oakcli show db_config_params

Use the oakcli show db_config_params command to display configuration file names and parameters. By default, the command will search for files with the extension .dbconf located in the /opt/oracle/oak/install/dbconf directory.


oakcli show db_config_params [-conf filename] [-detail] [-h]


Parameter Description

-conf filename

(Optional) Name of configuration file to be displayed. If not included, then the command displays all configuration files.


(Optional) Display the parameter values stored in the configuration file or files.


(Optional) Display help for using the command.


Display the default database configuration parameter values stored in the configuration file or files:

oakcli show db_config_params -detail
Available DB configuration files are:
          DATABASE_BLOCK_SIZE       =>    8192
          DATABASE_LANGUAGE         =>    AMERICAN
          DATABASE_CHARACTERSET     =>    AL32UTF8
          DATABASE_TERRITORY        =>    AMERICA
          COMPONENT_LANGUAGES       =>    en