Importing Virtual Machine Templates

Use the oakcli import vmtemplate command to import virtual machine templates and assemblies on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platforms.

You import virtual machine templates and assemblies contained in an external repository assembly file. Use the name of the shared repository and include a clause to identify the node where you want to import a template or an assembly.

You can import virtual machine templates and assemblies directly from a remote repository using a URL to identify the source of the files. You can choose to use a remote copy command to copy files from the remote repository into your Dom0 /OVS directory, and then import the files using the path and names to identify the downloaded files.


When importing templates or assemblies to a local repository, do not use the -node option. The target node is implicit in the name of the repository.


oakcli import vmtemplate vmtemplatename -files image_files | -assembly assembly_file -repo repo_name [- node 0 | 1 ]

Example 3-13 Example of Importing Virtual Machine Templates from an External Repository Assembly File

Use the oakcli import vmteplate vmtemplatename -assembly assembly_file -repo repo_name command to import virtual machine templates contained in an external template repository assembly file.

This example imports the template in an external template repository assembly file located at the URL '' to a new template named OL6U1 in a new repository named odarepo1:

oakcli import vmtemplate OL6U1 -assembly '' -repo odarepo1

Note the single quotation marks that enclose the URL.

Example 3-14 Example of Importing a Virtual Machine Template from Dom0

Use this command syntax to import a virtual machine template from the /OVS file system on Dom0:

oakcli import vmtemplate vmtemplatename -files image_files -repo repo_name

This example imports the virtual machine template named OVM_OL5U7_X86_64_PVM_10GB.tgz from the /OVS directory in Dom0 into the odarepo1 repository. The template is assigned the name OL5U7:

oakcli import vmtemplate OL5U7 -files /OVS/OVM_OL5U7_X86_64_PVM_10GB.tgz -repo odarepo1

Example 3-15 Example of Importing a Virtual Machine Template Using an External Repository URL

Use the command oakcli import vmtemplate vmtemplatename -files image_files -repo repo_name to import a virtual machine template file from an external template repository.

This example imports a virtual machine template named OVM_OL5U7_X86_64_PVM_10GB.tgz from an external template repository at the URL ''. Note the single quotation marks that enclose the URL. The template is assigned the name OL5U7, and is imported into the odarpo1 repository:

oakcli import vmtemplate OL5U7 -files ''-repo odarepo1