Cloning a Template With OAKCLI

Use the oakcli clone vm command to clone virtual machines that have attached virtual disks on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platforms.

When you clone virtual machines with attached virtual disks, a clone of a virtual machine contains the contents of virtual disks attached locally, but does not contain contents of virtual disks attached in shared mode. If needed, you can clone the virtual disks required by a cloned virtual machine in a separate step.

Use the command oakcli clone vm to create a virtual machine from a virtual machine template. Use the -repo name option to provide the name of the shared repository, where name is the name of the repository. Use the -node number option to identify clause to identify the node on which you want to perform the cloning process, where number is the number of the node.


The -node option identifies the node where the cloning activity is carried out. The node value does not assign the default startup node for the virtual machine. You can set the startup assignment with the commandoakcli configure vm.

Example 3-16 Example of Creating a Virtual Machine Clone from a Virtual Machine Template

This example creates a virtual machine named myol6u_test from the virtual machine template named myol6u_15gb1, which is located in a shared repository named repo2 on Node 0:

oakcli clone vm myol6u_test -vmtemplate myol6u_15gb1 -repo repo2 -node 0