Listing the Virtual Machines in Your Repositories

Use the oakcli show vm command to display a list of your existing virtual machines.

The command displays the name, the repository, and the current state (online or offline) for each virtual machine. The output also contains the default number of CPUs and default amount of memory that Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform will assign to each virtual machine.


Displaying Details for All Virtual Machines

Display the virtual machine names, memory and vCPU allocations, status, virtual disks, and repository name for all virtual machines:

oakcli show vm

NAME                    MEMORY          VCPU         STATE           REPOSITORY
----                    ------          ----         -----           ----------
sample5_odarepo1          2048             2         OFFLINE         odarepo1      
sample6_odarepo1          2048             2         OFFLINE         odarepo2      
test1_odarepo1            2048             2         OFFLINE         odarepo1      
test2_odarepo2            2048             2         OFFLINE         odarepo2      
vm1_odarepo1              4096             4         ONLINE          odarepo1      
vm2_odarepo2              2048             2         OFFLINE         odarepo2      
win_vm1                   1500             1         ONLINE          odarepo1

Displaying Information for a Single Virtual Machine

Display information about the vm1_odarepo1 virtual machine:

oakcli show vm vm1_odarepo1
Resource: vm1_odarepo1
        AutoStart       :       restore       
        CPUPriority     :       100           
        Disks           :       |file:/OVS/Repositories/odarepo1/Vi
        Domain          :       XEN_PVM       
        ExpectedState   :       online       
        FailOver        :       false
        IsSharedRepo    :       false
        Keyboard        :       en-us         
        MaxMemory       :       3000           
        MaxVcpu         :       4             
        Memory          :       4096          
        Mouse           :       OS_DEFAULT    
        Name            :       vm1_odarepo1  
        Networks        :       |mac=00:21:F6:00:00:E4|         
        NodeNum         :       0             
        NodeNumStart    :       
        OS              :       OL_5          
        PrivateIP       :       None          
        ProcessorCap    :       100           
        RepoName        :       odarepo1      
        State           :       Online        
        TemplateName    :       otml_sample1_odarepo1
        Vcpu            :       4             
        cpupool         :       twocpu        
        vncport         :       5901