oakcli stop command

Use the oakcli stop command to stop a virtual machine, to stop a shared repository on a node, or to stop ODA_BASE on the local node.


oakcli stop [vm vm_name [-force] | repo repo_name [-node node_number] | oda_base ] [-h]


Parameter Description

vm vm_name

vm_name is the name of the virtual machine to be stopped.


(Optional) forces the virtual machine to stop.

repo repo_name

repo_name is the name of the shared repository to be stopped.

-node node_number

node_number is the number of the node where the shared repository is to be stopped, either 0 or 1. The -node parameter is only valid when stopping a virtual machine on a shared repository. If -node is not specified, the shared repository is stopped on both nodes.


Stops ODA_BASE on the local node


(Optional) Displays help for using the command.


Here are examples of how to use the oakcli stop command.

Forcing a Virtual Machine to Stop

Force the virtual machine named vm1_odarepo1 to stop:

oakcli stop vm vm_odarepo1 -force

Stopping a Shared Repository

Stop the shared repository named repo1 on Node 0:

oakcli stop repo repo1 -node 0

Stopping the Local ODA_Base

Connect to Dom0 on the desired node and enter the following command to stop ODA_BASE on that node:

oakcli stop oda_base