review prerequisites in the Prerequisite Checks screen.

  2. Click Next.

3.1.3 Specify Installation Location

To specify installation location:

  1. Enter a name for install directory in the AIA Home field.

  2. Enter a path for the install location in the AIA Home Path field.

  3. Provide AIA Instance name.

  4. Provide Java Home path.

    This can be the JDK location delivered with Oracle Fusion Middleware in the Middleware Home of your FMW Installation. Ensure that JDK version is 1.6 and above.

  5. Select Complete Installation option.

    AIA Foundation Pack Installer provides two installation options, Copy AIA Software Only and Complete Installation.

    • When you choose Complete Installation, the Installer installs the selected products at the specified directory.

    • When you choose Copy AIA Software Only, the Installer copies the complete AIA software to the specified directory. You must manually complete the installation.

  6. Choose Complete Installation and click Next.

3.1.4 Specify SOA Server Details

To specify SOA Server details:

  1. Enter information about Oracle SOA server installation in the SOA Server Details screen.

    All artifacts associated with the Foundation Pack infrastructure components will be deployed to the SOA Suite server. This screen helps you choose among Basic, Remote, and Cluster installations.

  2. Click Next.

    When you click Next, Foundation Pack Installer checks whether the node manager service is available. Also check whether the node manager service is active from Oracle WebLogic Admin server Console. If your node manager is not active in the admin console, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Node Manager Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server for troubleshooting.

3.1.5 Validate SOA Server

SOA Server Validation screen validates the SOA server. You can either wait till the SOA server is validated or you can skip the screen. AIA recommends that you do this validation.

To validate SOA server:

  1. Wait till the installer validates the SOA server.

    The validation process takes a few minutes.

  2. Click Next.


If the validation fails you can either retry validation or skip and move to the next screen.

3.1.6 Specify AIA Database Details

To specify AIA database details:

  1. Enter database connection details and create new schema or connect to an existing schema using the AIA Database Details screen, as shown in Figure 3-1.

    This screen enables you to configure multiple schema types at the same time. You can provide input to the fields in several iterations or all at once.

    In each iteration select only the schema type(s) that must be configured. You can select one or more or all schema type(s) at a time.

    The schema names are automatically prefixed to the AIAInstance name. To change the schema name to another schema name, click in the table, modify and press Enter in your keyboard.


    The option to change the schema name is useful when you make two installations pointing to the same database schema. For example when you have an existing AIA1_XREF schema which was created using an earlier run of the installation and want to connect to the same in this installation (for which AIA Instance is AIA2), the default value that appears is AIA2_XREF. Modify this value in the table to AIA1_XREF and then use the Connect to schema option.

    After you choose the schema types, provide the Database Connection Details and Schema Details for the selected schema types.

    If you have not configured all schema types, clear the configured schema types and select a new set of schema types and provide information for the same. You must provide information for all schema types.


    If you are not sure whether you must provide the same information for all schema types or different information, select All schema types. You can modify the schema information provided here after installation.

    Figure 3-1 AIA Database Details screen

    The image is described in the surrounding text
  2. Click Next.

3.1.7 Specify RAC Database Details

This screen appears only if you have selected Use RAC Database in Section 3.1.6, "Specify AIA Database Details" screen.

To specify RAC Database Details:

  1. Enter RAC Database information in the RAC Database Details screen.

  2. Click Next.

3.1.8 Specify Metadata Service Repository Details

To specify Metadata Service Repository details:

  1. Enter Metadata service repository password in the Metadata Service Repository Details screen.

  2. Click Next.

3.1.9 Specify Oracle Enterprise Repository Details (Optional)

To specify Oracle Enterprise Repository (OER) details:

  1. Enter the Oracle Enterprise Repository information in the Oracle Enterprise Repository Details screen.

    Ensure that you enter the system host name, and not the local host name. For example, enter http://<host>:<port>/oer.

  2. Click Next.

3.1.10 Complete Installation

To complete installation:

  1. Review the install information on the Installation Summary screen.


    To make changes to the configuration before starting the installation, use the navigation pane on the left and select the topic you want to edit.

    You can also create a response file based on the input provided and use it in future. For more information, see Section 3.2, "Performing Silent Installation and Deployment of Foundation Pack".

    When you create a response file through OUI, passwords get stored as <SECURE>. Replace the password fields with actual passwords in the response file.

  2. Click Install to accept this configuration and begin the installation.

    The system displays installation progress on the Install screen.

    The system displays any warnings or errors as necessary. You can review the install process log for additional details.


    It is normal for the servers to stop and restart during the configuration phase.
  3. After installing the files, AIA Installer deploys Foundation Pack components to Fusion Middleware server. The progress is displayed in Configuration Progess screen. This screen starts automatically after installer installs the Foundation Pack files.

  4. When installation process finishes without errors, the AIA Foundation Pack Installer displays the Installation Complete screen.


    At this stage you Install and Configure AIA products. If it fails, check the error in the log that appears in the Installer, rectify it and click Retry.

    If you are unable to fix the issue and must attempt a fresh Installation, click Finish and exit the Installer (if you have it open) and use the AIA Deinstaller to uninstall as described in Chapter 7, "Uninstalling Oracle AIA".

    After you uninstall, follow the cleanup steps in Section 7.4, "Cleaning The Environment"to clean the environment and then attempt a fresh installation of AIA.

  5. Click Exit to close the AIA Foundation Pack Installer.

  6. Verify the installation using steps in Chapter 6, "Verifying the Installation".

3.2 Performing Silent Installation and Deployment of Foundation Pack

The Silent Installation option helps you install Foundation Pack without the use of the GUI based Installer.

To perform a silent Foundation Pack installation, you invoke the Installer with the -silent flag and provide a response file from the command line. The response file is a text file containing variables and parameter values (validations) that provide answers to Installer prompts.

This section includes the following tasks for the silent installation of Foundation Pack.

3.2.1 Creating Oracle Inventory

For UNIX based Installations

AIA Foundation Pack Installer uses the Oracle inventory directory to keep track of all Oracle products that are installed on the systems. The inventory directory is stored in a file named oraInst.loc. If this file does not exist on your system, you must create it before starting a silent installation.

To create the oraInst.loc file:

  1. Log in as root user.

  2. Use a text editor such as vi or emacs and create the oraInst.loc file in any directory.

  3. Added the following two lines:



    • Replace oui_inventory_directory with the full path to the directory where you want the AIA Foundation Pack Installer to create the inventory directory.

    • Replace oui_install_group with the name of the group whose members have write permissions to this directory.

  4. Exit from the root user.

For Windows based installations

If you have not installed AIA on your system, then you must create the following Registry key and value:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Oracle / inst_loc = [inventory_directory]

Replace inventory_directory with the full path to your installer files. For example: C:Program Files\Oracle\Inventory.

3.2.2 Creating a Response File

Response files are text files that contain information related to validations required for installation of Foundation Pack. Before you perform a silent installation, you must create a response file. You can create response files in either of the two ways:

  • Modify the response file template SampleAIAFP_CompleteResponse.rsp available in the installation media under the cd/Disk1 /misc/responseFiles.

  • Enter validation information in the AIA Foundation Pack Installer wizard and click Save when you complete installation in the Installation Summary screen.

    For details, see Section 3.1.10, "Complete Installation". Securing Response File

Your response files can contain passwords and other key information required by the Installer. To minimize security issues, AIA recommends the following guidelines:

  • Set the permissions on the response files so that they are readable only by the operating system user who is performing the silent installation.

  • Remove the response files from the system after the silent installation is completed.

3.2.3 Installing Foundation Pack (Running Installation Scripts)

To run the installation script:

  1. Navigate to cd/Disk1

  2. Run the command to initiate installation. Table 3-2 lists the commands that you must use based on your platform.

    Table 3-2 Commands to Run Installation Scripts

    Platform To initiate installation:


    Solaris SPARC

    IBM AIX Based Systems


    At the command line prompt, enter:

    ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc <Soa_Home>/oraInst.loc -jreloc

    <location of the jre specific to your operating system. This directory should have /bin/java>-silent -responseFile <file_name with fully qualified directory path>

    Microsoft Windows

    At the command line prompt, enter:

    setup.exe -silent -responseFile <file_name with fully qualified directory path>

    • After the Installation is triggered, you need not interact with the installation process.

    • The brief logs can be seen on the command line and the system prompts when the installation is complete.

    • Post-installation, verify the installation logs as detailed in Section 6.2, "Verifying File Creation and Logs".

  3. Verify the installation using steps described in Chapter 6, "Verifying the Installation".

For information on how to deploy custom built services, refer to "Generating Deployment Plans and Deploying Artifacts" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack.

3.3 Copying only AIA Files

You can choose to copy only the AIA files and customize Foundation Pack Deployment Plan. After you copy the files you can either:

  • Deploy using manual steps.

  • Browse AIA delivered EOL, Process models. This enables you to look at and modify the content on any system without an actual server.

3.3.1 Launch the Oracle AIA Foundation Pack Installer

To launch the Oracle AIA Foundation Pack Installer:

  1. Navigate to cd/Disk1.

  2. Follow the launch instructions for your platform. Table 3-3 lists the commands you must use based on your platform.

    Table 3-3 Commands to launch Oracle AIA Foundation Pack Installer

    Platform To launch the Oracle AIA Foundation Pack Installer:


    Solaris SPARC

    IBM AIX Based Systems


    At the command line prompt, enter:

    ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc <Soa_Home>/oraInst.loc -jreloc

    <location of the jre specific to your operating system. This directory should have /bin/java>

    Microsoft Windows

    Double-click setup.exe

  3. If you are prompted for JRE location, provide the JRE that you downloaded earlier. This JRE should be the version specific to your Operating System.

  4. Click Next.

3.3.2 Check Prerequisites

To check whether the prerequisites are met:

  1. Review whether prerequisites are met in the Prerequisites Check screen.

  2. Click Next.

3.3.3 Copy AIA Software

To copy AIA Software:

  1. Specify the home directory for the product files in the Installation Location screen.

  2. Select Copy AIA Software Only.

  3. Click Next.

3.3.4 Complete Copying Files

To complete copying files:

  1. Review the install information and verify your selections on the Summary screen.

  2. Click Install to proceed with the file creation and installation of the listed products and components.

    The system displays installation progress on the Install screen.

    The system displays any warnings or errors as necessary. You can review the install process log for additional details.

  3. When the file installation process finishes without errors, the AIA Foundation Pack Installer displays the Installation Complete Screen.

  4. Click Exit to close the AIA Foundation Pack Installer.


Deployment is not complete. To deploy, follow the instructions in Chapter 4, "Installing and Deploying using Manual Steps".