About the Oracle Appliance Manager Command-line Interface (OAKCLI)

The oakcli commands are the primary method for performing database and system administration on Oracle Database Appliance, and on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform.

You can perform the following tasks with OAKCLI commands:
  • List the hardware components

  • Validate and diagnose the hardware components

  • Install and upgrade software

  • Apply software patches

  • Create and drop databases

  • Install and uninstall Oracle Homes

  • Deploy and manage virtual machines

Depending on your version of Oracle Appliance Manager and your hardware, some of the OAKCLI commands may not be available to you. To see which OAKCLI commands are supported on your version of Oracle Appliance Manager and your hardware, run the help command for OAKCLI:oakcli -h

OAKCLI Command Location and Path Configuration

The Oracle Appliance Manager command-line interface is in the following directory:


Configure the root user account on your Oracle Database Appliance servers to have the PATH variable defined to search for oakcli commands in the path /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli.


Oracle Appliance Manager command-line interface commands and parameters are case-insensitive.

An oakcli command uses the following command syntax:

oakcli command object [options]
  • command is an action you want to perform on the appliance. For example: show, locate, apply.

  • object is the target or object on which the oakcli command performs the operation. For example, you issue a command to create or configure a disk, or a controller, or perform other system or software administration. You can also use object abbreviations.

  • options are optional parts of the oakcli command. Options can consist of one or more options that extend the use of the oakcli command carried out on an object. Options include additional information about the action that you want to perform on the object. Option names are preceded with a dash. Many options require the name of an object for the command to perform the action that you want to carry out. The help option (-h) is an option that is available with every command. When you include the -h option, you can obtain additional information about the command that you want to perform.

Oracle Appliance Manager Command-Line Interface Help

Run the following command to see the usage information for all oakcli commands available for your Oracle Database Appliance:

oakcli -h

Run the following command to see detailed help about a specific oakcli command:

oakcli command -h

Run the following command to see detailed help about a specific oakcli command carried out on an object, and the options that are available for you to use with that object.

oakcli command object -h