oakcli clone vm

Use the oakcli clone vm command to create clones and snap clones of virtual machines.


To create a virtual machine from a template:

oakcli clone vm vm_name -vmtemplate template_name -repo repo_name [-node 0|1][h]

To create a snapshot clone of an existing virtual machine:

oakcli clone vm vm_name -vm src_name -snap

To create a virtual machine snapshot from a template:

oakcli clone vm vm_name -vmtemplate template_name -snap


Parameter Description


Name given to the cloned virtual machine

-vmtemplate template_name

Name of the template containing the virtual machine that you want to clone

-repo repo_name

Name of the repository that contains the template being cloned

-node 0 | 1

Identifies the Oracle Database Appliance node that contains the shared repository from which the virtual machine is to be cloned

The -node parameter must be used when you clone from a shared repository. The -node parameter is invalid for non-shared repositories.

-vm src_name

Name of the virtual machine that is to be cloned


Creates a snapshot of the source virtual machine or virtual machine template


(Optional) Display help for using the command.


Create a virtual machine image named myol6u_test from the virtual machine template named myol6u_15gb1, which is stored in the shared repository named repo2 on Node 0:

oakcli clone vm myol6u_test -vmtemplate myol6u_15gb1 -repo repo2 -node 0