Creating, Using, and Removing Database Configuration Files with OAKCLI

You can use OAKCLI to create and use configuration files to deploy databases on Oracle Database Appliance. Also use OAKCLI to remove unwanted configuration files.

Use the Oracle Appliance Manager Command-Line Utility (OAKCLI) ommand option oakcli create db_config_params to create a configuration file that you can use to configure multiple Oracle Database deployments. The command uses the following syntax, where params_file is the name of the configuration file that you want to create:

oakcli create db_config_params params_file

When you run oakcli create db_config_params, you are prompted to select one of a set of available parameter setting options to use in the configuration file. Respond to each prompt by entering the number that corresponds to the configuration that you want to use to set up your databases. If there is a default value, and you want to use this value (typically option 1), then press Enter to accept that value. If there are many options, then you may need to select option 0 to show all of the available parameter options.

To see your existing database configuration files, use the commandoakcli show db_config_params command. For example

# oakcli show db_config_params
Available DB configuration files are:

Configuration files using the default extension .dbconf do not show the extension in this command output. Oracle recommends that you use this default file extension to simplify file management. If you create a configuration file that does not use the .dbconf default extension, then the nondefault extension is shown as part of the output of oakcli show db_config_params.

To use a database configuration file to create a single Oracle Database, or to use the command to create many Oracle Database instances with the identical profile, use the following command syntax, where db_name is the name of the database that you want to create, and params_file is the name of the parameter configuration file that you want to use to configure the database:

oakcli create database -db db_name -params params_file

For example, this command creates the database named myxldb, using the parameter configuration file myxldb.dbconf:

oakcli create database -db myxldb -params myxldb.dbconf

After you have completed using configuration files, you can delete files that you do not plan to use again.

Remove unwanted database configuration files using the following command syntax, where params_file is the name of the parameter configuration file that you want to delete:

oakcli delete db_config_params params_file

As with other Oracle Database Appliance Manager commands related to database configuration files, you do not need to include the parameter configuration filename extension if your file has the default extension value, which is .dbconf.