oakcli create vdisk

Use the oakcli create vdisk command to create a new virtual disk in a shared repository on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform.


oakcli create vdisk vdisk_name -repo repository_name -size size -type shared|local -sparse [-h]


Parameter Description


Name assigned to the virtual disk that is unique within the name repository

-repo repository_name

Name of the shared repository where the virtual disk will be created and from which it will acquire its storage

-size size

Amount of storage to be assigned from the shared repository to the shared disk. The default unit is G (for gigabytes) and the minimum size is 500 M (for megabytes)

-type shared | local

Sets the option of allowing the virtual disk to be shared by more than one virtual machine (shared) or used by only one virtual machine (local)


Creates a sparse vdisk


(Optional) Display help for using the command.


Create a virtual disk named t2g in the shared repository named repoprod1 for use by only one virtual machine at a time in that repository. Assign the t2g virtual disk 2 GB in the repoprod1 shared repository.

oakcli create vdisk t2g -repo repoprod1 -type local -size 2G