Performing a Live Migration for an Oracle Database Appliance Virtual Machine

If your system meets requirements for live migration, then you can use the oakcli migrate vm command to migrate a virtual machine from the currently running node to another node.

Live Migration refers to the process of moving a running virtual machine between physical machines without disconnecting the client or application running in the virtual machine. Memory, storage, and network connectivity of the virtual machine are transferred from the original host machine to the destination.

You must meet the following requirements before performing a live migration:

  • The virtual machine must be on a shared repository and the repository must be online on both nodes.

  • The virtual machine must be running.

  • The destination host must have the required resources (memory, CPUs and so on) for successful migration.

  • The destination host must have a CPU pool with the same name as the CPU pool of the virtual machine that is being migrated.

Use the oakcli migrate vm vmname command to migrate a virtual machine from the currently running node to another node. vname is the name of the virtual machine to be migrated.

When you run this command, the virtual machine must be online and corresponding, and the shared repository must be online on both nodes. If a virtual machine is in the migration process, then OAKCLI will display the virtual machine state as MIGRATING.

Example 3-19 Example of Migrating a Virtual Machine from the Currently Running Node to Another Node

This example migrates a virtual machine named myvm1

oakcli migrate vm myvm1