
List of Examples

List of Figures

List of Tables

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What's New in This Guide for Release

1 Introduction to Migrating AIA 2.4 and 2.5 Artifacts to Foundation Pack 11g Release 1

2 Preparing to Migrate AIA Artifacts to AIA 11g Release 1

3 Migrating Enterprise Object Library Customizations

4 Migrating New Enterprise Business Objects

5 Migrating New Enterprise Business Service Definitions

6 Migrating Domain Value Map and Cross-Reference Metadata

7 Migrating Services

8 Migrating Extension Services

9 Migrating Routing Rules

10 Migrating and Configuring Error Handling Artifacts

11 Migrating Composite Application Validation System Definitions

12 Making Migrated Services Deployable

13 Migrating AIA 2.4 and 2.5 Business Service Repository Artifacts to Oracle Enterprise Repository Artifacts

14 Migrating Actual Domain Value Map and Cross-Reference Data

15 Migrating to an AIA 11g Release 1 Production Environment

16 Migrating ODI Flows from AIA Foundation Pack 2.4 and 2.5 to AIA Foundation Pack 11g Release 1

17 Using the AIA Migration Utility

18 Loading AIA Metadata to Oracle Metadata Services Repository
