Oracle® Fusion Middleware Messages for Oracle Service Bus
11g Release 1 (


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OSB Kernel Subsystem Messages

The OSB Kernel catalog contains messages in the range BEA380000 - BEA380499. Messages in this catalog are part of the Internationalization package and the Localization package.


Error: General runtime error: message


A generic runtime error has occured in OSB transport subsystem while processing the message. There should be a specific message that describes specific cause of the problem. This error typically occurs when an exception is thrown during the outbound call, but it can also be explicitely raised by the outbound transport implementation, in which case, it may have a customized the message associated with it.


If this is an unexpected error happening on a customized transport, check for unchecked exceptions in outbound call implementation. For other transports, check the documentation corresponding to this error code. Contact technical support when this is an OSB runtime internal error.


Error: Application error: message


An application error has occured in OSB transport subsystem while processing the message. There should be a specific message that describes specific cause of the problem. Only transports that explicitely declare support for application errors can return such errors. This error is explicitly raised by the transport implementation and usually has a customized message associated with it. It is used by OSB to prevent unecessary retries.


Check in the transport documentation describing application errors.


Error: Connection error: message


A connection error has occured in OSB transport subsystem while processing the message. There should be a specific message that describes specific cause of the problem. This error is raised by the transport implementation and usually has a customized message associated with it. It is used by OSB to put a URI offline.


Check in the transport documentation describing connection errors.


Error: Exception on method, e


An unexpected runtime error has occured in OSB transport subsystem while processing the message. There should be a specific message that describes specific cause of the problem


Contact technical support


Error: Version mismatch for service name


The processing of the response message has failed in OSB transport subsystem due to the fact that the configuration for the business service service is in flux. This service is unable to send an outbound message until the configuration stabilizes.


Wait until the configuration of OSB server stabilizes and retry sending the request.


Error: Transformation from src to res is not supported


An error has occured while transforming the message payload from one type (e.g. MFL) to another (e.g. XML). This may happen some transport requires the payload in certain form in order to send an outbound request and OSB runtime has no way to convert payload in its current form to desired form


Contact technical support


Error: No transport provider registered with ID: id


There is no transport provider deployed on the OSB server for the specified ID


Verify that the transport provider application for that specified ID was correctly deployed on the OSB server. If this happens during server start up, it is also possible that the transport is registered too late. If so, try lowering its deployment order.


Error: Provider with ID id does not support proxy service endpoints


The transport provider configuration does not support inbound endpoints, but somehow the configuration framework tried to create or update an inbound endpoint for that provider


If this is a custom provider, verify that transport provider XML configuration is consistent with the generated endpoint configuration. Otherwise, contact technical support


Error: Provider with ID id does not support business service endpoints


The transport provider configuration does not support outbound endpoints, but somehow the configuration framework tried to create or update an outbound endpoint for that provider


If this is a custom provider, verify that the transport provider XML configuration is consistent with the generated endpoint configuration. Otherwise, contact technical support


Error: Invalid endpoint configuration: provider specific configuration is missing


The provider for that endpoint declares a provider specific XML Schema Type but the endpoint configuration contains no provider specific configuration


If this is a custom provider, verify that the provider specific definition is correctly set in the implementation. Otherwise, contact technical support


Error: Invalid endpoint configuration: provider specific configuration is not valid


The enpoint configuration contains a provider specific configuration but the provider for that endpoint does not declare any provider specific XML Schema Type


If this is a custom provider, check that its implementation returns the appropriate schema type corresponding to the provider specific configuration. Otherwise, contact technical support


Error: Proxy Service configuration requires exactly one URI


If this is a custom provider, verify the proxy service configuration is correctly initialized. Otherwise, contact technical support


Error: Business Service configuration requires at least one URI


If this is a custom provider, verify the business service configuration is correctly initialized. Otherwise, contact technical support


Error: Invalid endpoint configuration: Provider with ID id does not declare application errors


The endpoint supports application errors but the provider for that endpoint does not


If this is a custom provider, verify that transport provider XML configuration is consistent with the generated endpoint configuration. Otherwise, contact technical support


Error: Business Service do not support duplicate URIs. Service ref found with duplicate URI uri.


This error happens during configuration update: the URI of one of the updated Business Service is already used


Delete Business Service or use a different URI


Error: None of the URIs are online for Business service ref


The Business service is configured to put URIs offline upon connection errors and there is no online URIs left to route messages sent to this service


Check the service configuration and the server connections


Error: Transport configuration xml file is invalid: diag : xml


The transport provider configuration xml file is either syntaxically or semantically incorrect. The message body should include the error description and the invalid XML snippet


Correct the configuration


Error: Configured service type is not supported by the transport (scheme).


The configured service type is not supported by the transport (scheme).


If you are trying to import a config jar, your service definition is corrupted, or the current OSB version no longer support the binding defined in the config jar, re-create the service with the new supported binding. For any other reasons, contact technical support.


Debug: Throttling error: business service ref cannot process more messages and has no throttling queue


Business service is throttled and rejected the message because the service reached its maximum concurrency limit and has no throttling queue to backlog messages


In the throtttling settings for this business service, either disable throttling, set a maximum queue length that is greater than zero, or increase the maximum concurrency


Debug: Throttling error: message expired in throttling queue for business service ref


The message was sent to a throttled business service and expired in its throttling queue after the specified time-to-live while waiting for the service to become available


In the throtttling settings for this business service, either disable throttling, set a longer the time-to-live (you can set it to zero for an unlimited time-to-live), or increase the maximum concurrency


Debug: Throttling error: throttling queue for business service ref is full and rejected message


The message was sent to a throttled business service and was rejected by its throttling queue. The queue may be full and the message priority lesser than the messages already in the queue; or the queue was resized or the service renamed while the message was waiting in the queue.


In the routing options, increase the priority of the messages sent to this business service, or, in the throttling settings for this business service, either disable throttling, increase the maximum concurrency or increase the maximum queue length


Error: An unexpected throttling error occurred while processing message sent to business service ref: message


An internal error occurred in the throttling sub-system. The message body should include the throttled service on which the error occurred and the message describing the problem: this error can be due to a transactional error, interrupted thread exception, timeout or an invalid runtime state


If this is due to an invalid runtime state, contact technical support


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